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Success Story Interview - M.D. Kerkhoven

An Interview with M.D. Kerkhoven (MDKerk on QT) upon receiving an offer of representation from agent Matthew Valdez of Megibow Literary Agency.


QT: Can you tell us a little bit about the book for which you've found representation? What inspired you to write it?
M.D. Kerkhoven:
My book is called WHERE THE WICKED LIE, and it's an upper YA dark fantasy with horror elements—kind of a mix between THE WICKED DEEP, MIDNIGHT MASS, and EXTASIA.
QT: How long have you been writing?
M.D. Kerkhoven:
I've been writing stories since I was 15, and I'm 27 now. I took a break for a while, but I got back into it about 4 years ago, in 2020.
QT: How long have you been working on this book?
M.D. Kerkhoven:
I came up with the idea in early 2023, but I let it sit for a while since I was still working on another novel (the first one I queried), and I have a hard time juggling multiple projects at once. I finally started drafting in April 2024, and finished the first draft by the end of October 2024. I then sent it to my critique partners for developmental feedback, and they got back to me with their notes by mid-December. After that, I took about three weeks off from my day job to focus on editing full-time. I had planned to start querying in January since I'd gotten quite a bit of interest from agents during Twitter/X pitch events in November and December, so I wanted to send it out as soon as possible.
QT: Was there ever a time you felt like giving up, and what helped you to stay on course?
M.D. Kerkhoven:
I never really considered giving up, even after receiving a lot of rejections for the first book I queried or when I got stuck on particularly tough chapters. Writing and pursuing traditional publishing has been my dream since I was a child, and there's honestly nothing else I'd rather do. Whenever I started to feel discouraged, I reminded myself that I’d feel worse if I wasn’t writing or working toward publishing.
QT: Is this your first book?
M.D. Kerkhoven:
WHERE THE WICKED LIE is my third book. I wrote my first in 2021—it wasn't great, and I never took it beyond the first draft. My second one I wrote between 2022 - 2023.
QT: Do you have any formal writing training?
M.D. Kerkhoven:
No, I don't. I don't even have a high school diploma. I spent a long time being afraid no agent or publisher would ever take me seriously because of that, especially since English isn't even my first language! For years I told myself, "who would ever take a high-school drop out seriously?" But looking back, that was pretty silly.
QT: Do you follow a writing routine or schedule?
M.D. Kerkhoven:
I have Fridays through Sundays off from my day job, so I usually spend that time writing or editing.
QT: How many times did you re-write/edit your book?
M.D. Kerkhoven:
I did one round of edits for WHERE THE WICKED LIE, which included line edits and adding/removing several large scenes based on feedback from my critique partners. I should note that I edit a lot as I draft, so my first drafts are usually pretty clean.
QT: Did you outline your book, or do you write from the hip?
M.D. Kerkhoven:
I start with a rough outline, then create a more detailed chapter outline. Having a 'roadmap' of sorts before I begin writing helps me feel more secure.
QT: How long have you been querying for this book? Other books?
M.D. Kerkhoven:
I spent 22 days in the query trenches before receiving my first offer on WHERE THE WICKED LIE. The first book I queried, I spent about 8 months querying with no luck.
QT: About how many query letters did you send out for this book?
M.D. Kerkhoven:
I sent 29 query letters.
QT: On what criteria did you select the agents you queried?
M.D. Kerkhoven:
I mostly looked at their wish list and, if applicable, the clients they represented.
QT: Did you tailor each query to the specific agent, and if so, how?
M.D. Kerkhoven:
I only personalized my query if the agent had specifically requested to see it through a Twitter/X pitch event. Otherwise, I didn’t personalize. I found that, more often than not, personalized queries for my previous book were rejected, while non-personalized queries were the ones that got me full requests. This could be a coincidence, but it led me to favor non-personalized queries.
QT: What advice would you give other writers seeking agents?
M.D. Kerkhoven:
Don't give up and cast a wide net. Oftentimes I received requests from agents who, based on their MSWL, I didn't expect to be a good fit for my manuscript. Also, if you can, participate in pitch events on Twitter and Bluesky. I got a lot of requests through pitch event interest, and it can really help get your foot in the door!

Query Letter:

Dear [AGENT],

I’m thrilled to present my 74,000-word sapphic YA dark fantasy novel, WHERE THE WICKED LIE. The twist and atmospheric setting of The Wicked Deep meets the clash of magic and religion in Where the Dark Stands Still in this folklore-inspired story.

Welcome to Craigton—stay, or die.

Sixty years ago, a local helmsman defied Craigton’s Church by sailing on a holy day. As punishment, the Lord cursed his ship and crew, turning them into wraiths. Now, every solstice, they return to torment the town. Those who try to flee succumb to a mysterious illness.

17-year-old herbalist Katja Boden dreams of attending Erasmus Hall, a prestigious medical institute, to become a surgeon. But leaving Craigton means death. So Katja heals her peers with herbalism, echoing a life that will never be hers—until, on the eve of the ghost ship’s return, someone accuses her of witchcraft.

When she’s saved by Vivian Ruygh—the ship’s bitter captain—Katja persuades her to help break the curse binding them both to Craigton. But while Katja and Vivian struggle to uncover the curse’s dark origins, rumors of witchcraft spark hysteria. Fueled by a cryptic pastor, the town turns on Katja.

With the threat of a witch trial looming and the curse’s roots buried deep beneath the Church’s lies, Katja must choose: become the villain the town sees her as, break the curse, and escape with Vivian—or lose everything, including her life, to the deadly tides of Craigton’s past.


Thank you for your consideration! The full manuscript is available upon request.

All the best,

Michelle Kerkhoven