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Nef House

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Nef House

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08/16/2024 03:44 PM
Close for submissions they signed a 10 book deal. Owner is really nice and advised to check back in a few months. I pitched them 89k sci-fi film noir featuring female detective

There rejection is this:

Thanks for the submission. As much as I love endless whiskey and rubber ducks, we'll have to pass. Nef House recently signed a HUGE 10 book series, and we're all hands on deck until that gets off the ground, so we're technically closed to submissions right now. Check back in a few months if you like.

04/08/2024 07:18 AM
Closed to submissions until 1st August because they "just signed a 9-book series".
01/16/2024 08:01 PM
Wow. Looks like they decided to be a lot more professional in their responses after I practically taught them how to give a response that didn't look like the bitter rants of a teenage internet troll.
A whole lot better than providing an example of a single instance where an unnecessary comma was left in after an edit and the response was:


followed by::
"If you genuinely do not know that the comma there is an error, I suggest reading a book.
Seriously, you're lightyears from submitting to a publisher."
01/05/2024 10:40 AM
Rejection after two days but was helpful. 111000 Fantasy

Thank you for the submission. I really like the premise here, and I think it would make a very successful LitRPG. As it stands right now, the mechanics of the writing need a lot of work. Specifically, a lot of the dialogue tags are grammatically incorrect and / or very repetitive. If you're willing to take some notes on editing and then resubmit, I'd be happy to take another look. Just let me know.
01/02/2024 02:27 PM
I second what Anon4453 said. Their idea of personal response is a condescending and snarky response, and if you look for any sort of clarification, they become downright insulting. I would not recommend wasting your time with this so-called "publisher". Extremely unprofessional.

I should have been skeptical the moment that I saw that their company address is just a gmail account.

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Profile History
Last Update:
09/01/2024 - Genres updated.
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