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Mr. Chris Wellbelove

Aitken Alexander Associates

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Chris Wellbelove

Aitken Alexander Associates

291 Grays Inn Road, King's Cross
London WC1X 8QJ
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


General Fiction
Literary Fiction


Current Affairs/Politics
General Non-Fiction
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Known Clients (current & past)
Bette Adriaanse
Jessica Andrews
Pascal Anson
Roderick Bailey
Marc Bennetts
Dean Burnett
Aine Carlin
Michael Cox
Lizzie Mary Cullen
Jonathan Dean
Emily Dugan
Matthew Green
Keshava Guha
Michael Hughes
Rebecca F. John
Daisy Johnson
Lynne Jones
Anna Krien
Stephen May
Daniel Pick
David Shariatmadari
David Sumpter
James Suzman
Oliver Tearle
Dominic Wilcox
Kit Yates
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
03/18/2024 10:16 AM
EQ 3/2/24
95K literary fiction

Full request 3/5/24

3/18/24 A very pleasant rejection on the full ms--admired the strength of the writing but couldn't figure out how to pitch and sell it.

10/13/2022 05:59 AM
The submissions page asks to inform them if we receive interest from other agents. Do we think this includes full requests? Agency guidelines usually specify we should notify them of offers, so I'm wondering if "interest" is meant to be more general.
07/25/2022 04:32 AM
06/04/22: Query Sent
07/25/22: CNR, 51 days.

I don't blame him for not replying, having ten queries sent to you within 90 days must be an overwhelming task to manage.
08/18/2021 01:49 PM
EQ 5/6/21
CNR 8/18/21
104 days
No response to nudges
04/08/2021 08:32 AM
@DrCCat as AA are based in the UK, i think that means they were closed over the christmas holidays until january 4th - i imagine they had forgotten to take the out of office message off their email. however, they don't seem very responsive at all in general so it is hard to know??
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