Entangled Publishing

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Entangled Publishing

Denver, CO
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This publisher is seeking the following genres:


Chick Lit


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Author Comments
Comments by authors about this publisher.
07/26/2024 07:47 AM
FQ: 07/03/2024 Un-agented submission via Submittable to Hoda Agharazi. She posted the editor MSWL back in April and we had a brief exchange. I think she would be the best fit for my Adult Romantasy (faerie tale retelling) 108k. Fingers crossed.

Withdrew: 07/20/2024 to make revisions based on an agent's feedback.

Re-submitted: 07/22/2024 Word count is now 107k (Amara imprint)

07/19/2024 01:25 PM
8 Feb '24 – submitted (unagented) via Submittable
6 April '24 – withdrew at 58 days in order to focus on next project
9 April '24 – received a message that an editor liked it and was preparing to take it to acquisitions; I did not formally resubmit but confirmed I would still be thrilled to work with them and the editor said she would move forward and hoped to have an answer for me soon
6 June '24 – email check-in confirming the manuscript is still in the acquisition channel which is moving slowly at the moment but the editor again hopes to have an answer soon
25 June '24 – working on an R&R at the invitation of the editor

05/09/2024 02:32 AM
136k dark romantasy

18 Sept 2023 query via Submittable
28 Dec 2023 Request for more time from Entangled
16 April 2024 Follow up message from me
17 Apr 2024 Personalised Rejection - similar publication coming out soon but loved it and asked to see any other projects. I asked if they were looking for anything in particular as I had a few, they said to send a some pitches to see what they liked.
20 April 2024 sent five short pitches and waiting to hear back.
03/22/2024 07:40 AM
I sent a query to Jen Bouvier on the 14th of march. She replied on the 21st with very useful feedback saying she loved my voice and requested if I had any other manuscript for Entangled. She was quick, nice and truthful.
03/21/2024 05:25 PM
Query: 28 August 2023

#DVPit like from Lydia Sharp 13 October 2023

Response from Lydia, and Lydia assisted me by changing my submission from Amy to her after I sent a query, synopsis, and partial request: 14 October 2023

My submission would’ve sat in the “slush pile” and ultimately would’ve been a pass from Amy. I’d encourage any author that submits to Entangled to see if after a pass, that they inquire about resubmitting to a different editor.

Update: No response as of 21 March 2024 so I'm going to close this out as a CNR. Disappointing, but oh well.
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Profile History
Last Update:
09/08/2022 -
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