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Ms. Kiana Nguyen

Donald Maass Literary Agency

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Kiana Nguyen

Donald Maass Literary Agency

1000 Dean Street, Suite 252
Brooklyn, NY 11238
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Family Saga
  • Fantasy, Contemporary/Urban
  • Fantasy, Magical Realism
  • Romance, Category
  • Romance, Contemporary
  • Romance, Historical
  • Romance, Paranormal
  • Romance, Thriller/Suspense
Science Fiction
Women's Fiction
Young Adult
  • Young Adult, Contemporary
  • Young Adult, Mystery
  • Young Adult, Romance


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Known Clients (current & past)
Alyssa Carlier
Alexandra Higgins
Rebecca Mix
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
10/17/2024 06:16 AM
10/14: QueryManager
10/16: Form rejection
YA fantasy, 107k

"Thank you for the opportunity to see your pages. Unfortunately, I don't feel I am the right agent for this project, so I'm passing. Just because I wasn't quite drawn in, however, doesn't mean there isn't another agent out there who will love it. I encourage you to re-work your query so that the plot points, obstacles, and character(s) attempts to overcome them are more clear."

It's ALWAYS helpful to tweak your query letter based on feedback. At the same time, based on previous comments, it seems to be a form rejection, so don't panic if you have a query letter that works for you otherwise :)
10/15/2024 06:51 PM
Queried 10/13, rejection 10/15: "Thank you for the opportunity to see your pages. Unfortunately, I don't feel I am the right agent for this project, so I'm passing. What I could glean from the pitch, which I wish was more clear and specific about the overarching plot mechanics, intrigued me but I found the narrative execution not the best fit. Just because I wasn't quite drawn in, however, doesn't mean there isn't another agent out there who will love it. I wish you the best of luck on your writing journey!"

always appreciate a fast response and a touch of personalization; thanks!
10/12/2024 07:00 PM
Q In person at a writers con 10/5/24
Sent pages on 10/11/24
Kiana was very enthusiastic in person, a great personality and fun to talk to. Fingers crossed we get to work together.

10/11/2024 10:33 AM
Query Sent: 09/22/2024
Nudged with two full requests from large publishers: 10/11/2024

Lit horror 56k

09/30/2024 05:22 PM
Queried 9/30/24
Science fiction
Same day form rejection (9/30/24) because of too high word count and wasn't 'drawn in'. Subjective.
I have revised my query letter and synopsis with in the query based on the comments below of how she seems to want more of a synopsis.

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Profile History
Last Update:
12/04/2021 - Genres updated.
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