Mary H.K. CHOI |
Edward Orloff of McCormick Literary
Elly Ha |
Thao Le of Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
Michael Haaren |
Robert Diforio of D4EO Literary Agency
Dan Haas |
Liza Pulitzer-Voges of Eden Street, LLC
Danielle Haas |
Julie Gwinn of The Seymour Agency
Tiffany Haas |
Erica Bauman of Aevitas Creative Management
Kim Haasarud |
Michael Bourret of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Austin Habbershaw |
Joshua Bilmes of JABberwocky Literary Agency
Helon Habila |
Ayesha Pande of Ayesha Pande Literary
Andrew Hacker |
Robin Straus of Robin Straus Agency, Inc.
Jacob Hacker |
Sydelle Kramer of Susan Rabiner Literary Agency
Lily Hackett |
Holly Faulks of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Nick Hacking |
Scott Waxman of Waxman Literary Agency
Gene Hackman |
Noah Lukeman of Lukeman Literary Management Ltd
David Hackney |
Jennifer Weis of The Weis Agency
Stacy Hackney |
Katie Grimm of Curtis Brown, Ltd.
Saleem Haddad |
Veronique Baxter of David Higham Associates Ltd
Jane Haddam |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Margaret Peterson Haddix |
Tracey Adams of Adams Literary
Jeff Haden |
Katie Kotchman of Don Congdon Associates, Inc.
Chris Hadfield |
Rick Broadhead of Rick Broadhead & Associates Literary Agency
Tessa Hadley |
Caroline Dawnay of United Agents, Ltd
James Hadley Chase |
Georgia Glover of David Higham Associates Ltd
Kerry Hadley-Pryce |
Euan Thorneycroft of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Stephanie Haefner |
Brittany Carter of The Booker Albert Literary Agency
Diane Haeger |
Irene Goodman of Irene Goodman Literary Agency
Erin Haft |
Edward Necarsulmer of Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency
Noar Lee Hagan |
Rena Rossner of The Deborah Harris Agency
Ann Hagedorn |
Alice Martell of The Martell Agency
Bethany Hagen |
Mollie Glick of Creative Artists Agency
Cade Hagen |
Shari Maurer of Stringer Literary Agency
Sofie Hagen |
Charlotte Atyeo of Greyhound Literary
Aimee Hagerty Johnson |
Charlotte Wenger of Prospect Agency
Babette Haggerty-Brennan |
Noah Lukeman of Lukeman Literary Management Ltd
Steve Hague |
Robin Wade of Wade & Co Literary Agency
Beth Hahn |
Jessica Papin of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Erin Hahn |
Kate McKean of Howard Morhaim Literary Agency
Sabina Hahn |
Jennifer Laughran of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Samantha Hahn |
Melissa Flashman of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Sumi Hahn |
Priya Doraswamy of Lotus Lane Literary
Brian Haig |
Luke Janklow of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Matt Haig |
Clare Conville of C+W
J.A. Haigh |
Chelsea Hensley of Mad Woman Literary Agency
Arthur Hailey |
Nancy Stauffer Cahoon of Nancy Stauffer Associates
Peter Hain |
Caroline Michel of Peters Fraser & Dunlop
John Haines |
Elizabeth Wales of Wales Literary Agency
Lise Haines |
Charlotte Sheedy of Charlotte Sheedy Literary Agency
Luke Haines |
Clare Conville of C+W
Emily Hainsworth |
Jennifer Laughran of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Andrea Hairston |
Kristopher O'Higgins of Scribe Agency
David Hajdu |
Chris Calhoun of Chris Calhoun Agency
Nafisa Haji |
BJ Robbins of BJ Robbins Literary Agency
Minal Hajratwala |
Anna Ghosh of Ghosh Literary
Kristin Halbrook |
Suzie Townsend of New Leaf Literary & Media
Kristin Halbrook |
Brent Taylor of Triada US Literary Agency
Bruce Hale |
Steven Malk of Writers House
Shannon Hale |
Ginger Clark of Ginger Clark Literary
Shannon Hale |
Amy Jameson of A + B Works
Taylor Hale |
Jennifer Weis of The Weis Agency
Patricia Haley |
Deidre Knight of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Patricia Haley |
Andrew Stuart of The Stuart Agency
Alexis Hall |
Courtney Miller-Callihan of Handspun Literary Agency
Araminta Hall |
Lizzy Kremer of David Higham Associates Ltd
Bruce Edward Hall |
Neeti Madan of Sterling Lord Literistic
David Hall |
Rosemary Stimola of Stimola Literary Studio
Dawn Hall |
Coleen O'Shea of Allen O'Shea Literary Agency LLC
Edith Hall |
