Ms. Marlene Stringer

Stringer Literary Agency

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Marlene Stringer

Stringer Literary Agency

P.O. Box 111255
Naples, FL 34108
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Book Club
Family Saga
  • Fantasy, Contemporary/Urban
  • Fantasy, Magical Realism
  • Romance, Category
  • Romance, Contemporary
  • Romance, Historical
  • Romance, Paranormal
  • Romance, Thriller/Suspense
Women's Fiction
Young Adult
  • Young Adult, Thriller/Suspense


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Known Clients (current & past)
Virginia Baker
Randi Barrow
Melissa Blanco
Alex Bledsoe
Emily Bleeker
Jennifer Blom
Jen Blom
Anna Bradley
Jeff Buick
Lanita Cates
Trish Cook
Michelle Diener
Charlie Donlea
Cj Dushinski
Jt Geissinger
Gary Ghislain
Alyxandra Harvey
Erica Hayes
Joyce Henderson
Carol Hipperson
Charlie Holmberg
Suzanne Johnson
Emily King
Kristin Kisska
Shari Maurer
Caitlyn McFarland
Beth Orsoff
Alex Prentiss
Susannah Sandlin
Medeia Sharif
Luanne G. Smith
Gabi Stevens
Stephanie Thornton
Bethany Wiggins
Geoffrey Wilson
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
10/17/2024 12:20 PM
QM: 10-17-24

YA Mystery 74.5k
10/10/2024 03:13 PM
Q 10/07/24
Historical Fiction 94K
Form Rejection 10/10/24

09/22/2024 11:16 AM
QM: 6/16/2024
Full Request: 6/18/2024
Rejection: 8/25/2024

OUCH...not sure where I'll go next. I have gotten this kind of rejection for books that later went on to get published by a small publisher or self published and sold a few thousand. What does it all mean? Wish it wasn't so hard to get agents to at least share with writers. But the data speaks for could they? I mean, some of these people allow themselves to receive thousands of queries in a month. Even the more realistic people (those who shut down queries every couple of weeks until they catch up) get hundreds a month.

I have editors, and they are qualified, but it doesn't matter. What they like, agents don't seems to like. And readers seem to like a lot of my work--even the stuff I consider my lesser works. Sigh. I get it. The real meaning of the rejection below is that she can't be certain she'll make money on it. These guys are the gatekeepers for traditional publishing. And that's that.

Still, if I had more money, and could afford more advertising, I could sell more books, no matter who published them. I know because I've done it. But, financially, I only break even, maybe get a little ahead.

Below is the MS rejection.

Thank you for allowing me to review BLANK, of which I've now read a significant partial.

Unfortunately, the story didn't demand I read on, and so I must pass.

Thank you for thinking of me. I wish you all the best with your writing.

09/19/2024 02:00 PM
QM: 9/10
FR: 9/15

97k YA Fantasy
09/19/2024 12:06 PM
Form Rejection:
Upmarket 68K
Took 3 days! appreciate the speed

Thank you very much for your query, which we have read with interest. Unfortunately, the project does not seem right for this agency, and we are sorry that we cannot offer to serve as your literary agent.
We also apologize for the form rejection. The sheer number of queries we receive prevents personalization in order for us to respond in a timely fashion.
We wish you all the best in finding more suitable representation, encourage you to query widely, and thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work.
The Stringer Literary Agency LLC
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Profile History
Last Update:
04/30/2024 - Open to queries. Genres updated.
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