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What's new in 2025?

Who Reps Whom

A list of 21,748 authors and the literary agents who represent them OR have represented them in the past.

You can also search for a specific agent to view a list of that agent's clients.

Select the first letter of the author's last name
Author Agent
Darach Ó Séaghdha Ivan Mulcahy of MMB Creative
Kate O'Brien Georgia Glover of David Higham Associates Ltd
Kiera O'Brien Claire Wilson of Rogers, Coleridge & White
John O'Connell Antony Topping of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Sean O'Connor Judith Murray of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Marcus O'Dair Sophie Lambert of C+W
Tawni O'Dell Liza Dawson of Liza Dawson Associates
Carolyn O'Doherty Ali McDonald of 5 Otter Literary
Lisa O'Donnell Susan Armstrong of C+W
Paraic O'Donnell Lucy Luck of C+W
Deborah O'Donoghue Jemima Forrester of David Higham Associates Ltd
John O'Farrell Georgia Garrett of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Catherine O'Flynn Lucy Luck of C+W
Ellie Mae O'Hagan Andrew Gordon of David Higham Associates Ltd
Oonagh O'Hagan Susan Smith of MBA Literary Agents Ltd
Joey O'Hare Claudia Young of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Kate O'Hearn Veronique Baxter of David Higham Associates Ltd
Melinda O'Neill Priya Doraswamy of Lotus Lane Literary
Eleanor O'Reilly Jenny Hewson of Lutyens & Rubinstein
Finbarr O'Reilly Stuart Krichevsky of Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc.
Paddy O'Reilly Sophie Hicks of Sophie Hicks Agency
June O'Sullivan Francesca Riccardi of Kate Nash Literary Agency
Carol O'Biso Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Jane O'Boyle Janis Donnaud of Janis A. Donnaud and Associates
Patrick O'Brian Sonia Land of Sheil Land Associates Ltd
Annemarie O'Briann Kristin Ostby of Greenhouse Literary Agency
Anne O'Brien Jennifer Unter of The Unter Agency
Caragh O'Brien Kirby Kim of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Karen O'Brien Rachel Calder of The Sayle Literary Agency
Kevin O'Brien Christina Hogrebe of Jane Rotrosen Agency
Thomas O'Callaghan Matthew Bialer of Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
Jack O'Connell Andrew Wylie of The Wylie Agency
Jennifer O'Connell Kristin Nelson of Nelson Literary Agency, LLC
Mark O'Connell Paul Bresnick of Bresnick Weil Literary Agency
Rebecca O'Connell Kendra Marcus of Bookstop Literary Agency
Barbara O'Connor Erin Murphy of Aevitas Creative Management
Carlene O'Connor Evan Marshall of Evan Marshall Agency
Jane O'Connor Douglas Stewart of Sterling Lord Literistic
Melissa O'Connor Johanna Castillo of Writers House
Stephen O'Connor Jennifer Lyons of Jennifer Lyons Literary Agency, LLC
Varley O'Connor Julie Barer of The Book Group
George O'Conor Tanya McKinnon of McKinnon Literary
Claire O'Dell Lane Heymont of The Tobias Literary Agency
Kathleen O'Dell Marcia Wernick of Wernick & Pratt Agency
Scott O'Dell Edward Necarsulmer of Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency
Sunshine O'Donnell Marianne Merola of Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents, Inc.
Tom O'Donnell Noah Ballard of Verve Talent & Literary
Kristin O'Donnell Tubb Josh Adams of Adams Literary
Caroline O'Donoghue Bryony Woods of Diamond Kahn and Woods Literary Agency Ltd.
Jessica O'Dwyer Jenni Ferrari-Adler of Verve Talent & Literary
Eric O'Grey Kent Wolf of Neon Literary
Jeff O'Handley Carrie Pestritto of Laura Dail Literary Agency, Inc.
John O'Hara Katharine Sands of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
John O'Hara Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Mo O'Hara Gemma Cooper of Gemma Cooper Literary
Myochi Nancy O'Hara Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Nancy O'Hara Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Zachariah O'Hora Sean McCarthy of Sean McCarthy Literary Agency
Lisa Ann O'Kane Hannah Bowman of Liza Dawson Associates
Molly O'Keefe Pamela Hopkins of Hopkins Literary Associates
Patrick O'Keeffe Leigh Feldman of Leigh Feldman Literary
Jacqueline O'Mahony Ivan Mulcahy of MMB Creative
Daniel O'Malley Mollie Glick of Creative Artists Agency
Kerry O'Malley Cerra Janine Le of Janine Le Literary
Dan O'Neill Mary Alice Kier of Cine/Lit Representation
