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Mr. Jim Donovan

Jim Donovan Literary

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Jim Donovan

Jim Donovan Literary

5635 SMU Boulevard, Suite 201
Dallas, TX 75206
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Literary Fiction


Pop Culture
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Known Clients (current & past)
David A. Clary
David Fridtjof Halaas
Jeff Guinn
Carlton Stowers
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
02/29/2024 05:27 PM
Email query sent 1/18/2024
CNR 2/29/2024 (well after the "30 days = no" on the website)
105k archaeological adventure / thriller

09/05/2023 10:41 AM
Query Submitted: 08/02/2023
CNR: 09/02/2023
Psychological Thriller 93k
03/18/2023 05:27 PM
EQ 3-18-23
87K Thriller (sounds like I wasted my time)
02/08/2023 02:17 PM
Edit: 02/08/2023 Very nice personalized rejection saying he doesn’t take much fiction anymore, but pointed me in the direction of some editors I could submit to. A real class act, I would submit to again if I ever did nonfiction!

Bumping this in case anyone is looking. I do not have personal experience with him, but he reps Elayne Angel. If you don't know, Elayne Angel (The Piercing Bible) and is a BIG DEAL in the piercing industry. When I say big, I mean ENORMOUS. She's pretty much one of the founders of the modern piercing industry and is the person who came up with a large number of genital piercings. I know that's an odd thing to be excited about, but I'm a body piercer and own a tattoo studio that's been around for going on 24 years. Elayne is an absolutely lovely human and I've interacted with her at several tattoo conventions as well as had the opportunity to take several of her courses through the yearly APP convention. I have both versions of her book, the most recent updated last year. I require all of my apprentices to read her book and go over it with me. He has my vote solely based on representing her!
06/14/2021 10:42 AM
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Profile History
Last Update:
04/24/2019 - New website and email address. Open to queries.
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