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What's new in 2025?

Who Reps Whom

A list of 21,748 authors and the literary agents who represent them OR have represented them in the past.

You can also search for a specific agent to view a list of that agent's clients.

Select the first letter of the author's last name
Author Agent
Dan Yaccarino Rebecca Sherman of Writers House
Maurice Yacowar Beverley Slopen of Beverley Slopen Literary Agency
Don Yaeger Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Behzad Yaghmaian Scott Andrew Mendel of Mendel Media Group, LLC
Ben Yagoda Stuart Krichevsky of Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc.
Yaram Yahu Ann Leslie Tuttle of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Anton Yakovlev Natalie Kimber of The Rights Factory
Jessica Yale Saskia Leach of Kate Nash Literary Agency
Irvin Yalom Sandra Dijkstra of Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
Makana Yamamato Keir Alekseii of Jennifer Azantian Literary Agency
Lois-Ann Yamanaka Jennifer Lyons of Jennifer Lyons Literary Agency, LLC
Katie Yamasaki Tanya McKinnon of McKinnon Literary
Katie Yamasaki Edward Necarsulmer of Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency
Karen Yampolsky Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Hanya Yanagihara Anna Stein of Creative Artists Agency
Eli Yance Peter Beren of The Peter Beren Agency
Richard Yancey Brian DeFiore of DeFiore and Company
Renee Yancy Julie Gwinn of The Seymour Agency
Jonathan Yang Lilly Ghahremani of Full Circle Literary, LLC
Jonathan Yang Stefanie Sanchez Von Borstel of Full Circle Literary, LLC
Jy Yang DongWon Song of Howard Morhaim Literary Agency
Kao Kalia Yang Erin Murphy of Aevitas Creative Management
Sierra Yang Vicky Weber of Creative Media Agency
Susie Yang Jenni Ferrari-Adler of Verve Talent & Literary
Wesley Yang Edward Orloff of McCormick Literary
Tiphanie Yanique Elise Capron of Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
Dan Yankelovitch Fredrica Friedman of Fredrica S. Friedman & Co.
Brian Yansky Ronnie Ann Herman of Herman Agency
Robin Yardi Erin Casey Westin of Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency
Cathy Yardley Tricia Skinner of Fuse Literary
Mercedes M. Yardley Jason Yarn of Jason Yarn Literary Agency
Rebecca Yarros Louise Fury of The Fury Agency
Bart Yates John Talbot of Talbot Fortune Agency, LLC
Bart Yates Gail Fortune of Talbot Fortune Agency, LLC
Heidi Yates Elisa Houot of The Seymour Agency
Kit Yates Chris Wellbelove of Aitken Alexander Associates
Louise Yates Claire Wilson of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Robert Yates Jonny Geller of Curtis Brown Group, Ltd.
Keith Yatsuhashi Laura Zats of Headwater Literary Management
Showey Yazdanian Sam Hiyate of The Rights Factory
Aubrey Yazzie Ali Herring of Spencerhill Associates
Teresa Yea Christa Heschke of McIntosh & Otis, Inc.
Jackie Yeager Jessica Schmeidler of Golden Wheat Literary
Kirk Yeager Heather Jackson of Heather Jackson Literary Agency
Selene Yeager Heather Jackson of Heather Jackson Literary Agency
F.C. Yee Stephen Barr of Writers House
Lisa Yee Jodi Reamer of Writers House
Robert Yehling Dana Newman of Dana Newman Literary
David Yelland Peter Cox of Redhammer Management Ltd
Tara Yellen Alice Tasman of Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency
Helen Yendall Robbie Guillory of The Underline Literary Agency
Ellen Yeomans Ginger Knowlton of Curtis Brown, Ltd.
Jennifer Yerkes Rick Margolis of Rising Bear Literary Agency
David Yezzi Erin Harris of Folio Literary Management
Rafael Yglesias Lynn Nesbit of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Emma Yhnell Charlotte Seymour of Johnson & Alcock Ltd
Karen Yin Jennie Kendrick of Red Fox Literary
Eileen Yin-Fei Lo Carla Mayer Glasser of Betsy Nolan Literary Agency
Anne Ylvisaker Ammi-Joan Paquette of Aevitas Creative Management
Bonnie Yochelson Albert LaFarge of Albert LaFarge Literary Agency
Guy Yocom Scott Waxman of Waxman Literary Agency
Rachel Yoder Monika Woods of Triangle House
Eugenia Yoh Ellen Goff of HG Literary
Jane Yolen Elizabeth Harding of Curtis Brown, Ltd.
Danielle Yongue-Ullman Emmanuelle Morgen of Stonesong
David Yonke Sorche Fairbank of Fairbank Literary Representation
David Yoo Steven Malk of Writers House
Carol Kaesuk Yoon Elizabeth Wales of Wales Literary Agency
David Yoon Jodi Reamer of Writers House
Nicola Yoon Jodi Reamer of Writers House
