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Mr. Rick Margolis

Rising Bear Literary Agency

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Rick Margolis

Rising Bear Literary Agency

Fairfield, CT
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Middle Grade
Picture Book
  • Picture Book, Author
  • Picture Book, Author/Illustrator
  • Picture Book, Illustrator


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Known Clients (current & past)
Kate Banks
Barbara Bietz
Kelly Comiskey
Sheryl Depaolo
Howard Mansfield
Brian Phares
Gary D. Schmidt
Monika SchrÖder
Elizabeth Smith-Meyer
Elizabeth Stickney
Jennifer Yerkes
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
01/31/2025 12:44 PM
Nudged with offer of representation, yet to hear back as of 1/31
01/23/2025 10:20 AM
1/21/25 Sent a Picture Book Query Under 1000 words
09/09/2024 12:26 PM
Not sure where I stand
8/9/24 - submitted PB (author only)
8/12/24 - received same kind form "confirmation" others have mentioned below.

I thought the timing was odd and after reading other comments also wonder if it was a veiled rejection. Has anyone received the "confirmation" email AND received a follow-up rejection or request?
07/30/2024 05:27 PM
Email Query: 07/15/24
Confirmation: same day
Nudged with offer of rep: 07/30/24 - polite (and very kindly worded) pass

Congratulations on the offer of representation! That’s wonderful news, and thank you very much for sharing it with us. That’s very kind of you.

I really like your prose and the premise of (TITLE) also sounds very intriguing. Sadly, though, I’m pretty swamped at the moment work-wise, and it’s unlikely I’ll be able to meet your (very reasonable) deadline. So with genuine regret, I’m going to pass on your promising project. (I’ll probably be kicking myself later on!)

I wish you loads of joy and success with (TITLE) —and I look forward to seeing it at my local libraries and on bookstore shelves in the future!

Thanks again for thinking of us, and I hope the rest of your summer is lovely.
06/24/2024 05:05 PM
From their website: "If you don’t hear from us within six weeks, it means your work isn’t the right fit for us at the present time."
So...I guess I will close my PB query.
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Profile History
Last Update:
03/21/2023 - Genres updated.
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