Gerard O'Neill Esmond Harmsworth of Aevitas Creative Management
Louise O'Neill Rachel Conway of Georgina Capel Associates Ltd
Timothy O'Neill Cathie Hedrick-Armstrong of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Bill O'Reilly Eric Simonoff of William Morris Endeavor
Ryan O'Rourke Nicole Tugeau of Tugeau 2, Inc.
Perri O'Shaughnessy Nancy Yost of Nancy Yost Literary Agency
Daniel O'Shea Stacia Decker of Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency
Gene O'Shea Danielle Egan-Miller of Browne & Miller Literary Associates
Colleen Oakes Ginger Clark of Ginger Clark Literary
Kaya Oakes Michelle Brower of Trellis Literary Management
Stephanie Oakes Jennifer Laughran of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Graham Oakley Philip Patterson of Marjacq Scripts
Joyce Carol Oates Moses Cardona of John Hawkins & Associates, Inc.
Barack Obama Jane Dystel of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Hilton Obenzinger Elizabeth Wales of Wales Literary Agency
Josh Ober Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Chigozie Obioma Jessica Craig of Craig Literary
Mark Obmascik Jody Rein of Jody Rein Books, Inc.
Peter Oborne Andrew Gordon of David Higham Associates Ltd
Iman Obou Heather Jackson of Heather Jackson Literary Agency
Tea Obreht Seth Fishman of The Gernert Company
Shirlene Obuobi Jessica Regel of Helm Literary
Philip OCeallaigh Lucy Luck of C+W
Mary-Ann Ochota Antony Topping of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Sarah Ockler Ted Malawer of Upstart Crow Literary
Countess Alessandra Oddi Baglioni Christine Witthohn of Book Cents Literary Agency, LLC
Kennedy Odede Stuart Krichevsky of Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc.
Catherine Odell Fiona Kenshole of Transatlantic Literary Agency
Jonathan Odell Marly Rusoff of Marly Rusoff & Associates
Sandra Odell Caitlin McDonald of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Scott Oden Bob Mecoy of Bob Mecoy Literary Agency
Bob Odenkirk Janine Kamouh of William Morris Endeavor
Shawn Thomas Odyssey Catherine Drayton of InkWell Management
Seth Oelbaum Chris Kepner of The Kepner Agency
Lianne Oelke Tricia Lawrence of Aevitas Creative Management
Joe Oestreich John Rudolph of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Andrea Offermann Sean McCarthy of Sean McCarthy Literary Agency
Ali Official Diana Beaumont of DHH Literary
Jenny Offill Sally Wofford-Girand of Union Literary
Jenny Offill Judith Murray of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Charlotte Offsay Nicole Geiger of Full Circle Literary, LLC
Yoko Ogawa Anna Stein of Creative Artists Agency
Amy Ogle Angela Rinaldi of The Angela Rinaldi Literary Agency
Maureen Ogle Anna Ghosh of Ghosh Literary
Sinmisola Ogunyika Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Axie Oh Patricia Nelson of Looking Glass Literary & Media
Ellen Oh Barry Goldblatt of Barry Goldblatt Literary Agency, Inc.
Ellen Oh Marietta Zacker of Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency
Sean Oh Essie White of Storm Literary Agency
Temi Oh Judith Murray of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Aline Ohanesian Eleanor Jackson of Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency
Alexis Ohanian Erin Malone of William Morris Endeavor
Melissa Ohden Joyce Hart of Hartline Literary Agency
Debbie Ridpath Ohi Ginger Knowlton of Curtis Brown, Ltd.
Kristin Ohlson Kirsten Neuhaus of Ultra Literary
Bayo Ojikutu Katherine Boyle of Veritas Literary Agency
Lauren Okie Sabrina Taitz of William Morris Endeavor
Nnedi Okorafor Angeline Rodriguez of William Morris Endeavor
Suyi Davies Okungbowa Tamara Kawar of DeFiore and Company
Musa Okwonga Abi Fellows of DHH Literary
Kechi Okwuchi Travis Pennington of The Knight Agency, Inc.
John Oldale Oli Munson of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Daniel José Older Eddie Schneider of JABberwocky Literary Agency
Mark Oldfield James Wills of Watson, Little Ltd
Pamela Oldham Coleen O'Shea of Allen O'Shea Literary Agency LLC
Sara Olds Emily Keyes of Keyes Agency
Greg Olear Mollie Glick of Creative Artists Agency
Sara OLeary Jackie Kaiser of Westwood Creative Artists
Robert Olen Butler Moses Cardona of John Hawkins & Associates, Inc.
Dannie Olguin Bonnie Swanson of FinePrint Literary Management