Peter Straus of Rogers, Coleridge & White
James W. Hall |
Kimberly Witherspoon of InkWell Management
Jean Matthew Hall |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Joanna Hall |
Judith Murray of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Linda Hall |
Danielle Egan-Miller of Browne & Miller Literary Associates
M R Hall |
Zoe Waldie of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Matthew Hall |
Zoe Waldie of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Parnell Hall |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Rachel Hall |
Michelle Brower of Trellis Literary Management
Rachel Howzell Hall |
Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Radclyffe Hall |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Tarquin Hall |
Emma Parry of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Teri Hall |
Jen Nadol of The Unter Agency
Tessa Emily Hall |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Tim Hall |
James Wills of Watson, Little Ltd
Tony Hall |
Scott Waxman of Waxman Literary Agency
Tony Hall |
Farley Chase of Chase Literary Agency
Martha Hall Kelly |
Alexandra Machinist of Creative Artists Agency
Karina Halle |
Taylor Haggerty of Root Literary
Ayun Halliday |
Elizabeth Wales of Wales Literary Agency
Fiona Halliday |
Essie White of Storm Literary Agency
Gemma Halliday |
Nephele Tempest of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Lisa Halliday |
Chris Parris-Lamb of The Gernert Company
P.K. Hallinan |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Timothy Hallinan |
Bob Mecoy of Bob Mecoy Literary Agency
J.C. Hallman |
Eddie Schneider of JABberwocky Literary Agency
Tom Hallman |
Noah Lukeman of Lukeman Literary Management Ltd
Jennifer Hallmark |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Andrew Halloran |
Jesseca Salky of Salky Literary Management
Stacey Halls |
Juliet Mushens of Mushens Entertainment
Hanna Halperin |
Margaret Riley King of William Morris Endeavor
Ian Halperin |
John Pearce of Westwood Creative Artists
Adena Halpern |
Brian DeFiore of DeFiore and Company
Julie Halpert |
Daniel Lazar of Writers House
Sidney Halston |
Sarah Younger of Nancy Yost Literary Agency
Deborah Halverson |
Erin Murphy of Erin Murphy Literary Agency
Barbara Hambly |
Frances Collin of Frances Collin Literary Agency
Jennifer Hamburg |
Jennifer De Chiara of Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency
Byron Hamburgers |
Veronique Baxter of David Higham Associates Ltd
Sherry Hamby |
Sophie Cudd of The Book Group
Courtenay Hameister |
Laurie Fox of Linda Chester Literary Agency
Beth Hamer Miles |
Susan Hawk of Upstart Crow Literary
Mohsin Hamid |
Jay Mandel of William Morris Endeavor
Alwyn Hamilton |
Molly Ker Hawn of The Bent Agency
Dave Hamilton |
Euan Thorneycroft of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Duncan Hamilton |
Grainne Fox of United Talent Agency
Edmond Hamilton |
Lucienne Diver of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Edmond Hamilton |
Eleanor Wood of Spectrum Literary Agency
Emily Hamilton |
Roma Panganiban of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Glen Erik Hamilton |
Lisa Erbach Vance of The Aaron M. Priest Literary Agency
James Hamilton |
Melissa Flashman of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Julie Hamilton |
Eva Scalzo of Speilburg Literary Agency
Karen Hamilton |
Sophie Lambert of C+W
Laurell K. Hamilton |
Merrilee Heifetz of Writers House
Lou Hamilton |
Clare Conville of C+W
Lyn Hamilton |
Lucienne Diver of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Lyn Hamilton |
Eleanor Wood of Spectrum Literary Agency
Margo Hamilton |
Terrie Wolf of AKA Literary Management
Patrick Hamilton |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Peter F Hamilton |
Antony Harwood of Antony Harwood Limited
Sophie Hamilton |
Rebeka Finch of Darley Anderson Literary
Steve Hamilton |
Euan Thorneycroft of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Virginia Hamilton |
Edward Necarsulmer of Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency
Virginia Hamilton |
Christa Heschke of McIntosh & Otis, Inc.
