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Rising Action Publishing Collective

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Rising Action Publishing Collective

20 Benn Drive
Toronto, Ontario
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This publisher is seeking the following genres:


Book Club
Chick Lit
  • Romance, Comedy
  • Romance, Fantasy


Pop Culture
True Adventure/Crime
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Author Comments
Comments by authors about this publisher.
03/27/2025 02:21 PM
@stpolishook, I got the same response, but I'm trying to look at the bright side since it included the line about submitting in the future. Like @histficdebut said, agents/editors wouldn't say it if they didn't mean it!
03/25/2025 04:53 PM
stpolishook, I'd take it as promising that they'd love for you to keep them in mind for future projects. That language is not common and usually signifies they mean it, in my opinion anyway.
03/25/2025 03:42 PM
Assuming this is pure form but idk if they have diff form rejections? I sent this in June & honestly had considered it closed but i def appreciate the reply:

“Thank you for sharing your project with us. We enjoyed reading it and appreciate all the hard work you've put into it.

After giving it some thought, we've decided that while your manuscript has a lot to offer, it's not quite the right fit for us now. As a small publishing house, we have to choose projects that fit into our program each year carefully, and unfortunately, we have a limited number of spots available. This isn't a reflection of your writing but more about what we're currently able to take on.

We're sure your book will find the right home, and we're excited to see where your writing journey takes you. While we can't provide more specific feedback right now, we'd love for you to keep us in mind for future projects.

Thanks again for considering Rising Action, and best of luck as you continue your search for the perfect literary home!”

Thank you,
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
12/30/2024 05:37 PM
Profile Update: Closed to queries.
11/07/2024 08:18 AM
Can't be tracked. Sent 11/07/24
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Profile History
Last Update:
12/30/2024 - Closed to queries.
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