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Ms. Sara Camilli

The Sara Camilli Agency

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Sara Camilli

The Sara Camilli Agency

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General Non-Fiction
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Known Clients (current & past)
Millenia Black
Eric Jerome Dickey
Brandon Massey
Chris Stevenson
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
03/19/2015 09:53 PM
Sara has been my agent for about three years. She's sweet as a peach and uplifting when it comes to me personally and my books. As well as the Big Five publishers, she's tuned into pub houses that I've never heard of, but are very worthwhile and substantial--what I would call hidden gems. I've had three agents and she's surpassed them all, as far as knowledge, persistence and compatibility.
Chris Stevenson
05/10/2013 04:07 PM
Wow, that's interesting Patrick. I got a same day rejection--While I have some unique ideas, it didn't grab him enough. So Stephen passed. Same as Justin's.
Patrick (Admin)
05/10/2013 03:26 PM
This agent contacted me to say they were getting way too many queries and to mark them as closed.
05/09/2013 10:45 AM
EQ: 05/05
ER: 05/09

"While you definitely have some unique ideas, I'm afraid that it didn't grab me enough to make us the best agency to represent your work."

Came from Stephen. ^_^
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
05/05/2013 12:02 PM
Profile Update: Open to queries. New email address. Updated genres as per message from agent.
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