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Shambhala Publications

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Shambhala Publications

Boston, MA 02115
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Author Comments
Comments by authors about this publisher.
09/01/2023 01:14 PM
Before submitting a book proposal, please familiarize yourself with our company and the types of books we publish—for example, by visiting the New and Forthcoming Books and About Shambhala sections of our website. Currently our acquisition interests are on the topics of Buddhism, mindful living, yoga, psychology, health and wellness, nature, parenting, crafting, creativity, and cooking. We do not accept proposals for fiction (children’s books excepted), poetry, exposés, end-time prophecies, channeled works, martial arts manuals, quotation books, or audio/video. Anything sent within these genres/formats will not receive a response. https://www.shambhala.com/submissions/
07/19/2023 08:01 AM
The publisher responded within two weeks-

Thank you for submitting your proposal to Bala Kids. We have decided that it unfortunately does not fit in with Bala’s current publishing plans. Due to the large volume of submissions we receive, we regret that we are unable to give you personalized feedback regarding your work. We are, however, grateful to you for sharing your work with us, and wish you the best in finding the right way to publish it.

Best wishes,

The Bala Kids Editors
03/16/2018 02:24 PM
I got a form letter rejection nearly 4 months after submitting:

Thank you for submitting your proposal to Shambhala, and for your patience as we have considered it. We have determined that your book would not fit our publishing program in a way that would enable us to publish it successfully. We are sorry that the volume of submissions we receive makes it impossible for us to offer you the details of this decision or to provide other advice. We are, however, grateful for having had the chance to review your work, and we wish you the best in finding the right way to publish it.
01/23/2018 06:49 AM
The web-site and the e-mail confirming they'd received my book proposal both said they'd respond within 2 months; I never heard back from them at all!

Edit: eventually heard back after 3 months. Better late than never.
06/19/2017 11:27 AM
Submission guidelines say they accept email submissions. "e-mail your proposal to submissions@shambhala.com"
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Profile History
Last Update:
09/09/2022 -
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