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Literary Agents

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Clare Wallace - Darley Anderson Literary
Beth Davey - Davey Literary & Media
Rica Allannic - David Black Literary Agency
David Black - David Black Literary Agency
Jennifer Herrera - David Black Literary Agency
Gary Morris - David Black Literary Agency
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Susan Raihofer - David Black Literary Agency
Ellen Scott - David Black Literary Agency
Sarah Smith - David Black Literary Agency
Mark Tavani - David Black Literary Agency
Anna Zinchuk - David Black Literary Agency
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David Godwin - David Godwin Associates
Sebastian Godwin - David Godwin Associates
Aparna Kumar - David Godwin Associates
David Halpern - David Halpern Literary Management
Veronique Baxter - David Higham Associates Ltd
Maddalena Cavaciuti - David Higham Associates Ltd
Nicola Chang - David Higham Associates Ltd
Jemima Forrester - David Higham Associates Ltd
Stephanie Glencross - David Higham Associates Ltd
Georgia Glover - David Higham Associates Ltd
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Anthony Goff - David Higham Associates Ltd
Andrew Gordon - David Higham Associates Ltd
Lizzy Kremer - David Higham Associates Ltd
Sara Langham - David Higham Associates Ltd
Christabel McKinley - David Higham Associates Ltd
Caroline Walsh - David Higham Associates Ltd
Jessica Woollard - David Higham Associates Ltd
David Luxton - David Luxton Associates
Nick Walters - David Luxton Associates
Rebecca Winfield - David Luxton Associates
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Laurie Abkemeier - DeFiore and Company
Miriam Altshuler - DeFiore and Company
Reiko Davis - DeFiore and Company
Brian DeFiore - DeFiore and Company
Matthew Elblonk - DeFiore and Company
Lisa Gallagher - DeFiore and Company
Elise Howard - DeFiore and Company
Caryn Karmatz Rudy - DeFiore and Company
Tamara Kawar - DeFiore and Company
Chris Park - DeFiore and Company
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Tanusri Prasanna - DeFiore and Company
Mason Rowlee - DeFiore and Company
Rebecca Strauss - DeFiore and Company
Denise Shannon - Denise Shannon Literary Agency
Diana Beaumont - DHH Literary
Broo Doherty - DHH Literary
Abi Fellows - DHH Literary
Emily Glenister - DHH Literary
David Headley - DHH Literary
Harry Illingworth - DHH Literary
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Camille Burns - Diamond Kahn and Woods Literary Agency Ltd.
Ella Diamond Kahn - Diamond Kahn and Woods Literary Agency Ltd.
Bryony Woods - Diamond Kahn and Woods Literary Agency Ltd.
Diana Finch - Diana Finch Literary Agency
Doe Coover - Doe Coover Agency
Colleen Mohyde - Doe Coover Agency
Dominick Abel - Dominick Abel Literary Agency
Cristina Concepcion - Don Congdon Associates, Inc.
Michael Congdon - Don Congdon Associates, Inc.
Katie Kotchman - Don Congdon Associates, Inc.
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Maura Kye-Casella - Don Congdon Associates, Inc.
Susan Ramer - Don Congdon Associates, Inc.
Stacey Donaghy - Donaghy Literary Group
Valerie Noble - Donaghy Literary Group
Michael Curry - Donald Maass Literary Agency
Jennie Goloboy - Donald Maass Literary Agency
Jolene Haley - Donald Maass Literary Agency
Jennifer Jackson - Donald Maass Literary Agency
Kat Kerr - Donald Maass Literary Agency
Kesia Lupo - Donald Maass Literary Agency
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Donald Maass - Donald Maass Literary Agency
Cameron McClure - Donald Maass Literary Agency
Caitlin McDonald - Donald Maass Literary Agency
Kiana Nguyen - Donald Maass Literary Agency
Katie Shea Boutillier - Donald Maass Literary Agency
Anne Tibbets - Donald Maass Literary Agency
Dorie Simmonds - Dorie Simmonds Agency Ltd.
Doug Grad - Doug Grad Literary Agency
Jaclyn Gilbert - Driftless Literary

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