Musa Publishing
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
Out of Busineess
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
This publisher is seeking the following genres:
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Author Comments
Comments by authors about this publisher.
02/27/2015 04:14 PM
Yep, just confirming what protagonist101 said. Musa is closing as of 2/28/15. Allrights have been reverted to the authors (myself included).
02/20/2015 08:50 PM
Just so everyone knows, Musa Publishing has announced that they are closing to authors and staff. They have announced it on their facebook and blog as well.
02/16/2015 11:03 AM
I had a request for a full back in November on a spec fic MS and I haven't heard anything at all since then.
02/14/2015 12:33 AM
It appears they are closed for submissions for pretty much any genre. Can anyone please confirm?
The following Imprints are closed to submissions:
Aurora Regency
Contemporary Literature
Free Reads
Historical Fiction
Penumbra eMag
Print (Print Books)
Speculative Fiction
Spicy Romance
Young Adult
Young Adult GLBT
The following Imprints are closed to submissions:
Aurora Regency
Contemporary Literature
Free Reads
Historical Fiction
Penumbra eMag
Print (Print Books)
Speculative Fiction
Spicy Romance
Young Adult
Young Adult GLBT
10/06/2014 08:06 AM
I've been with Musa for nearly two years. They are the best. I highly, highly recommend subbing to them. Absolute Write is not the be-all, end-all word on their operation. The contract is coherent and proper, right out front for you to look over. They *ask* your opinion on book covers. What other publisher does that? They have promotions specialists, fantastic editors (I worship mine), and their dealings are transparent. How many times have you heard an author congratulating themselves because they sold a hundred books in six months? My debut novel sold 900 in the first two weeks and that is partly due to their expertise.
They rep everything from MG to erotica.
Go to AW if you want. Read the dirt and make up your own mind. But I am super happy with them.
They rep everything from MG to erotica.
Go to AW if you want. Read the dirt and make up your own mind. But I am super happy with them.
Profile History
- Last Update:
- 02/28/2015 -
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