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Counterpath Press

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Counterpath Press

Denver, CO 80218
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Postal Mail
This publisher is seeking the following genres:


General Fiction


General Non-Fiction
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Author Comments
Comments by authors about this publisher.
10/01/2023 05:55 PM
I am not sure if they are real publisher, they are an art gallery bookstore and event space. Just for shits I sent them an inquiry

UPDATE: Sent on Sept 30, and on OCT 1: Their email reply was :" Thanks, but we do not feel we can pursue this project. All
best wishes, Counterpath."

not only this had a grammar typo, it came from their editor. Their closing salutation was not formatted correctly for an email. if they were signing off the email "All best wishes," should have been on one line followed by their name or the name of the company. It shows that they not only can't write an email but only took one day to review a submission for fiction. DO NOT INQUIRY THEM. They give me red flags and sketchy vibes.

04/28/2023 04:32 PM
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