Thomas Oliphant Deborah Grosvenor of Grosvenor Literary Agency
Tim Oliphant Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Alison Oliver Susan Hawk of Upstart Crow Literary
Alison Oliver Allison Hellegers of Stimola Literary Studio
Ben Oliver Chloe Seager of The Madeleine Milburn Literary Agency
Lauren Oliver Stephen Barbara of InkWell Management
Mary Oliver Charlotte Sheedy of Charlotte Sheedy Literary Agency
Sally Oliver John Ash of Creative Artists Agency
Stephanie Stokes Oliver Victoria Sanders of Victoria Sanders & Associates
Vicky Oliver June Clark of FinePrint Literary Management
Priscilla Oliveras Rebecca Strauss of DeFiore and Company
Norman Ollestad Rob Weisbach of Rob Weisbach Creative Management
Rena Olsen Sharon Pelletier of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Joseph Olshan Rachel Calder of The Sayle Literary Agency
Matthew Olshan Seth Fishman of The Gernert Company
Dave Olson Olga Filina of 5 Otter Literary
Jessica Olson Christa Heschke of McIntosh & Otis, Inc.
John Olson Steve Laube of The Steve Laube Agency
Julie Olson John Cusick of Folio Literary Management
Kari Olson Pam Pho of Steven Literary
Kayla Olson Holly Root of Root Literary
Kayla Olson Taylor Haggerty of Root Literary
Michael Olson Jennifer Joel of Creative Artists Agency
Shannon Olson Gloria Loomis of Watkins Loomis Agency, Inc.
Anna Olswanger Liza Pulitzer-Voges of Eden Street, LLC
Ijeoma Oluo Lauren Abramo of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Kristin Omarsdottir Anna Stein of Creative Artists Agency
Tamsin Omond Laetitia Rutherford of Watson, Little Ltd
Aleema Omotoni Claire Friedman of InkWell Management
Michael Ondaatje Susan Schulman of Susan Schulman Literary Agency
Celine Ong Brent Taylor of Triada US Literary Agency
Karen Onojaife Richard Pike of C+W
Louisa Onome Claire Friedman of InkWell Management
Jay Onrait Carly Watters of P.S. Literary Agency
Kwame Onwuachi Lori Galvin of Aevitas Creative Management
Yen Ooi Abi Fellows of DHH Literary
Kenneth Oppel Steven Malk of Writers House
Kenneth Oppel Dorie Simmonds of Dorie Simmonds Agency Ltd.
Daniel Oppenheimer Melissa Flashman of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Kurt Opprecht Matthew Carnicelli of Carnicelli Literary Management
Joan Opyr Victoria Sanders of Victoria Sanders & Associates
Sabrina Orah Mark Sarah Bowlin of Aevitas Creative Management
Michelle Orange Melissa Flashman of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Philip Orbanes Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Terri Orbuch Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Margie Orford Isobel Dixon of Blake Friedmann Literary
Diana Orgain Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Benjamin Orion Regina Bernard-Carreno of Ladderbird Literary Agency
Ruth Orkin Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Ben Orlando Morgan Strehlow of The Bindery
Carissa Orlando Katherine Odom-Tomchin of Folio Literary Management
Jan Ormerod Georgia Glover of David Higham Associates Ltd
KATHRYN K.E. Ormsbee Beth Phelan of Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency
Jill Orr Margaret Sutherland Brown of Folio Literary Management
Wendy Orr Debbie Golvan of Golvan Arts Management
Julie Orringer Kimberly Witherspoon of InkWell Management
Megan Orsini Maria Vicente of P.S. Literary Agency
Beth Orsoff Marlene Stringer of Stringer Literary Agency
Daniel Mallory Ortberg Kate McKean of Howard Morhaim Literary Agency
Claribel Ortega Suzie Townsend of New Leaf Literary & Media
Bon Orthwick Ellen Goff of HG Literary
Amparo Ortiz Linda Camacho of Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency
David Ortiz Scott Waxman of Waxman Literary Agency
Michael Ortiz Laura Strachan of Strachan Literary Agency
Amanda Ortlepp Pamela Malpas of Jennifer Lyons Literary Agency, LLC
Katharine Orton Bryony Woods of Diamond Kahn and Woods Literary Agency Ltd.
George Orwell Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Ross Orwin Sara Megibow of Megibow Literary Agency
Christopher Osborn Antony Topping of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Ian Osborn Regina Ryan of Regina Ryan Publishing Enterprises
John Osborn Gail Hochman of Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents, Inc.
Bella Osborne Kate Nash of Kate Nash Literary Agency
