Ms. Kari Sutherland

KT Literary

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Kari Sutherland

KT Literary

San Diego, CA
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


  • Fantasy, Magical Realism
Graphic Novel
Middle Grade
  • Middle Grade, Contemporary
  • Middle Grade, Fantasy
  • Middle Grade, Historical
  • Middle Grade, Literary
  • Middle Grade, Mystery
  • Middle Grade, Science Fiction
Picture Book
Women's Fiction
Young Adult
  • Young Adult, Contemporary
  • Young Adult, Fantasy
  • Young Adult, Graphic Novel
  • Young Adult, Historical
  • Young Adult, Literary
  • Young Adult, Mystery
  • Young Adult, Paranormal Romance
  • Young Adult, Romance
  • Young Adult, Science Fiction


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Known Clients (current & past)
Isabel Canas
Kelly Coon
Saadia Faruqi
Pj Gardner
Emily Barth Isler
Amitha Knight
Tamara Mahmood Hayes
Andrea Rhodes Ruiz
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
06/05/2024 12:14 PM
Queried: 05/16/2024
FR: 06/05/2024

YA Fantasy 99k

06/03/2024 07:15 PM
6/2-6/3 next day rejection, ouch
adult historical fantasy

make sure to check the ktliterary profile because I don't think she represents all the genres listed here on querytracker or on her own QM dropdown list if the KTL website's bio for her is the only accurate list:

"Middle grade and YA are at the heart of her list, but she also represents picture books, chapter books, graphic novels, and upmarket fiction."

I personalized my letter to clarify adult genres with her, but only got a form response in reply
05/26/2024 01:46 AM
91k YA space fantasy

Queried: 05/14/2024

Form rejection: 05/25/2024

Kari skipped mine, so I had hoped I was in a maybe pile :(

Dear [name],

I hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy.

Thank you for sharing your project with me and for your patience as I reviewed it. I appreciate the opportunity and am always grateful for the chance to consider what someone has poured time, energy, and heart into creating.

Unfortunately, after careful review, I'm passing on this project. Keep in mind, this industry is very subjective and, as such, I would encourage you to continue submitting in the hopes of finding the right agent for you.

I wish you the best of luck on your writing journey.
05/07/2024 11:00 AM
QM: 2024-05-05
FR: 2024-05-07

YA sci-fi 98k

Super speedy!
05/02/2024 02:53 PM
4/29 eq
5/2 er
ya contemp
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Profile History
Last Update:
06/03/2024 -
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