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Permuted Press

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Closed to Unsolicited Queries

Permuted Press

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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
This publisher is seeking the following genres:


Science Fiction


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Author Comments
Comments by authors about this publisher.
01/07/2024 11:24 AM
At this time, we are only accepting unsolicited manuscripts from literary agents.
Unsolicited manuscripts from unagented authors will not be reviewed.

Permuted Press selects manuscripts based on multiple criteria including current consumer buying habits, author platform, and reputation. We are open to reviewing both fiction and non-fiction works and consider ourselves an opportunistic publisher eager to capitalize on current events and buying trends.

If you are a literary agent and wish to submit a manuscript, email contact@permutedpress.com with the phrase “Manuscript Submission” in the subject line. Within your email, be sure to include your “pitch”, and any information you’d like us to have regarding the work. We are particularly interested in the author’s platform and background. Due to the large number of inquiries we receive, we are unable to respond to every submission. However, we do review everything that is sent to us, and we will be in touch if we feel your project is one we’d like to discuss further.
01/12/2016 09:26 AM
On their website today 1/12/16

We are not accepting unsolicited manuscripts at this time.
Literary agents may contact us via e-mail at contact@permutedpress.com
12/20/2014 06:57 AM
Submitted paranormal thriller 11-8-14
09/24/2014 02:25 PM
submitted paranormal thriller 9/24/14
More author comments available to members.

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Profile History
Last Update:
01/13/2016 -
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