Ms. Thais Afonso

Jennifer Azantian Literary Agency

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Thais Afonso

Jennifer Azantian Literary Agency

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This agent is seeking the following genres:


  • Fantasy, Magical Realism
  • Romance, Contemporary
  • Romance, Fantasy
  • Romance, Thriller/Suspense
Science Fiction
Young Adult
  • Young Adult, Fantasy
  • Young Adult, Horror
  • Young Adult, Mystery
  • Young Adult, Science Fiction


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09/03/2024 02:51 PM
@fearlessandtrue and anyone else who doesn't understand the purpose of TWs:

Trigger warnings are an increasingly common (and easy) courtesy in this business that many readers, myself included, appreciate when trying to decide if a book is something they want to read or not. TWs and CWs help make sure that books and authors find the correct audience -- which in all cases should be "readers who want to read what I've written" and not "readers who will DNF upon reaching a triggering event they weren't expecting and leave a 1-star review." To an extent, genres and subgenres serve the same purpose. I love fantasy but don't want to read grimdark because it's too intense/depressing for me. Paranormal horror is great but I'm not big on gore so slasher isn't my cup of tea. BUT I also don't want to read a paranormal horror that's full of gore, and a TW/CW helps with that.

Many people will still read books with personally triggering content, but it's important to let them have an informed choice in the matter.
09/02/2024 11:26 PM
GOD What a joke! I'm not even going to soil my work which is HORROR to someone who is so delicate they need damn trigger warnings! Perhaps these companys should hire people who want to make money for them and not produce PC Woke BS
09/02/2024 04:37 AM
FQ: August 8 2024
Rejection: August 31 2024
Adult Mystery 84k

Thank you for the privilege of reading X. While I feel so fortunate that you trusted me with your submission, this is unfortunately not a fit for my list at this time.

The premise of X really resonated with me—my decision was ultimately based on personal preferences for writing style. Due to this, I won't be asking to read more at this time.

But keep writing and sharing that writing. My taste means I'm not a good fit for this work, but someone else might be.

I appreciate being able to read your work and wish you luck finding representation.
08/24/2024 11:01 PM
QM- 8/20
Rejection - 8/24

08/24/2024 04:52 PM
Adult Fantasy 224K

Query Sent: 8/20
Rejection 8/24

The note was nice - i've seen it a few times in the comments. This process is just so hard on the psyche.
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