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Ms. Andrea Cascardi

Transatlantic Literary Agency

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Closed to Unsolicited Queries

Andrea Cascardi

Transatlantic Literary Agency

New York
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
This agent is seeking the following genres:


Graphic Novel
Middle Grade
Women's Fiction
Young Adult


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Known Clients (current & past)
Jessica Lee Anderson
E.E. Charlton-Truillo
John Coy
Guadalupe Garcia McCall
Jennifer Gennari
John Grandits
Polly Horvath
Jody Jensen Shaffer
Ron Lightburn
Andrea Loney
Pat Schmatz
Jennifer Swanson
Elly Swartz
Tim Tingle
Clare Vanderpool
Natasha Wing
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
Patrick (Admin)
02/28/2024 06:27 AM
@GalacticWyvern, she is already marked as closed to unsolicited queries.
02/27/2024 06:59 PM
Her opening status needs updating. On her website's submission page, she says "I am currently only open to submissions made through writing conferences, referrals, and queries I request through social media pitch events." She gives no timeline for this policy changing.

04/17/2023 05:24 PM
Email Query (referral from SCBWI event): 4/6/23
Full Request: 4/10/23
Submitted Full MS: 4/14/23
MG Historical Fiction 60k

04/28/2022 10:10 AM
Query: 1/19/21 MG contemporary mystery
Nudge: 2/19/21
Full request: 2/20/21
Nudge: 5/1/21: Emailed her to let her know I was working with a freelance editor on revisions. She said she'd wait to read until I sent her the revision.
October 10, 2021: Revision sent.
October 11, 2021: She acknowledged receipt of the revised ms.
April 27, 2022: Nudged with offer of rep; polite step aside 10 minutes later.

11/15/2021 09:53 AM
EQ: 3/21/18
FR!: 3/22/18
CNR: 11/15/21

Came back to this, seems like another agent who doesn't respond to fulls. Sigh.

YA Fantasy 70k
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Profile History
Last Update:
06/03/2024 -
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