Evernight Publishing
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Evernight Publishing
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- www.evernightpublishing.com/
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Author Comments
Comments by authors about this publisher.
02/02/2019 07:08 AM
Submitted 9/20/19, YA Sci-Fi
Checked in on 1/15/19 -- learned my MS is with an acquisitions editor. Fingers crossed : )
FORM REJECTION: 2/1/2019 (134 Days)
Checked in on 1/15/19 -- learned my MS is with an acquisitions editor. Fingers crossed : )
FORM REJECTION: 2/1/2019 (134 Days)
01/23/2019 01:26 PM
Congratulations @amyina68! I also submitted to this publisher, but for evernight teen. Can you tell me your genre? I'm trying to see where they're at in subs.
12/19/2018 07:43 AM
Has anyone heard from them lately? They have some new books on their site -- beautiful covers! My MS has been with them 13 weeks and I'm still hoping.
10/02/2018 08:09 AM
@lucretia51 How long did it take for you to hear from Evernight?
Profile History
- Last Update:
- 09/08/2022 -
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Received offer of publication 10/10/22