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Stale Queries - Auto Closing Queries - Help

QueryTracker can be configured to automatically close old queries and mark them as "closed/no response" (an implied rejection) after a given amount of time has elapsed without hearing back from the agent or publisher.

Premium Members can modify the expiration date of queries as desired. Members with free accounts are limited to an expiration of 120 days.

Please note, closing a query does not notify or affect the agent/publisher in any way. This information is for your records only. The agent/publisher never knows if you closed a query

Enable/Disable Auto Closing

Auto-Closing can be enabled or disabled in the User Preferences section on the Account Settings Page.

This is a global setting, which means if this option is disabled here, it will prevent the auto closing of all queries.

Query Expiration

Premium Members can specify the number of days to wait before marking a query as "closed/no response."

The expiration time is set for each query at the bottom of the query status pop-up window. Check the box and enter the number of days to wait before marking a query as "closed/no response."

Note: This option is only available if a query delivery has been recorded, but no reply from the agent/publisher has yet been recorded.

The expiration time for Free Members is set to 120 days and can't be changed.

Viewing Stale Queries

You can view a partial list of queries set to auto-close by going to the dashboard page.

And a full list is available by going to the "Dashboard" menu and then choosing "Stale Queries".