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Literary Agents

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Elizabeth Bennett - Transatlantic Literary Agency
Marilyn Biderman - Transatlantic Literary Agency
Evan Brown - Transatlantic Literary Agency
Laura Cameron - Transatlantic Literary Agency
Andrea Cascardi - Transatlantic Literary Agency
Jane Chun - Transatlantic Literary Agency
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Alexandra D'Amico - Transatlantic Literary Agency
Brenna English-Loeb - Transatlantic Literary Agency
Noelle Falcis Math - Transatlantic Literary Agency
Carolyn Forde - Transatlantic Literary Agency
Samantha Haywood - Transatlantic Literary Agency
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Fiona Kenshole - Transatlantic Literary Agency
Rachel Letofsky - Transatlantic Literary Agency
Ed Maxwell - Transatlantic Literary Agency
Amanda Orozco - Transatlantic Literary Agency
Lisa Rambert-Valaskova - Transatlantic Literary Agency
Jo Ramsay - Transatlantic Literary Agency
Pieter Swinkels - Transatlantic Literary Agency
Amy Tompkins - Transatlantic Literary Agency
Timothy Travaglini - Transatlantic Literary Agency
Leonicka Valcius - Transatlantic Literary Agency
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Amy Bishop-Wycisk - Trellis Literary Management
Michelle Brower - Trellis Literary Management
Stephanie Delman - Trellis Literary Management
Allison Devereux - Trellis Literary Management
Natalie Edwards - Trellis Literary Management
Allison Hunter - Trellis Literary Management
Danya Kukafka - Trellis Literary Management
Allison Malecha - Trellis Literary Management
Dana Murphy - Trellis Literary Management
Elizabeth Pratt - Trellis Literary Management
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Mariah Stovall - Trellis Literary Management
Amelia Appel - Triada US Literary Agency
Laura Crockett - Triada US Literary Agency
Moe Ferrara - Triada US Literary Agency
Ashley Reisinger - Triada US Literary Agency
Uwe Stender - Triada US Literary Agency
Brent Taylor - Triada US Literary Agency
Emma Dries - Triangle House
Noah Grey Rosenzweig - Triangle House
Renee Jarvis - Triangle House
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Kima Jones - Triangle House
Monika Woods - Triangle House
Nicole Tugeau - Tugeau 2, Inc.
Lane Clarke - Ultra Literary
Peter McGuigan - Ultra Literary
Kirsten Neuhaus - Ultra Literary
Joanna Rasheed - Ultra Literary
Christina Clifford - Union Literary
Trena Keating - Union Literary
Sally Wofford-Girand - Union Literary
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Caroline Dawnay - United Agents, Ltd
Ariella Feiner - United Agents, Ltd
Jodie Hodges - United Agents, Ltd
Millie Hoskins - United Agents, Ltd
Molly Jamieson - United Agents, Ltd
Robert Kirby - United Agents, Ltd
Laura Macdougall - United Agents, Ltd
Zoe Ross - United Agents, Ltd
Sophie Scard - United Agents, Ltd
Rosemary Scoular - United Agents, Ltd
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Emily Talbot - United Agents, Ltd
Kate Walsh - United Agents, Ltd
Gwen Beal - United Talent Agency
Brandi Bowles - United Talent Agency
Laurie-Maude Chenard - United Talent Agency
Christy Fletcher - United Talent Agency
Grainne Fox - United Talent Agency
Ariele Fredman - United Talent Agency
Sarah Fuentes - United Talent Agency
Veronica Goldstein - United Talent Agency
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Rebecca Gradinger - United Talent Agency
Lisa Grubka - United Talent Agency
Kelly Karczewski - United Talent Agency
Byrd Leavell - United Talent Agency
Albert Lee - United Talent Agency
Yona Levin - United Talent Agency
Eric Lupfer - United Talent Agency
Dan Milaschewski - United Talent Agency
Meredith Miller - United Talent Agency

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