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Literary Agents

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Jennifer Chen Tran - Glass Literary Management
Alex Glass - Glass Literary Management
Susan Nystoriak - Golden Wheat Literary
Jessica Schmeidler - Golden Wheat Literary
Debbie Golvan - Golvan Arts Management
Jennifer Christie - Graham Maw Christie Literary Agents
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Jane Graham Maw - Graham Maw Christie Literary Agents
Amy O'Shea - Graham Maw Christie Literary Agents
Ismita Hussain - Great Dog Literary
Mona Kanin - Great Dog Literary
Gabriella Melendez - Great Dog Literary
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Liz Nealon - Great Dog Literary
Mary Cummings - Great River Literary
Holly Faulks - Greene & Heaton Ltd
Carol Heaton - Greene & Heaton Ltd
Imogen Morrell - Greene & Heaton Ltd
Judith Murray - Greene & Heaton Ltd
Kate Rizzo - Greene & Heaton Ltd
Antony Topping - Greene & Heaton Ltd
Laura Williams - Greene & Heaton Ltd
Claudia Young - Greene & Heaton Ltd
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Chelsea Eberly - Greenhouse Literary Agency
Kristin Ostby - Greenhouse Literary Agency
Laura Heathfield - Greenstone Literary
Tanera Simons - Greenstone Literary
Scott Eagan - Greyhaus Literary Agency
Charlotte Atyeo - Greyhound Literary
Salma Begum - Greyhound Literary
Maria Brannan - Greyhound Literary
Charlie Campbell - Greyhound Literary
Alexander Cochran - Greyhound Literary
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Sam Edenborough - Greyhound Literary
Natalie Galustian - Greyhound Literary
Philip Gwyn Jones - Greyhound Literary
Dotti Irving - Greyhound Literary
Julia Silk - Greyhound Literary
Deborah Grosvenor - Grosvenor Literary Agency
Cheyenne Faircloth - Handspun Literary Agency
Ben Miller-Callihan - Handspun Literary Agency
Courtney Miller-Callihan - Handspun Literary Agency
Louise Buckley - Hannah Sheppard Literary Agency
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Hannah Sheppard - Hannah Sheppard Literary Agency
Judith Hansen - Hansen Literary Agency
Hannah Ferguson - Hardman & Swainson Literary Agency
Caroline Hardman - Hardman & Swainson Literary Agency
Joanna Swainson - Hardman & Swainson Literary Agency
Richard Curtis - Harold Ober Associates
Harold Schmidt - Harold Schmidt Literary Agency
Diana Flegal - Hartline Literary Agency
Joyce Hart - Hartline Literary Agency
Patricia Riddle-Gaddis - Hartline Literary Agency
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Cyle Young - Hartline Literary Agency
David Dunton - Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Cate Hart - Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Harvey Klinger - Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Wendy Levinson - Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Rachel Ridout - Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Andrea Somberg - Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Erik Hane - Headwater Literary Management
Laura Zats - Headwater Literary Management
Heather Jackson - Heather Jackson Literary Agency
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Elena Giovinazzo - Heirloom Literary
Helen Heller - Helen Heller Agency
Sarah Heller - Helen Heller Agency
Jessica Regel - Helm Literary
Erzsi Deak - Hen & Ink Literary Studio
Katia Herman - Herman Agency
Ronnie Ann Herman - Herman Agency
Soumeya Bendimerad Roberts - HG Literary
Jonathan Cobb - HG Literary
Joshua Getzler - HG Literary
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Ellen Goff - HG Literary
Wendi Gu - HG Literary
Carrie Hannigan - HG Literary
Brianne Johnson - HG Literary
Julia Kardon - HG Literary
Alex Reubert - HG Literary
Victoria Wells Arms - HG Literary
Heather Holden-Brown - HHB agency Ltd
Elly James - HHB Agency Ltd

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