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Literary Agents

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Lauren Hall - Folio Literary Management
Michael Harriot - Folio Literary Management
Erin Harris - Folio Literary Management
Scott Hoffman - Folio Literary Management
Jeff Kleinman - Folio Literary Management
Jenna Land Free - Folio Literary Management
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Katherine Latshaw - Folio Literary Management
Erin Niumata - Folio Literary Management
Katherine Odom-Tomchin - Folio Literary Management
Marcy Posner - Folio Literary Management
Quressa Robinson - Folio Literary Management
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Josh Shipp - Folio Literary Management
Jeff Silberman - Folio Literary Management
Lauren Spieller - Folio Literary Management
Margaret Sutherland Brown - Folio Literary Management
Steve Troha - Folio Literary Management
Emily van Beek - Folio Literary Management
Frank Weimann - Folio Literary Management
Melissa White - Folio Literary Management
Chelsey Fox - Fox & Howard Literary Agency
Diana Fox - Fox Literary
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Isabel Kaufman - Fox Literary
Frances Collin - Frances Collin Literary Agency
Sarah Yake - Frances Collin Literary Agency
Caroline Eisenmann - Frances Goldin Literary Agency
Roz Foster - Frances Goldin Literary Agency
Ellen Geiger - Frances Goldin Literary Agency
Alison Lewis - Frances Goldin Literary Agency
Matt McGowan - Frances Goldin Literary Agency
Sam Stoloff - Frances Goldin Literary Agency
Tess Weitzner - Frances Goldin Literary Agency
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Jade Wong-Baxter - Frances Goldin Literary Agency
Ayla Zuraw-Friedland - Frances Goldin Literary Agency
Lindsey Fraser - Fraser Ross Associates
Kathryn Ross - Fraser Ross Associates
Fredrica Friedman - Fredrica S. Friedman & Co.
Matt Wagner - Fresh Books Literary Agency
Nicole Geiger - Full Circle Literary, LLC
Lilly Ghahremani - Full Circle Literary, LLC
Taylor Martindale Kean - Full Circle Literary, LLC
Stefanie Sanchez Von Borstel - Full Circle Literary, LLC
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Ernie Chiara - Fuse Literary
Karly Dizon - Fuse Literary
Connor Goldsmith - Fuse Literary
Laurie McLean - Fuse Literary
Michelle Richter - Fuse Literary
Tricia Skinner - Fuse Literary
Gordon Warnock - Fuse Literary
Guy Rose - Futerman, Rose & Associates
Linda Camacho - Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency
Erin Casey Westin - Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency
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Nancy Gallt - Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency
Saribel Pages - Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency
Beth Phelan - Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency
Sandra Proudman - Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency
Marietta Zacker - Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency
Candice Marie Benbow - Gardner Literary Agency
Kristy Cambron - Gardner Literary Agency
Rachelle Gardner - Gardner Literary Agency
Ashley Hong - Gardner Literary Agency
Sherri Wilson Johnson - Gardner Literary Agency
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Penelope Burns - Gelfman Schneider
Jane Gelfman - Gelfman Schneider
Heather Mitchell - Gelfman Schneider
Deborah Schneider - Gelfman Schneider
Gemma Cooper - Gemma Cooper Literary
Anne Borchardt - Georges Borchardt, Inc.
Georges Borchardt - Georges Borchardt, Inc.
Valerie Borchardt - Georges Borchardt, Inc.
Cora Markowitz - Georges Borchardt, Inc.
Samantha Shea - Georges Borchardt, Inc.
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Irene Baldoni - Georgina Capel Associates Ltd
Philippa Brewster - Georgina Capel Associates Ltd
Georgina Capel - Georgina Capel Associates Ltd
Rachel Conway - Georgina Capel Associates Ltd
Polly Halladay - Georgina Capel Associates Ltd
Anna Ghosh - Ghosh Literary
Gina Maccoby - Gina Maccoby Literary Agency
Ginger Clark - Ginger Clark Literary
Nicole Eisenbraun - Ginger Clark Literary

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