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Bancroft Press

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Bancroft Press

P.O. Box 65360
Baltimore, MD 21209
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This publisher is seeking the following genres:


General Fiction


General Non-Fiction
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Author Comments
Comments by authors about this publisher.
12/12/2024 05:51 PM
Around October 15th, I was contacted by the publisher of Bancroft Press and offered a $2500 advance for our book. I contacted agents and publishers considering my book and let them know.

Then--nothing. Zilch. I didn't pursue it--something seemed off.

Anyway I have a new publisher I like a lot, though there's no advance. . .
12/06/2024 08:31 AM
made multiple attempts at getting noticed, wrote several emails, submitted multiple transcripts. I did not receive any attention back
09/27/2024 02:21 PM
Got two error messages after sending the online form twice, then two email confirmations. Meanwhile sent an email w/MS. Got an immediate Request for Proposal. Seems like a solid publisher to partner with. Travel Guide w/ recipes.
01/25/2024 11:29 AM
Nudged publisher after 115 days
11/25/2023 01:07 PM
I did not receive a confirmation when I submitted full script through website last May. I wonder if this publisher is still taking submissions.
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Profile History
Last Update:
09/06/2022 -
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