Karen Osborne Dorian Maffei of Kimberley Cameron & Associates
Juilene Osborne-McKnight Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Alice Oseman Claire Wilson of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Mark Oshiro DongWon Song of Howard Morhaim Literary Agency
David Osler Robert Dudley of Robert Dudley Agency
Richard Osman Juliet Mushens of Mushens Entertainment
Richard Osmond Matthew Turner of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Linda Osmundson Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Evan Osnos Jennifer Joel of Creative Artists Agency
Maisha Oso Jemiscoe Chambers-Black of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Anne Osterlund Kelly Sonnack of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Dori Ostermiller Jessica Papin of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Molly Ostertag Jen Linnan of Linnan Literary Management LLC
Cathy Ostlere John Pearce of Westwood Creative Artists
Micol Ostow Jodi Reamer of Writers House
Emil Ostrovski Laura Langlie of Laura Langlie Agency
Katie Otey Bonnie Swanson of FinePrint Literary Management
Julie Otsuka Nicole Aragi of Aragi Agency
Alexandra Ott Victoria Doherty-Munro of Writers House
Jim Ottaviani Bob Mecoy of Bob Mecoy Literary Agency
Sharon Overend Cassandra Rodgers of 5 Otter Literary
Iain Overton Antony Topping of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Spencer Overton Michael Bourret of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Alexandra Overy Victoria Marini of High Line Literary Collective
Alexandra Overy Natascha Morris of The Tobias Literary Agency
Alexandra Overy Patrice Caldwell of The Caldwell Agency
Alexandra Overy Sydnie Thornton of Word One Literary
Lauren Owen Jenny Hewson of Lutyens & Rubinstein
Margaret Owen Victoria Marini of High Line Literary Collective
Polly Owen Emily Talbot of United Agents, Ltd
Dawn Owens Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Delia Owens Russell Galen of Scovil Galen Ghosh Literary Agency, Inc.
Kristin Owens Madelyn Burt of Stonesong
Paul Owens Lisa Hagan of Lisa Hagan Literary
Robin Owens Deidre Knight of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Terrell Owens Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Kelly Oxford Erin Malone of William Morris Endeavor
Robert Oxnam Wendy Strothman of Aevitas Creative Management
Robert B. Oxnam Wendy Strothman of Aevitas Creative Management
Adam Oyebanji Brady McReynolds of JABberwocky Literary Agency
Galia Oz Rena Rossner of The Deborah Harris Agency
Inbal Oz Jamie Vankirk of Rainbow Nerds
Petrell Ozbay Natalie Lakosil of Looking Glass Literary & Media
Sara-Ella Ozbek Holly Faulks of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Barry Ozeroff John Talbot of Talbot Fortune Agency, LLC
Barry Ozeroff Gail Fortune of Talbot Fortune Agency, LLC
Cynthia Ozick Melanie Jackson of Melanie Jackson Agency
Ryan O’connor Alexander Cochran of Greyhound Literary
Leeanne O’donnell Sian Ellis-Martin of Blake Friedmann Literary
Beth O’leary Tanera Simons of Greenstone Literary
Ciara O’neal Karly Dizon of Fuse Literary
Carolyn Tara O’neil Andrea Somberg of Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Alix O’neill Nicola Barr of The Bent Agency
Tracy O’neill Kirby Kim of Janklow & Nesbit Associates

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are some authors listed more than once, and under different agents?

This is because the listing shows current and past agents. Knowing that an author was once a client is just as valuable as knowing who that author's agent is now. The agent's tastes probably didn't change, the author just moved on.

Where does this information come from?

Most of it is gathered from the authors and agents websites, and a lot is provided by QueryTracker members.

I know of an author/agent relationship that is not listed here. How can I add it?

On the "Clients" tab of each agent's profile page there is a link for adding known clients.

Why does it help to know who reps whom?

When seeking an agent, it is advisable to target agents who represent books similar to yours. For this it helps to learn the authors and books which the agent represents. It is also useful to state in your query letter why you are approaching a certain agent. Being able to state a similarity to past clients helps with this.