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Ms. Essie White

Storm Literary Agency

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Essie White

Storm Literary Agency

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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Middle Grade
Young Adult


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Known Clients (current & past)
Julie Abery
Laurel Aylesworth
Kaye Baillie
Emma Bland Smith
Hannah Brinson
Beth Charles
Eddie Edwards
Alexandra Elliot
Zoë Ellison
Rebecca Evans
Naomi Fong
Lino Luis Garcia Espinosa
María Guarda
Fiona Halliday
Jane Heinrichs
Juan Hernaz
Katey Howes
Latonya Jackson
Jaque Jours
Vivian Kirkfield
Christine Laforet
Wenli Liu
Hayley Lowe
Rosanna Montanaro
Gloria Mwaniga Minage Odary
Kirstie Myvette
Lela Nargi
Kailee Ngan
Biva Nguyen
Rachel Noble
Michelle Nott
Sean Oh
Chris Park
Dina Riyanti
Mayumi Sasage
Bibi Senthi
Rina Singh
Beth Spiegel
Nazli Tahvili
Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow
Michele Wood
Farida Zaman
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
10/18/2023 04:02 AM
WritingGnitirW, I got the same email.
10/17/2023 03:51 PM
MG Contemp query sent on 9/13, full request on 10/4, she confirmed receipt later that day.

Today she emailed and asked if I've ever "shared" this with any other agents at Storm. I let her know I queried one and received a pass in August. Has this happened to anyone else?
10/04/2023 09:52 PM
EQ: 9/14/23
Personalized rejection: 10/4/23

MG Con 57k

09/27/2023 07:19 AM
Query: 9/15
Rejection: 9/27

What a class act. Best rejection I've ever gotten! Thoughtful, helpful and professional!
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
09/24/2023 05:09 PM
Profile Update: Closed to queries.
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Profile History
Last Update:
09/24/2023 - Closed to queries.
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