Ms. Keir Alekseii

Jennifer Azantian Literary Agency

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Keir Alekseii

Jennifer Azantian Literary Agency

St. Paul, MN
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Science Fiction
Young Adult
  • Young Adult, Contemporary
  • Young Adult, Fantasy
  • Young Adult, Horror
  • Young Adult, Science Fiction


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Known Clients (current & past)
E.M. Anderson
Aimee Davis
Juli Koen-Alonso
Riley Swan
Makana Yamamato
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
07/24/2024 08:10 AM
Very encouraging and kind rejection after 21 days. Agents like this make querying a more pleasant experience!
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
07/22/2024 08:53 PM
Profile Update: Genres updated.
07/08/2024 11:50 PM
Just because QT keeps trying to change my timeline:

Referral Query: 09/25/23
Keir Liked #DVPit pitch on 10/11/23
Nudge sent to reference DVPit 12/11/23
Partial Request (100 pages): 01/18/24
Sent: 01/22/24
Full Request: 05/09/24
Sent: 13/05/24
Full Rejection: 07/07/24

Dear Thea,

Thank you so much for the privilege of reading your work.

I quite enjoyed [TITLE] and this is very much a book I would read. However, I do not believe I am the right agent for this one at this time, and so I will have to pass. You are a very strong writer, it's just one of those "not quite clicking" moments that are amorphous and hard to explain. I'm sorry I couldn't give you more actionable feedback!

As you know, this decision is very subjective, so what doesn't work for me may still be right for someone else. Your story deserves to be heard. Keep querying, even if it's out of spite!

I feel very fortunate to have read your work, and I hope you'll keep me in mind for future projects. Thank you for considering me and best of luck with your future queries. I will definitely be cheering you on!

YA LGBTQ+ romcom

07/03/2024 06:33 PM
Queried on 6/30 after seeing MSWL stuff that matched

Adult Queer Romantasy 105k

Form Rejection on 7/1

07/01/2024 11:45 PM
Queried via pitch/referral QM link: 6/29/24

Sent after another agent at Azantian suggested I query Keir, as she liked my #DVPit post back in October.

YA Fantasy, 104k

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Profile History
Last Update:
07/22/2024 - Genres updated.
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