Conquest Publishing
What kind of books is this publisher seeking?
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
Query Methods
This publisher is seeking the following genres:
• Fantasy, Contemporary/Urban
• Fantasy, Magical Realism
New Adult
• Romance, Contemporary
• Romance, Historical
• Romance, Paranormal
• Romance, Thriller/Suspense
Young Adult
• Young Adult, Contemporary
• Young Adult, Fantasy
• Young Adult, Literary
• Young Adult, Mystery
• Young Adult, Paranormal
• Young Adult, Paranormal Romance
• Young Adult, Romance
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Author Comments
Comments by authors about this publisher.
09/10/2024 06:40 PM
07/22/2024 - QM Adult romantasy (queer faerie tale retelling)
07/25/2024 - Full request
07/28/2024 - Note from Brittany that I should hear back within 4 - 6 weeks
09/04/2024 - Email to request a publication discussion
09/05/2024 - THE CALL went so well. I couldn't have asked for a better experience. Brittany says I should expect a contract in the next few days.
09/08/2024: I’ve got a contract in my inbox. Brittany’s been willing to answer my numerous questions and I appreciate the overall transparency.
09/09/2024: Contract signed and sent to Brittany
07/25/2024 - Full request
07/28/2024 - Note from Brittany that I should hear back within 4 - 6 weeks
09/04/2024 - Email to request a publication discussion
09/05/2024 - THE CALL went so well. I couldn't have asked for a better experience. Brittany says I should expect a contract in the next few days.
09/08/2024: I’ve got a contract in my inbox. Brittany’s been willing to answer my numerous questions and I appreciate the overall transparency.
09/09/2024: Contract signed and sent to Brittany
Profile History
- Last Update:
- 09/03/2024 - Closed to queries.
Always verify publisher's information before sending your query, and review the publisher's website(s) for more up-to-date information.
Though we do our best, QueryTracker can not guarantee the accuracy of any information provided.
A publisher listing on QueryTracker is not an endorsement or recommendation of that publisher by QueryTracker.
Before contacting a publisher, authors should verify and assess the publisher's requirements and suitability by visiting the publisher's website(s), and becoming familiar with ways to spot and avoid bad publishers. A good place to start is Writers Beware, a watch group that helps inform and protect authors from shady practices.
If you plan on submitting, it may be a while until Conquest opens again.
If you're interested in anthologies, Conquest's "Monstrous Angels" submission window is from February 25th - May 25th, 2025. Check it out!