Edward Hamlin |
Deborah Schneider of Gelfman Schneider
Isabella Hammad |
Georgia Garrett of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Alison Hammer |
Joanna MacKenzie of Nelson Literary Agency, LLC
Julie Hammerle |
Beth Phelan of Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency
Georgina Hammick |
Rachel Calder of The Sayle Literary Agency
Margo Hammond |
Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Sarah Hampson |
Helen Heller of Helen Heller Agency
Alexa Hampton |
William Clark of Wm Clark Associates
Duane Hampton |
William Clark of Wm Clark Associates
Sujatha Hampton |
Sally Wofford-Girand of Union Literary
Janice Hamrick |
David Hale Smith of InkWell Management
Melanie Hamrick |
Annelise Robey of Jane Rotrosen Agency
Dabin Han |
Tori Sharp of Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency
Jenny Han |
Emily van Beek of Folio Literary Management
Josh Hanagarne |
Lisa DiMona of Writers House
Barbara J. Hancock |
Lucienne Diver of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Graham Hancock |
Sonia Land of Sheil Land Associates Ltd
Karen Hancock |
Steve Laube of The Steve Laube Agency
Cynthia Hand |
Katherine Fausset of Curtis Brown, Ltd.
Edie Hand |
Harvey Klinger of Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Jack Handey |
Elizabeth Trupin-Pulli of JET Literary Associates, Inc
Daniel Handler |
Charlotte Sheedy of Charlotte Sheedy Literary Agency
Lowell Handler |
Deirdre Mullane of Mullane Literary
Michael Handrick |
Abi Fellows of DHH Literary
Eric L. Haney |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Hank Haney |
Scott Waxman of Waxman Literary Agency
Ruth Hanford Morhard |
Laurie Abkemeier of DeFiore and Company
Laura Hankin |
Stefanie Lieberman of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
James Hankins |
Michael Bourret of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Zahra Hankir |
Jessica Papin of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Dan Hanks |
Sara Megibow of Megibow Literary Agency
James Hanley |
Georgia Glover of David Higham Associates Ltd
Tim Hanley |
Dawn Frederick of Red Sofa Literary
Victoria Hanley |
Sophie Hicks of Sophie Hicks Agency
Shelley Hanmo |
Marietta Zacker of Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency
Margie Hann-Syme |
Eve White of Eve White Literary Agency
Andrea Hannah |
Victoria Marini of High Line Literary Collective
Bailey Hannah |
Carly Watters of P.S. Literary Agency
Don Hannah |
Anne McDermid of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
James Hannah |
Susan Armstrong of C+W
Kristin Hannah |
Andrea Cirillo of Jane Rotrosen Agency
Mari Hannah |
Oli Munson of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Nelson Hannah |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Nikole Hannah-Jones |
Alia Hanna Habib of The Gernert Company
James Hannaham |
Douglas Stewart of Sterling Lord Literistic
Chris Hannan |
Jonny Geller of Curtis Brown Group, Ltd.
Sophia Hannan |
Jenissa Graham of BookEnds, LLC
James Hannibal |
Sara Crowe of Sara Crowe Literary
James Hannibal |
Harvey Klinger of Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Lauretta Hannon |
Joanne Wyckoff of Carol Mann Agency
Tara Hannon |
Jordan Hamessley of JABberwocky Literary Agency
Donna Hanover |
Fredrica Friedman of Fredrica S. Friedman & Co.
Catherine Hanrahan |
Rebecca Gradinger of United Talent Agency
David Hanrahan |
Robert Dudley of Robert Dudley Agency
Amy S. Hansen |
Jennifer Chen Tran of Glass Literary Management
Dustin Hansen |
Pam Pho of Steven Literary
Dustin Hansen |
Gemma Cooper of Gemma Cooper Literary
Essa Hansen |
Naomi Davis of BookEnds, LLC
Jonathan Hansen |
Wendy Strothman of Aevitas Creative Management
Joseph Hansen |
Stuart Krichevsky of Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc.
