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Holiday House, Inc.

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Holiday House, Inc.

50 Broad Street
New York, NY 10004
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Query Methods
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Postal Mail
This publisher is seeking the following genres:


Middle Grade
Picture Book
Young Adult


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Author Comments
Comments by authors about this publisher.
03/14/2025 03:29 PM
EQ: 3/14/25
101k YA Fantasy/Retelling
12/29/2023 02:58 PM
EQ: 12/29/23
40k MG retelling
12/28/2023 04:29 PM
Kade Dishmon liked my #pitdark query earlier this year and after an R&R, I decided to go ahead and send the MS to him (per his instructions on Twitter).
12/19/2023 10:18 PM
EQ & Full Manuscript 8/20/2023

Upper MG Fantasy 88.4 K

121 days, their site says four months, and that they do not reply with rejections anymore. Time to move on. 12/19/23
09/22/2023 10:19 PM
Rejection note after eight weeks:

Dear X:

Thank you for considering me as a reader for this project. That trust means a lot to me, and I enjoyed reviewing it!

You have a fun voice here, and a lot of well thought-out humor. Our imprint has a very small list for middle grade, though, and unfortunately I just don't think I'm subjectively connecting quite enough to make me the editor for it.

I wish you all the best in finding the right match.

More author comments available to members.

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Profile History
Last Update:
09/08/2022 -
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