Ms. Dorian Maffei
Kimberley Cameron & Associates
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
Dorian Maffei
Kimberley Cameron & Associates
Tiburon, CA
- Website:
- Twitter (X):
- @DorianMaffei
- AALA Member:
- Yes (Visit Site)
Query Methods
This agent is seeking the following genres:
• Fantasy, Magical Realism
Literary Fiction
Science Fiction
Women's Fiction
Young Adult
• Young Adult, Contemporary
• Young Adult, Fantasy
• Young Adult, Horror
• Young Adult, Literary
• Young Adult, Mystery
• Young Adult, Science Fiction
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Known Clients (current & past)
Gloria Munoz
Karen Osborne
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
01/02/2025 09:36 PM
QM: 9/9/24
Kind, personalized rejection: 12/1/24
Was in her maybe pile for a while. She seems really lovely for anyone thinking about querying her!
YA Fantasy, 103k
“Thank you so much for your patience--sometimes the closer calls take the longest. Please know I carefully considered your project, but I don't feel I can offer representation at this time. While I found the writing strong and full of lovely imagery, I didn't get that editorial spark I'd need in order to move forward with the project. I'm being a bit pickier when it comes to YA these days due to the current market, and that means that I sometimes have to turn down very accomplished projects such as this one. Nevertheless, I wish you every success—don't give up! Keep going with it, there are numerous agents out there that may be a good fit. I wish you the best of luck!”
Kind, personalized rejection: 12/1/24
Was in her maybe pile for a while. She seems really lovely for anyone thinking about querying her!
YA Fantasy, 103k
“Thank you so much for your patience--sometimes the closer calls take the longest. Please know I carefully considered your project, but I don't feel I can offer representation at this time. While I found the writing strong and full of lovely imagery, I didn't get that editorial spark I'd need in order to move forward with the project. I'm being a bit pickier when it comes to YA these days due to the current market, and that means that I sometimes have to turn down very accomplished projects such as this one. Nevertheless, I wish you every success—don't give up! Keep going with it, there are numerous agents out there that may be a good fit. I wish you the best of luck!”
11/25/2024 09:49 AM
R at 20 days: 103K NA/YA Fantasy
11/25/2024 09:48 AM
Q: 11/5/24
R: 11/25/24
YA Mystery 71K
R: 11/25/24
YA Mystery 71K
11/15/2024 12:58 PM
YA Sci-Fi, 97k
R: 10/27/2024
Polite, form letter rejection.
R: 10/27/2024
Polite, form letter rejection.
Agent Interviews
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None found for this agent
Success Story Interviews
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Profile History
- Last Update:
- 11/09/2024 - Closed to queries.
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Before contacting an agent, authors should verify and assess the agent's requirements and suitability by visiting the agent's website(s), and becoming familiar with ways to spot and avoid bad agents. A good place to start is Writers Beware, a watch group that helps inform and protect authors from shady practices.
adult spec horror, 96k