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Ms. Ann Leslie Tuttle

Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC

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Ann Leslie Tuttle

Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC

1 Union Square West, Suite 904
New York, NY 10003
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Family Saga
Middle Grade
  • Romance, Comedy
  • Romance, Contemporary
Women's Fiction


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Known Clients (current & past)
Christine Adler
Elizabeth Baron
Morgan Blythe
Rhyannon Byrd
Sloane Calder
Ananya Devarajan
Debbie Herbert
Amanda Hopkins
Jenna Kernan
Lisa Kroger
Mackenzie Melvin
Heather B. Moore
Pamela Peterson
Tara Taylor Quinn
Dana Red
Saratoga Schaefer
Nancy Robards Thompson
Carolyne Topdjian
Yaram Yahu
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
03/21/2025 10:26 AM
Q 3/20/25
FR: 3/21/25
"does not suit our list at this time"

Adult Romance 84,000 words

03/21/2025 09:43 AM
Queried: 3/20/25
FR: 3/21/25

“Unfortunately, the project you describe does not suit our list at this time.”

Romantic suspense 93,000 words
03/07/2025 08:41 AM
Q: 3/6
FR: 3/7
90 k Romantasy

03/06/2025 09:21 AM
Q: 3/5
Kind rejection: 3/6
03/06/2025 07:31 AM
Q: 3/5
R: 3/6
83k contemporary romance
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Profile History
Last Update:
04/22/2019 - Genres updated.
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