Ms. Clare Conville
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Clare Conville
Haymarket House, 28-29 Haymarket
London SW1Y 4SP
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- @c_conville
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
This agent is seeking the following genres:
General Fiction
Graphic Novel
Literary Fiction
Short Story Collections
General Non-Fiction
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Known Clients (current & past)
Dolly Alderton
Francis Bacon
Damian Barr
Neil Bartlett
Francesca Beauman
Matt Beaumont
Patrick Benson
Immodesty Blaize
Louisa Buck
John Burningham
Rachel Campbell-Johnston
Roger Clarke
Miriam Darlington
Katie Davies
Damian Dibben
Chris Difford
Apostolos Doxiadis
Rory Dunlop
Peter Dunne
Penelope Farmer
Esther Freud
Misha Glenny
Kirsty Gunn
Matt Haig
Luke Haines
Lou Hamilton
Dermot Healy
Michael Hodges
Antonia Hodgson
Laura Jennings
Rob Lloyd Jones
Rachel Joyce
Abraham Kawa
Stephen Kelman
Katie Kitamura
Gerad Kite
P J Lynch
Celia Lyttelton
Howard Marks
Robert McCrum
Sam Mckechnie
Joshua Mowll
John Niven
Sam North
Sydney Padua
Christos H. Papadimitriou
Sian Pattenden
Katie Pearson
Megan Peel
Kit Peel
DBC Pierre
Alexandrine Portelli
Huw Powell
Paula Rawsthorne
Jamie Reid
Lydia Rose Ruffles
Polly Samson
Niamh Sharkey
Nicky Singer
Lemn Sissay
Richard Skinner
Mark Stevens
Annalyn Swan
Piers Torday
Jon Lys Turner
Emma Jane Unsworth
Steve Voake
Joost de Vries
Harriet Vyner
Amanda Eyre Ward
S J Watson
Ben Wilson
Robert Wilton
Isabel Wolff
Osman Yousefzada
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
Profile Update
Patrick (Admin)
12/09/2024 07:37 AM
Profile Update: Closed to queries.
Thanks JenThorpeWrites
12/09/2024 06:51 AM
Says on her agent page that submissions are closed.
12/02/2024 06:51 AM
Currently only taking fantasy, science fiction and speculative fiction via the Andromeda Award ( until next summer.
11/25/2024 07:35 AM
@catherineelcik I sent my email to them on 10/29 and it has not yet been opened, yet she just rejected someone on 11/25 who sent on 11/22. So I'm guessing her assistant Lizzy is skipping emails or not very organized. I'm considering re-sending after another week.
11/13/2024 02:33 PM
The combination of rejections and CNR on the timeline confuses me. Is this agent rejecting a small percentage and ghosting the rest? I only ask because it's hard to tell when it's acceptable to submit to someone else at the agency with a ghosting.
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Profile History
- Last Update:
- 12/09/2024 - Closed to queries.
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