Charlesbridge Publishing

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Charlesbridge Publishing

85 Main Street
Watertown, MA 02472
Query Methods
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This publisher is seeking the following genres:


Middle Grade
Picture Book
Young Adult


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Author Comments
Comments by authors about this publisher.
05/06/2024 05:47 PM
EQ: 05/06/2024
YA Fantasy/Magical Academy
90k words
02/06/2024 08:15 PM
#PitchMe referral
EQ: 2/3/24, attached full ms

MG Con 57k
12/28/2023 08:41 PM
EQ: 12/28/23
40k MG retelling
09/09/2023 01:36 PM
Children's book submission emailed on 9/9/2023.

Thank you for your time.
08/30/2023 10:31 PM
From website:
Get to Know Us
Charlesbridge publishes high-quality books for young people with a goal of creating lifelong readers and learners.
We believe that books for children should offer accurate information, promote a positive worldview, and embrace a child’s innate sense of wonder and fun. To this end, we seek new voices, new visions, and new directions in children’s literature.
We are especially interested in BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color) voices and other perspectives that have been traditionally underrepresented in publishing.

Charlesbridge publishes fiction and nonfiction board books, picture books, early readers, middle grade fiction and nonfiction (ages 8–12), and young adult fiction and nonfiction (ages 12+).

Our nonfiction tends to focus on nature, science, math, social studies, biography, history, and the arts.
In both fiction and nonfiction, we are committed to reflecting and celebrating our diverse world.
To find out if your book is a good match for us, get to know our program by downloading our catalog or visiting
These guidelines are for informational purposes only and do not constitute a solicitation of any manuscript, artwork, or other material. Submission of any materials shall be done at the author/illustrator's own risk.
We accept only digital submissions for all manuscripts, including author/illustrator book dummies. Please do not mail a submission to us.
More author comments available to members.

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Profile History
Last Update:
09/07/2022 -
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