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Divertir Publishing

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Divertir Publishing

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Query Methods
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This publisher is seeking the following genres:


Science Fiction


Cultural/Social Issues
Current Affairs/Politics
Humor/Gift Book
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Author Comments
Comments by authors about this publisher.
07/11/2024 12:10 AM
Fantasy 70,465 words submitted 11July2024
10/03/2023 05:49 PM
We will not consider manuscripts of more than 100,000 words for publications. Authors may refer to the following blogs for our policies on word count:
A Word on Word Count
Biblical Word Counts
We usually review queries within 3-6 weeks. All submissions will receive a response. If we are interested we’ll request the full manuscript; please do not send the full manuscript with the initial query. If you have not received a response to your query in three months, please feel free to inquire on the status.
11/02/2021 04:54 PM
Sent email query June 28
Standard rejection November 2
Scifi 65k
"Thank you for submitting [title] for consideration to Divertir Publishing. After review we have decided that we are not the right publisher for this manuscript. I wish you the best finding a publisher for your work.

Kenneth Tupper
Divertir Publishing
05/08/2020 11:35 PM
Under what conditions are full manuscripts sent? What guarantees the publisher won't steal the content?
04/03/2019 08:01 PM
Genres need to be updated. They don't do self-help. http://divertirpublishing.com/forauthors.html

What we are interested in:

Fiction: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Historical, Historical Romance, Alternate History, Mystery and Suspense, Paranormal, Romance, Short Stories, and Young Adult.

Non Fiction: Political/Social Commentary, Current Events, Humor, and Satire.
More author comments available to members.

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Profile History
Last Update:
09/07/2022 -
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Before contacting a publisher, authors should verify and assess the publisher's requirements and suitability by visiting the publisher's website(s), and becoming familiar with ways to spot and avoid bad publishers. A good place to start is Writers Beware, a watch group that helps inform and protect authors from shady practices.