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What is QueryManager

QueryManager is a web tool that allows agents to easily receive and manage the queries authors send them. To learn more, visit QueryManager.

Instead of emailing a query letter to an agent, authors fill out a simple online form instead. This method of delivery creates several advantages for both the agents and the authors.

Advantages for Authors

Advantages for Agents

What's the Difference Between QueryManager and QueryTracker?

QueryManager and QueryTracker can work closely together, but they are two separate sites with two very different uses.


QueryManager is used by agents and publishers to manage all the queries they receive. Only agents and publishers have accounts on QueryManager. Authors can send queries to the agents/publishers using QueryManager, but authors don't have accounts. No account is required to send a query.


Authors can have accounts on QueryTracker, which, among other things, is used by the authors to keep track of all the queries they send out. Typically, whenever an author sends a query, or receives a reply about a query, the author is responsible for manually inputting that information into the QueryTracker. But, if the query was sent through QueryManager, then that query can be linked to an author's QueryTracker account which allows the query to be tracked automatically.

Submitting Queries

To submit a query to an agent through QueryManager, you must first locate that agent's query form.

You can usually find the link to their form on their website, and on their QueryTracker Profile.

On QueryTracker, go to the agent's profile page. The link will be listed in the Query Methods section.

Remember, not all agents use QueryManager. They may prefer email queries, or have their own online form. In either case, that information will be listed on their QueryTracker profile.

Fill out the form as directed, then click Submit at the bottom of the form.

Some agents may include a field for uploading a manuscript or writing sample. For help with uploading files, please see below.

The last thing you'll need to do, is to confirm your email address.

You already input your email address on the main form, but this step is to make sure there were no mistakes in your email address. You don't want to miss the reply from the agent just because of a typo.

In the confirmation window, enter your email address again.

If what you enter here does NOT match what you entered on the main form, you'll receive a notification, and should then...

  1. Double check (and correct if necessary) the email you entered in the confirmation window.
  2. Click Cancel, to return to the main form to check and correct the email address you entered there.

Tracking Queries

You can manually track QueryManager queries on QueryTracker, just like you can a regular query.

But, for convenience, you can also have QueryTracker automatically track your QueryManager queries. This is done by linking your QueryManager query to your QueryTracker account.

When submitting a query, near the bottom of the form is an optional section for signing into your QueryTracker account.

After signing in, submit the query and it will now be linked to your QueryTracker account.

If you did not link your query when you first submitted it, you can still do so.

Go to your query status page, and sign in at the bottom of the page to link that query.

Then click, "Auto-Track This Query"

Viewing Queries

When you submit your query, you'll receive a special link that will take you to your Query Status Page. This page will show you your query, and (later) it will also contain the agent's reply.

The link to your query status page will be presented on screen after you submit your query, and you will also receive it in an email.

If you lose the link to your status page, you can recover it by going to QueryTracker.net/portal/recover

Receiving Replies

When an agent replies to your query, you'll receive an email and the reply will be posted on your query status page.

See Viewing Queries above for information on your query status page.

Uploading Files

There are two different situations where you may need to upload a file to QueryManager.

  1. If the agent requests a file with the initial query.
  2. If the agent replies to your query with a request for a file.

If the agent requests a file with the initial query

Not all agents will request the file with the query. Some may just want a query, and will request a file later if the query intrigues them. But if they do want a file with the query, you'll find upload button(s) near the bottom of the form.

There may be multiple buttons, if the agent wants more than one file.

Click the UPLOAD FILE button. This will open an upload window.

You can drag a file and drop it into this window to upload the file.

Or click on the window to browse for a file. This will open Windows Explorer if you're on Windows, or Finder on a Mac. Browse to, and select, the file you want to upload then click the button "Open" or "Upload" or "Select" (varies depending on operating system.)

If the agent replies to your query with a request for a file.

In this situation, you'll receive an email informing you that the agent would like to review all or part of your manuscript, along with a link to your query status page.

On your query status page there will be a new button labeled Upload File(s).

Confirming a File Upload

When a file is uploaded successfully, it will be listed in the Activity section of your query status page.

If your upload is NOT listed here, something must have gone wrong and you should try again.

Most likely cause of problems
In almost every case, if your file does not properly upload, the problem is your file is too large. Please make sure your file is smaller than 2 MB in size.

Note, some systems may display file sizes in KB instead of MB. In this case 2 MB is the same as 2,000 KB.

Withdrawing Queries

You can withdraw your query at anytime and for any reason.

To withdraw, go to your query status page and click Contact in the top menu, then choose "Contact Agent".

Choose the Withdraw Option, supply a short reason for withdrawing, then click OK.

The agent will be notified of this action, and your query removed from the agent's inbox. Though a record of the query will be kept for the agent's records.