Oli Munson

A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd

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Oli Munson

A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd

6 Warwick Court, Holborn
London, UK WC1R 5DJ
Query Methods
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


General Fiction
Literary Fiction
Picture Book
Women's Fiction
Young Adult


General Non-Fiction
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Known Clients (current & past)
Scott K Andrews
Jason Arnopp
Lauren Beukes
Pauline Black
Stephanie Butland
Clare Carson
Gavin Chait
Joanna Collie
Murray Davies
Gary Dexter
Patrick Easter
Garen Ewing
Adharanand Finn
S.L. Grey
Mari Hannah
Sam Hawken
Samantha Hayes
Lily Herne
Kate Horsley
Graham Hurley
David Jackson
Alison Littlewood
Sarah Lotz
David Mark
Kate Mayfield
Terence Morgan
John Oldale
Helena S. Paige
R.S. Pateman
Alex Quick
Mario Reading
Michael Ridpath
Liesel Schwarz
Miranda Sherry
Julia Stagg
Karen Lee Street
Saul Wordsworth
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
07/14/2024 10:04 PM
Adult Horror

Queried June 24, 2024
Polite Form Rejection July 11, 2024
06/25/2024 12:09 PM
upper mg horror

Q 5-3-24
X 6-25-24
04/23/2024 10:30 AM
FQ April 1, 2024
FR April 23, 2024
40k Spec-Lit

Same agency form rejection as below. I April-Fools'd myself, ya'll.

03/19/2024 12:59 PM
FQ 3/3/24
FR 19/3/24
85K Speculative
Standard response from these guys, although their turnaround is quick at least. This is the first rejection of the story I think will be my 'The One'. I have to say it's hit a little harder than the others.

02/22/2024 11:07 AM
Q 13 Feb
R 21 Feb
FULL AGENCY rejection, cannot submit to anyone at A.M. Heath ... a whole new level of rejection!
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