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Search by Genre

One of the most important things when searching for an agent, is to find agents who represent the kind of book you wrote.

To do that, you use the Genre Search Tool to find agents who are seeking your book's genre.

Note: Though this tutorial references agents, the process is the same for publishers.

Searching by Genre

Find agents who represent your book's genre.

Search by Genre

On the agent search page, open the Search by Genre window.

Choose either fiction or non-fiction to open a full list of genres in those categories.

You can select one or more genres, then click OK.

The agent list will update and only show agents who are seeking the genre(s) you selected.

Searching for Multiple Genres

When searching for more than one genre, you should select a search method. This determines how to perform the agent search.


If all is selected, only agents who represent all of the selected genres will be presented. For example, if you checked "mystery" and "romance" then the search results would only provide agents who represent both of those genres.

Warning: Selecting too many genres while using the all method can result in zero results, because with too many genres, it may be that no agents represent all of them.


The any option will search for agents who represent either of the selected genres. For example, if you checked "mystery" and "romance" then the search results would provide agents who represent either mystery OR romance OR both.


Sub-genres are available for the major genre groups. Click the arrow to the left of the genre name to view a list of all the sub-genres.

If you select a main genre, such as "Fantasy" the results will include all agents seeking generic fantasy, as well as those seeking any of the fantasy sub-genres.

You may select one or more sub-genres to search.