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Ms. Hannah Mann

Writers House

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Hannah Mann

Writers House

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This agent is seeking the following genres:


General Fiction
Middle Grade
Young Adult


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Known Clients (current & past)
Winsome Bingham
Danielle Davis
Mags Deroma
Sarah Goodman
Julie Kwon
Charlie Mylie
Jarrett Pumphrey
Jerome Pumphrey
Michelle Sumovich
Allan Woodrow
Shannon Wright
Jin Xiaojing
Gracey Zhang
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
02/01/2025 07:22 AM
MG Horror

Emailed query: 1/9/25
Nudged: 1/30/25 (at 21 days, QT doesn't have much recent information as far as latest posts/comments on submissions)

05/31/2024 06:59 AM
I have a full out with Hannah right now and sent her a 3-month nudge. I got an automated response informing me that Hannah is on maternity leave. It didn't say when she would be back. Looks like she might still occasionally be looking at her query inbox though, based on her querytracker timeline.

Update: It's now been about 6 months since I sent my full, and I've begun querying a new project. I emailed Hannah on 1/10/23 to nudge her again and inform her of this development.

Update: I am considering this project a CNR and will now send her my new project. If I don't hear back from her in promptly ten weeks, I'm going to withdraw.

05/23/2024 07:20 PM
Email Query: 5/23/24

63K MG Fantasy
03/18/2024 03:46 PM
EQ: 2/13/24
Rejection: 3/18/24

Thank you for your thoughtful query. After careful consideration, Ms. Mann does not feel your work is the exact right fit for her at this time, so it’s best for her to step aside. I should note that Hannah’s current bandwidth is limited, and she is resisting any projects she can, which played the biggest part in her decision. As you may know, this is a subjective industry, and it’s not unlikely another agent will feel a bit more strongly about your work soon.

Thanks again for the opportunity and we wish you the very best finding the right home for_____
03/05/2024 08:56 AM
EQ: 12/27/23
Form Rejection: 3/3/24
87k adult rom-com

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Profile History
Last Update:
11/09/2023 - Genres updated.
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