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Literary Agents

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Chris Wellbelove - Aitken Alexander Associates
Terrie Wolf - AKA Literary Management
Alan Brodie - Alan Brodie Representation Ltd
Albert LaFarge - Albert LaFarge Literary Agency
Albert Longden - Albert T. Longden Associates
Alex Adsett - Alex Adsett Literary
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Rochelle Fernandez - Alex Adsett Literary
Abigail Nathan - Alex Adsett Literary
Alice Williams - Alice Williams Literary
Lisa Jackson - Alive Literary Agency
Bryan Norman - Alive Literary Agency
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Marilyn Allen - Allen O'Shea Literary Agency LLC
Coleen O'Shea - Allen O'Shea Literary Agency LLC
Amy Hughes - Amy Hughes Agency
Andrea Brown - Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Analia Cabello - Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Jemiscoe Chambers-Black - Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Saritza Hernandez - Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Sally Kim - Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Jennifer Laughran - Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Jennifer March Soloway - Andrea Brown Literary Agency
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Jennifer Mattson - Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Lara Perkins - Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Laura Rennert - Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Jennifer Rofe - Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Kathleen Rushall - Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Kelly Sonnack - Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Paige Terlip - Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Jamie Weiss Chilton - Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Caryn Wiseman - Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Amberly Finarelli - Andrea Hurst Literary Management
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Andrea Hurst - Andrea Hurst Literary Management
Katie Reed - Andrea Hurst Literary Management
Andrew Lownie - Andrew Lownie Literary Agency
Tina Betts - Andrew Mann Ltd
Louise Burns - Andrew Mann Ltd
Rory Clarke - Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd
Michael Dean - Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd
Sile Edwards - Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd
Charlotte Merritt - Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd
Andrew Nurnberg - Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd
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Sara O'Keeffe - Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd
Gyamfia Osei - Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd
Jenny Savill - Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd
Andy Ross - Andy Ross Literary Agency
Anjali Singh - Anjali Singh Agency
Ann Rittenberg - Ann Rittenberg Literary Agency
Anne Clark - Anne Clark Literary Agency
Annette Green - Annette Green Authors' Agency
Annie Bomke - Annie Bomke Literary Agency
Antony Harwood - Antony Harwood Limited
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Jo Williamson - Antony Harwood Limited
Steve Calcutt - Anubis Literary Agency
Max Edwards - Apple Tree Literary
April Eberhardt - April Eberhardt Literary
Nicole Aragi - Aragi Agency
Frances Coady - Aragi Agency
Kelsey Day - Aragi Agency
Maile Beal - Arc Literary Management
Iris Blasi - Arc Literary Management
Kate Davids - Arc Literary Management
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Dani Segelbaum - Arc Literary Management
Myrsini Stephanides - Arc Literary Management
Jon Curzon - Artellus Limited
Leslie Gardner - Artellus Limited
Gabriele Pantucci - Artellus Limited
Darryl Samaraweera - Artellus Limited
Miriam Cortinovis - Arthouse Literary Agency
Carleen Geisler - Arthouse Literary Agency
Felice Laverne - Arthouse Literary Agency
Esty Loveing-Downes - Arthouse Literary Agency
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Hailey Stephens - Arthouse Literary Agency
Saffron Dodd - ASH Literary
Alice Sutherland-Hawes - ASH Literary
Paula Weiman - ASH Literary
Lyn Tranter - Australian Literary Management
Anne Edelstein - Ayesha Pande Literary
Stephany Evans - Ayesha Pande Literary
Serene Hakim - Ayesha Pande Literary
Paloma Hernando - Ayesha Pande Literary

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