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Important Message: QueryManager will be unavailable from December 20th to the 26th while we perform a major update. QueryTracker will remain fully functional.
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Mr. Bill Hamilton

A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd

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Closed to Unsolicited Queries

Bill Hamilton

A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd

6 Warwick Court, Holborn
London, UK WC1R 5DJ
Query Methods
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
This agent is seeking the following genres:


General Fiction
Literary Fiction
Picture Book
Science Fiction
Women's Fiction
Young Adult


General Non-Fiction
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Known Clients (current & past)
David Abulafia
Nicholas Allan
Tony Anderson
Christopher Andrew
Max Atkinson
James Bartholomew
Gill Bennett
Harry Bingham
Michael Bond
Ernle Bradford
Andrew Bridgeford
Anita Brookner
Nick Bunker
Kathleen Burk
Fiona Campbell
Mj Carter
Eric Clark
David Conn
Peter Conradi
Jane Corbin
Steve Crawshaw
Michael Crick
Margaret Crick
Aj Cronin
Andrew Crumey
Richard Davenport-Hines
Peter Davison
Annabel Dilke
Edward Docx
A.N. Donaldson
Lesley Downer
Philip Dwyer
Kirsten Ellis
Charles Esdaile
Mitch Feierstein
Katie Fforde
Clive Fisher
Judith Flanders
Charles Freeman
Harry Gelber
Carrie Gibson
Lesley Glaister
Anthony Glees
Oleg Gordievsky
Winston Graham
Jonathan Gregson
Romesh Gunesekera
Radclyffe Hall
Patrick Hamilton
Miranda Hearn
Christopher Hill
Declan Hill
Richard Hillary
Geoffrey Household
James Humphreys
Mollie Hunter
Graham Ison
Dan Jacobson
Susanna Jones
Jonathan Kaplan
John Keane
Laurence Kelly
Liz Kettle
Francis King
Giles Kristian
James Ladd
Julia Langdon
David Lawday
Felicity Lawrence
Norman Lebrecht
Marina Lewycka
Sue Limb
Daniel Litvin
Christian Livermore
Robert Lomas
Philip Longworth
Elizabeth Lowry
Caroline Lucas
Matthew Lynn
Tom Mangold
Hilary Mantel
Peter Marshall
Adrian Mathews
Simon May
John McCabe
Grace McCleen
John McGahern
Daniel McGrory
Leo McKinstry
Allan Campbell McLean
George Melly
Rory Muir
Robin Neillands
George Orwell
Charles Palliser
Peter Partner
Edward Pearce
Joe Pemberton
Anne Perkins
Diana Preston
Michael Preston
Francis Pryor
Simon Rae
Jacqueline Riding
Beau Riffenburgh
Angus Roxburgh
Alex Rutherford
Tim Severin
Caroline Shenton
Brendan Simms
Edward Smithies
John Stack
David Storey
Zoe Strimpel
Lisa Stromme
Simon Strong
Robert Temple
Donald Thomas
Harry Thompson
Thomas Thompson
Jerrard Tickell
Robert Tombs
Isabelle Tombs
Richard Townshend Bickers
George Tremlett
Raleigh Trevelyan
Peter Truscott
Scott Turow
Charles Van Onselen
David Waller
Katie Ward
Robin Waterfield
Tom Watt
Richard Weight
René Weis
Giles Whittell
Philip Willan
John Tyerman Williams
Stephanie Williams
Hp Willmott
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
09/08/2023 12:11 PM
Profile Update: Closed to queries. Thanks hayasameer
09/08/2023 08:58 AM
It says he's open to queries but in the form he isn't listed as one of the agent options. Am I missing something?
08/28/2023 11:01 PM
General Fiction
10/05/2022 01:06 AM
Queried Rebecca Ritchie at the same agency. Bill, here doesn't seem to mention any preferred genres, or much of anything in his bio.
02/11/2022 12:57 AM
FQ: 14 December 2021
FR: 9 February 2022
SF 85k

"If you don’t hear back from us within 6 weeks of sending your submission, please email"

"we don’t feel that we can offer you representation"
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Profile History
Last Update:
09/08/2023 - Closed to queries.
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