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Peachtree Publishers

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Closed to Unsolicited Queries

Peachtree Publishers

1700 Chattahoochee Ave
Atlanta, GA 30318-2112
Query Methods
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Postal Mail
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
This publisher is seeking the following genres:


Middle Grade
Young Adult


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Author Comments
Comments by authors about this publisher.
04/24/2023 12:48 PM
If you're reading this—congratulations. The researcher in you has already put you miles ahead of your peers. Good on you!
Policy as posted on the website will continue to say not accepting unsolicited submissions.

However: as an individual editor, forming individual relationships—when time allows in my schedule, I will open short windows for queries and submissions—not unlike an agent. Out of hundreds of submissions, it is likely only a few will capture my subjective interest. And that is what it comes down to: do I want to be married to this content and the creator for at least two years, or not? From that small pile, if a working relationship seems viable—it then has to continue through the rest of the acquisitions process: pitching it internally, securing approvals, and so forth.

General advice: Find the person that's just as much of a nerd about the content that you love to write about. Don't fixate on chances; in fact, stop leaving it to chance altogether. Redirect your focus toward meeting the specific needs/wants (which will change over time) of the individual you're submitting to, by considering whether the material you're producing will align with the list they're trying to create. If it doesn't, find a better party to reach out to: don't mass spam everyone's inbox in broad strokes, and think carefully through the *relationships* you're looking to forge.

By opening a query window, at my own discretion and as my workload allows, I gain potential connection to material and/or creators that I would not have otherwise encountered with agent gatekeeping, financially restrictive conference attendance, etc. I look forward to receiving your materials, as I request them, if it seems like I'd be a good fit. And if it wasn't a match or I didn't turn out to be a friend for your book, then I hope you do find the right champion for your material in this very subjective industry!

MSWL: http://tinyurl.com/jonahmswl
Pub History: http://tinyurl.com/PMJRHeller
Unagented Queries as Requested: http://querymanager.com/jrheller

10/12/2022 09:11 AM
That whole thing where they were accepting unsolicited submissions for a short window was so odd. Barely anyone heard back from them, and then they turned around and opened again before even responding to the others. Getting a book picked up by then without an agent seems like one in a gazillion, just wondering what they gain from this?????????
06/20/2022 03:33 PM
Site says, "Peachtree is not accepting unsolicited manuscripts or dummies. Our staff remains committed to reviewing requested materials or items queried through an agent."
04/22/2022 12:22 PM
Here is Jonah's mswl: https://www.manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/jonah-heller/

Here's his twitter post: https://twitter.com/jrheller87/status/1516815549778518024?fbclid=IwAR13sja2YUizsMJm1pMdFSA1VoLcfyQaNOxaaeAdwuH8bfJeO8f5_EIHO5M

Here's his QM: https://t.co/xQKaPsn1XB
04/21/2022 03:31 PM
Jonah Heller is open to unagented submissions through end of May!
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Profile History
Last Update:
09/09/2022 -
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