Randall Hansen |
John Pearce of Westwood Creative Artists
Donna Maree Hanson |
Alex Adsett of Alex Adsett Literary
Lee Hanson |
William Clark of Wm Clark Associates
Mark Hanson |
Donald Winchester of Watson, Little Ltd
Clea Hantman |
Rebecca Sherman of Writers House
Tamara Haque |
Vicky Weber of Creative Media Agency
Maeve Haran |
Judith Murray of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Rob Harasymchuk |
Beverley Slopen of Beverley Slopen Literary Agency
Chad Harbach |
Chris Parris-Lamb of The Gernert Company
Paige Harbison |
Annelise Robey of Jane Rotrosen Agency
Daniel Harbour |
Charlotte Merritt of Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd
Katherine Harbour |
Thao Le of Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
Hannah Harbour Wells |
Mara Cobb of Martin Literary Management
Ryan Harbuck |
Esty Loveing-Downes of Arthouse Literary Agency
Vaughn Hardacker |
Paula Munier of Talcott Notch Literary Services
Heath Hardage Lee |
Katherine Flynn of Calligraph
Marianne Harden |
Nicole Resciniti of The Seymour Agency
Larissa Hardesty |
Travis Pennington of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Titania Hardie |
Robin Straus of Robin Straus Agency, Inc.
Georgina Harding |
Victoria Hobbs of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Robyn Harding |
Joe Veltre of The Gersh Agency
Isabel Hardman |
Andrew Gordon of David Higham Associates Ltd
Janice Hardy |
Kristin Nelson of Nelson Literary Agency, LLC
Janice Hardy |
Sara Megibow of Megibow Literary Agency
Jess K. Hardy |
Kim Lionetti of BookEnds, LLC
Jim Hardy |
Farley Chase of Chase Literary Agency
Sarah Frances Hardy |
Elana Roth Parker of Laura Dail Literary Agency, Inc.
Sheila Hardy |
Robin Wade of Wade & Co Literary Agency
Vashti Hardy |
Kate Shaw of The Shaw Agency
Louise Hare |
Nelle Andrew of Rachel Mills Literary
Jean Harfenist |
Sam Stoloff of Frances Goldin Literary Agency
Kiran Hargrave |
Hellie Ogden of William Morris Endeavor
Mary Hargreaves |
Rebeka Finch of Darley Anderson Literary
Sarah Harian |
Kathleen Rushall of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Deborah Harkness |
Theresa Park of Park, Fine & Brower Literary Management
Deborah Harkness |
Sam Stoloff of Frances Goldin Literary Agency
Lisa Harkrader |
Steven Chudney of The Chudney Agency
Andrew Harley |
Robert Dudley of Robert Dudley Agency
Belinda Harley |
Judith Murray of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Jennifer Harlow |
Sandy Lu of Book Wyrm Literary Agency
Amanda Harlowe |
Lucy Cleland of Calligraph
Alice Harman |
Lydia Silver of Darley Anderson Children’s Books
Claire Harman |
Zoe Waldie of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Kristen Harmel |
Holly Root of Root Literary
Charlie Harmon |
Eric Myers of Myers Literary Management
Clay Harmon |
Joshua Bilmes of JABberwocky Literary Agency
Kari Lee Harmon |
Christine Witthohn of Book Cents Literary Agency, LLC
Cynthia Harmony |
Natascha Morris of The Tobias Literary Agency
Cynthia Harmony |
James McGowan of BookEnds, LLC
Kelly Harms |
Holly Root of Root Literary
Kim Harnes |
Pam Pho of Steven Literary
Natalie Harnett |
Kent Wolf of Neon Literary
Jenn Harney |
Rachel Orr of Prospect Agency
Kristen Harnisch |
April Eberhardt of April Eberhardt Literary
Nicole Haroutunian |
Julie Stevenson of Massie & McQuilkin Literary Agents
Alea Harper |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Bob Harper |
Clare Coombes of The Liverpool Literary Agency
Bradley Harper |
Jill Marr of Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
Candida Harper |
Caroline Walsh of David Higham Associates Ltd
Dani Harper |
Stephany Evans of Ayesha Pande Literary
Janelle Harper |
Lindsay Davis Auld of Writers House
Lee Harper |
Marie Lamba of Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency
Mireille Harper |
Abi Fellows of DHH Literary
Molly Harper |
Stephany Evans of Ayesha Pande Literary
Peter Harper |
Claudia Young of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Steven Harper |
Lucienne Diver of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Steven Harper |
Eleanor Wood of Spectrum Literary Agency
Suzanne Harper |
Mitchell Waters of Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents, Inc.
