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Mr. John Pearce

Westwood Creative Artists

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John Pearce

Westwood Creative Artists

386 Huron Street
Toronto, ON M5S 2G6
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
This agent is seeking the following genres:


Literary Fiction
Young Adult


Humor/Gift Book
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Known Clients (current & past)
Kamal Al-Solaylee
Lawrence Alvarez
Marie-Claire Arrieta
Gurjinder Basran
Martyn Bedford
Carol Bishop-Gwyn
Philipp Blom
Darrell Bricker
Gina Buonaguro
Julie Chadwick
Charles Demers
Tricia Dower
Ryan Dyment
Ann Eriksson
Janina Fialkowska
B. Brett Finlay
Jessica Finlay
Scot Gardner
Sherrill Grace
Darren Groth
Chris Gudgeon
Ian Halperin
Randall Hansen
Rick Hillier
Jack Hodgins
June Hutton
John Ibbitson
Mary Janigan
Ray Jayawardhana
Janice Kirk
Keith Maillard
Bob McDonald
Elizabeth McLean
James McWilliams
Dan Needles
Peter Nowak
Cathy Ostlere
Jacqueline Park
Anna Porter
Marc Raboy
Elizabeth Renzetti
Doug Saunders
Alexandra Shimo
Avi Silberstein
Alisa Smith
Don Thompson
Jane Thynne
Sylvia Tyson
Genevieve von Petzinger
Richard Wagamese
Max Wallace
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
09/04/2021 01:29 PM
CNR 119 days
No response to follow up
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
08/16/2021 06:15 PM
Profile Update: Closed to queries.
07/28/2021 01:38 PM
CNR @ 32 days
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
07/28/2021 01:28 PM
Profile Update: New email address.
Patrick (Admin)
06/17/2021 11:07 AM
Thanks Claxton
More author comments available to members.

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Profile History
Last Update:
08/16/2021 - Closed to queries.
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