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Watch Notifications - Help

When you choose to "Watch" an agent, you will receive a notification whenever someone leaves a comment on that agent's profile page.

To limit the number of notifications you receive, you may choose to only receive notifications if the comments are made by QT administrator's posting about official changes to that agent's profile or status. Using this option, you will receive a notification if the agent re-opens to queries.

Note: Though these instructions mention agents, the process is the same if you're working with publisher listings.

Agent Re-Opening to Queries

The most popular use of watch notifications is to be notified when an agent who is closed to queries, re-opens to queries.

To add a Watch Notification, click the eye icon for the agent. You'll find it on the agent's profile page in the right sidebar, though it will only appear if the agent has been added to your query list.

Agent Search Page

You'll also find the eye icon on the Agent Search Page, on the right-hand side, though it will only appear if the agent has been added to your query list.

Adding a Watch Notification

After clicking the eye icon , you'll be presented with a pop-up window containing four options.

You can choose to receive notifications on screen, which means they'll be shown on your Dashboard and on the Watch Notifications Page.

Or, if you're a Premium Member, you can also have the notifications sent to your email.

Notification when a Profile is Updated

Choosing either Alert on Update or Email on Update will send you a notification whenever that agent's profile is updated.

Alert on Update will display the notification to your Dashboard.

Email on Update will send the notification to your email.

Notification for any comment.

You can also choose to receive notifications whenever a general comment is posted to an agent's profile page. These comments can be placed by any QT user. This means there will likely be many notifications, so this option should be used sparingly so to avoid being overwhelmed by notifications.

Alert on Comment will display the notification to your Dashboard.

Email on Comment will send the notification to your email.

Viewing Notifications

You can view a partial list of notifications by going to the dashboard page.

And a full list is available by going to the "Dashboard" menu and then choosing "Watch Notifications".

On Phones or Small Screens

When on a phone or small screen, the right sidebar on the agent's profile page will be hidden to save room.

To make the sidebar appear, tap the "more" tab.

On Phones or Small Screens

On the agent search page, the search results are compressed when viewing the page from a phone or small screen.

So, you'll find the watch icon in the bottom section instead of the right side.