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Ms. Caroline Michel

Peters Fraser & Dunlop

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Caroline Michel

Peters Fraser & Dunlop

Drury House, 34-43 Russell Street
London WC2B 5HA
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


General Fiction


General Non-Fiction
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Known Clients (current & past)
Jamie Bartlett
Simon Booker
Peter Bowles
Rosie Boycott
Pattie Boyd
Kay Burley
Emma Calder
Caroline Charles
Mavis Cheek
Evgenia Citkowitz
Xanthe Clay
Susannah Constantine
Hugh Cornwell
Francis Cottam
Hannah Critchlow
Saul David
David Davies
Richard Davies
Leander Deeny
Kishwar Desai
Mark Diacono
Michael Elias
Jessica Fellowes
Hammer Films
Tony Fitzjohn
Peter Florence
Alan Friedman
Paul Gambaccini
Natasha Garnett
Daisy Goodwin
Gaylene Gould
Lynda Gratton
Susan Greenfield
Bear Grylls
Peter Hain
Harriet Harvey-Wood
Cate Haste
Carolyn T. Hughes
Angela Huth
Sunny Jacobs
Shireen Jilla
Tony Juniper
Simon Kelner
Simon King
Twiggy Lawson
David Linley
Natalie Livingstone
Sue Lloyd-Roberts
Kenny Macaskill
Vanessa Manko
Deborah Mattinson
Paul McKenna
Karl Miller
Selina Mills
Nicholas Mosley
Max Mosley
Ronnie Murray
Jesse Norman
Gabriel Packard
James Palumbo
Allison Pearson
Peter Pringle
Amanda Prowse
Mary Quant
K.A.S Quinn
Helen Rappaport
Sarah Raven
John Rendall
Geoffrey Robertson
Silvena Rowe
Jill Shaw Ruddock
Robert Sackville-West
Laura Santtini
Simon Schama
Ceylan Scott
Roger Scruton
James Shepherd-Barron
William Sitwell
Helen Slavin
Sweetpea Slight
Joan Smith
David Smith
Norman Stone
John Sweeney
Georgie Thompson
Mark Thompson
Shaun Usher
Mark Vanhoenacker
Ruby Wax
Niall Williams
Michael Winner
Jeanette Winterson
Jonathan Zittrain
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
02/23/2020 06:50 AM
EQ 10/16/19 (Venom-adult thriller)
Offer of Pub Nudge 12/3/19
CNR 12/6/19 (No word via nudge)
Update: ER 2/18/20 (Passed--can't offer rep)

06/20/2017 04:55 PM
5/25 EQ
6/20 ER form

women/upmarket fiction 80,000 words
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