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Llewellyn Worldwide

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Llewellyn Worldwide

2143 Wooddale Drive
Woodbury, MN 55125
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This publisher is seeking the following genres:


Science Fiction


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09/30/2023 01:40 PM
Manuscript Submission Guidelines
We are always looking for new book proposals and welcome your inquiry.

Llewellyn is the oldest and largest publisher specializing in books for body, mind, and spirit. We accept submissions directly from authors (including first time authors) and from literary agents.

Our emphasis is on the practical: how it works, how it is done and self-help material. We accept complete manuscripts and proposals. Best-selling subject areas include:

Alternative healthAngelsAstral Projection/OBEAstrologyChakrasCryptozoologyEnergy WorkGhost huntingIntuitionKabbalah/QabalahLife between livesMagic/magickMeditationPaganismPersonal haunting storiesPsychic abilitiesPsychic developmentReikiReincarnationShamanismSpirit GuidesSpiritual EnlightenmentTarot booksTarot card decksUFOsWiccaWitchcraftYoga
For a complete list of topics please visit our Browse by Category page.

Please note: We do not publish poetry books, children's books, spiritual or new age fiction, channeled books, cookbooks or picture books. We no longer publish original Spanish books.

Outlined below is the procedure for submitting your materials.

Original manuscripts are preferred. Llewellyn does not reproduce previously published or self-published works.

Query letters, manuscripts and proposals may be sent via e-mail to: Submissions@Llewellyn.com. Word documents sent as one file in an email attachment are preferred. Please be sure to number the pages.

Printed submissions can be sent to the address below.

Your submission must include the following:

Cover letter containing a brief description of the project and the contents of the package.
An outline and/or annotated table of contents.
A description of the intended market as it pertains to the subject matter including an explanation of why someone would want to buy the book.
Include a list of known competing titles and how yours differs.
Brief summary of the author's background and credentials in light of the subject matter.
A full manuscript, if completed.
In the case of a proposal, at least three sample chapters.
Submissions must be in English, double-spaced with 1-inch margins in 12-point type.
Please number the pages and include a table of contents.
Complete permissions and citations. For more information click here (PDF 28K)
Total/estimated word count (generally we look for 50,000+ words, depending on the project).
Estimated date of completion.
Use of epigraphs should only appear at the start of sections or chapters; length is preferably no longer than 2 lines. All other quoting requires citation and mid-chapter epigraphs are not allowed.
Your complete daytime contact information including telephone and email.
Please do not send videos.
Address for mailed submissions:

Llewellyn Worldwide
Acquisitions Department
2143 Wooddale Drive
Woodbury, MN 55125
Only send copies of your material and keep the original for your records. If you wish to have any material returned, include a self-addressed envelope with appropriate postage. Otherwise, materials will not be returned. If desired, include a self-addressed, stamped blank postcard for acknowledgement of receipt of materials. Submission of unsolicited materials is done at the author's risk of loss or damage.

Tarot Deck Submission Guidelines
If you would like to submit a tarot deck for consideration, please see our Tarot Submission Guidelines for details.

Almanacs, Calendars & Datebooks Submission Guidelines
We are always looking for new writers. If you are interested in writing for any of Llewellyn's industry-leading almanacs or datebooks or have a calendar concept to present, please send your query letters, manuscripts, and proposals to: AnnualsSubmissions@llewellyn.com

Or via mail to:

Annuals Submissions
Llewellyn Publications
2143 Wooddale Drive
Woodbury, MN 55125-2989
For a complete list of titles and topics please go to our Browse by Category page and review the list of titles by clicking the "Almanacs & Calendars" category. Please include a writing sample (approximately 500 words) with your query. Please also include:

Full contact information
Estimated date of completion
A list of which annuals you feel would be most appropriate to your interests
We will review your information, and, if interested, will contact you. We regret that we are unable to acknowledge every submission. Proposals and queries for full-length titles should be directed to the Submissions@llewellyn.com address; they will be deleted unread from the Annuals email inbox.
08/22/2022 07:23 AM
a fast rejection, and not what this out of date query tracker website states: "Unfortunately, we are not publishing fiction at this time."
12/31/2021 06:54 PM
Their mail server is rejecting my email queries.
11/23/2019 03:26 PM
It doesn't appear that they are currently publishing any kind of fiction.
07/23/2016 11:39 AM
Query letters, manuscripts and proposals may be sent via e-mail to: Submissions@Llewellyn.com. Word documents sent as one file in an email attachment are preferred. Please be sure to number the pages.

Printed submissions can be sent to the address below.

Your submission must include the following:

Cover letter containing a brief description of the project and the contents of the package.
An outline and/or annotated table of contents.
A description of the intended market as it pertains to the subject matter including an explanation of why someone would want to buy the book.
Include a list of known competing titles and how yours differs.
Brief summary of the author's background and credentials in light of the subject matter.
A full manuscript, if completed.
In the case of a proposal, at least three sample chapters.
Submissions must be in English, double-spaced with 1-inch margins in 12-point type.
Please number the pages and include a table of contents.
Complete permissions and citations. For more information click here (PDF 28K)
Total word count for the proposed manuscript.
Your complete daytime contact information including telephone and email.
More author comments available to members.

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Profile History
Last Update:
09/08/2022 -
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Before contacting a publisher, authors should verify and assess the publisher's requirements and suitability by visiting the publisher's website(s), and becoming familiar with ways to spot and avoid bad publishers. A good place to start is Writers Beware, a watch group that helps inform and protect authors from shady practices.