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Closed to Unsolicited Queries


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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
This publisher is seeking the following genres:


Middle Grade
Science Fiction
Young Adult


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Author Comments
Comments by authors about this publisher.
09/04/2024 10:26 PM
Doubleday Canada Open Call

22 July 2024 - email submission
08/15/2024 03:25 PM
8/4/24 - invited to submit query at the SCBWI summer conference
8/5/24 - submitted query (MG fantasy)
8/6/24 - received reply inviting me to submit full MS to colleague
8/15/24 - received kind, personalized rejection from Elizabeth S. with helpful feedback
07/19/2023 08:16 AM
Thank you for your interest in Random House Books for Young Readers. Unfortunately, it is our imprint’s policy to not review unagented materials at this time. As much as we would love to read everything that comes across our desks, there are simply not enough hours in a day!

For an overview of the publishing industry and the querying process, you might find Penguin Random House’s “How Can I Get Published?” series helpful. If you are looking for author and illustrator resources, you may look into the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI). This nation-wide organization hosts writers' conferences across the country, has local chapters with meet-up groups, and a wealth of information and tips when it comes to understanding the publishing industry. Manuscript Wishlist is also a useful resource for finding agents who work on projects similar to yours and might be good choices when it comes time to query.

Should you receive representation in the future, please do not hesitate to reach out at that time. I wish you all the best with your writing.


08/15/2022 05:15 PM
Query submitted to Berkley via form as part of open submission window - 12/07/21

WF 91k
12/08/2021 02:19 PM
Dec 8/21 subbed to Berkley (via online form from open submission window)
historical 49K
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