Susan Yoon Ammi-Joan Paquette of Aevitas Creative Management
Kari Yordanova Kaitlyn Sanchez of Bradford Literary Agency
Lynn York Erin Malone of William Morris Endeavor
Rebecca York Ethan Ellenberg of Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency
Christy Yorke Natasha Kern of Natasha Kern Literary Agency
Mako Yoshikawa Sandra Dijkstra of Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
Banana Yoshimoto Jennifer Lyons of Jennifer Lyons Literary Agency, LLC
Yoshi Yoshitani Thao Le of Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
Matthew Youlden Sandra Sawicka of Marjacq Scripts
Adrienne Young Barbara Poelle of Word One Literary
Alexandra Leigh Young Patricia Nelson of Looking Glass Literary & Media
Alfred Young Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Amy Young Linda Pratt of Wernick & Pratt Agency
Audrey Young Max Gartenberg of Max Gartenberg Literary Agency
Beryl Young Beverley Slopen of Beverley Slopen Literary Agency
Brigit Young Melissa Edwards of Stonesong
Carolin Young William Clark of Wm Clark Associates
Cheyanne Young Jacqueline Lipton of The Tobias Literary Agency
Courtney Young Joyce Hart of Hartline Literary Agency
David Young Adam Gauntlett of Peters Fraser & Dunlop
Dawn Young Mary Cummings of Great River Literary
E.L. Young Julia Churchill of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Ed Young Edward Necarsulmer of Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency
Ed Young Christa Heschke of McIntosh & Otis, Inc.
Felicity Young Lisa Grubka of United Talent Agency
Gavin Young Anna Stein of Creative Artists Agency
Laura Kat Young James McGowan of BookEnds, LLC
Michele Young Scott Eagan of Greyhaus Literary Agency
Molly Young Seth Fishman of The Gernert Company
Robyn Young Antony Topping of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Samantha Young Lauren Abramo of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Scott Young Laurie Abkemeier of DeFiore and Company
Scott Young Carrie Pestritto of Laura Dail Literary Agency, Inc.
Steve Young Paul Levine of Paul S. Levine Literary Agent
Suzanne Young Melissa White of Folio Literary Management
Suzanne Young Lane Heymont of The Tobias Literary Agency
Michele Young-Stone Michelle Brower of Trellis Literary Management
Leslie C. Youngblood John Rudolph of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Shelley Youngblut Jackie Kaiser of Westwood Creative Artists
Shana Youngdahl Elizabeth Bewley of Sterling Lord Literistic
Gary Younge Jonny Geller of Curtis Brown Group, Ltd.
Danielle Younge-Ullman Michelle Brower of Trellis Literary Management
Anne Youngson Judith Murray of Greene & Heaton Ltd
David Yount Deborah Grosvenor of Grosvenor Literary Agency
F.S. Yousaf Trinity McFadden of The Bindery
Osman Yousefzada Clare Conville of C+W
Charles Yu Julie Barer of The Book Group
Charles Yu Gary Heidt of Signature Literary Agency
Chun Yu Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Ovidia Yu Priya Doraswamy of Lotus Lane Literary
Su-Mei Yu Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
William Yu Penny Moore of Aevitas Creative Management
Lidia Yuknavitch Rayhane Sanders of Massie McQuilkin & Altman Literary Agents
Nic Yulo Alexandra Levick of Writers House
Toni Yuly Wendi Gu of HG Literary
Hyewon Yum Sean McCarthy of Sean McCarthy Literary Agency
Katherine Yurica Ken Sherman of Ken Sherman & Associates
Amy Yurk Victoria Sanders of Victoria Sanders & Associates

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are some authors listed more than once, and under different agents?

This is because the listing shows current and past agents. Knowing that an author was once a client is just as valuable as knowing who that author's agent is now. The agent's tastes probably didn't change, the author just moved on.

Where does this information come from?

Most of it is gathered from the authors and agents websites, and a lot is provided by QueryTracker members.

I know of an author/agent relationship that is not listed here. How can I add it?

On the "Clients" tab of each agent's profile page there is a link for adding known clients.

Why does it help to know who reps whom?

When seeking an agent, it is advisable to target agents who represent books similar to yours. For this it helps to learn the authors and books which the agent represents. It is also useful to state in your query letter why you are approaching a certain agent. Being able to state a similarity to past clients helps with this.