Tara Harper |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Tim Harper |
Andrew Gordon of David Higham Associates Ltd
Kelley Harrell |
Natalie Kimber of The Rights Factory
Anna Harrington |
Sarah Younger of Nancy Yost Literary Agency
Carmel Harrington |
Rowan Lawton of The Soho Agency
Hannah Harrington |
Diana Fox of Fox Literary
Karen Harrington |
Julia Kenny of Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency
Laura Harrington |
Stephanie Cabot of Susanna Lea Associates - New York
Samuel Harrington |
Elizabeth Wales of Wales Literary Agency
Ali Harris |
Lizzy Kremer of David Higham Associates Ltd
Anstey Harris |
Sarah Hornsley of Peters Fraser & Dunlop
Carol Ann Harris |
BJ Robbins of BJ Robbins Literary Agency
Carrie Harris |
Kate Testerman of KT Literary
Cecil Harris |
Robert Wilson of Wilson Media
Charlaine Harris |
Russell Galen of Scovil Galen Ghosh Literary Agency, Inc.
Charlaine Harris |
Joshua Bilmes of JABberwocky Literary Agency
Charlaine Harris |
John Berlyne of Zeno Literary Agency
Dan Harris |
Luke Janklow of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Daniel Harris |
Malaga Baldi of Malaga Baldi Literary Agency
Doug Harris |
Ann Rittenberg of Ann Rittenberg Literary Agency
Elizabeth Harris |
Sophie Gorell Barnes of MBA Literary Agents Ltd
Eve Harris |
Diana Beaumont of DHH Literary
James Harris |
Emily Talbot of United Agents, Ltd
Jana Harris |
Robin Straus of Robin Straus Agency, Inc.
Jane Harris |
Jonny Geller of Curtis Brown Group, Ltd.
Jennifer Harris |
Jackie Kaiser of Westwood Creative Artists
John Harris |
Jonny Geller of Curtis Brown Group, Ltd.
Kamala Harris |
Mollie Glick of Creative Artists Agency
Kate Harris |
Stuart Krichevsky of Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc.
Lisa Harris |
Joyce Hart of Hartline Literary Agency
Lydia Harris |
Diana Flegal of Hartline Literary Agency
Oliver Harris |
Veronique Baxter of David Higham Associates Ltd
Pat Harris |
Deborah Grosvenor of Grosvenor Literary Agency
Phyllis Harris |
Adria Goetz of KT Literary
Rachel Harris |
Pam Pho of Steven Literary
Robert Harris |
Michael Carlisle of InkWell Management
Robie H. Harris |
Daniel Mandel of Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
Sarah J. Harris |
Jemima Forrester of David Higham Associates Ltd
Shaun Harris |
Brent Taylor of Triada US Literary Agency
Shelley Harris |
Jenny Savill of Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd
Will Harris |
Nicola Chang of David Higham Associates Ltd
William C. Harris |
Nancy Stauffer Cahoon of Nancy Stauffer Associates
Zoe Harris |
Marisa Corvisiero of Corvisiero Literary Agency
Juliette Harris Bowles |
Victoria Sanders of Victoria Sanders & Associates
A.S.A Harrison |
Samantha Haywood of Transatlantic Literary Agency
April Harrison |
Regina Brooks of Serendipity Literary Agency
Blaine Harrison |
Abi Fellows of DHH Literary
C.C. Harrison |
Terrie Wolf of AKA Literary Management
C.C. Harrison |
Stephany Evans of Ayesha Pande Literary
Cora Harrison |
Peter Buckman of The Ampersand Agency
Hannah Harrison |
Abigail Samoun of Red Fox Literary
Jo Harrison |
Charlotte Merritt of Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd
Kenny Harrison |
Kelly Sonnack of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Kim Harrison |
Richard Curtis of Harold Ober Associates
Laura Harrison |
Stephanie Cabot of Susanna Lea Associates - New York
Lisi Harrison |
Clare Coombes of The Liverpool Literary Agency
Margot Harrison |
Jessica Sinsheimer of Context Literary Agency
Melinda Harrison |
Dean Cooke of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Melissa Harrison |
Jenny Hewson of Lutyens & Rubinstein
Michelle Harrison |
Julia Churchill of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Mim Harrison |
Alison Fargis of Stonesong
Rachel Harrison |
Lucy Carson of The Friedrich Agency
Rory Harrison |
Jim McCarthy of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Stephanie Harrison |
Scott Waxman of Waxman Literary Agency
Stephanie Harrison |
Farley Chase of Chase Literary Agency
Vashti Harrison |
Carrie Hannigan of HG Literary
Wayne Harrison |
Seth Fishman of The Gernert Company
Alix Harrow |
Kate McKean of Howard Morhaim Literary Agency
Lou Harry |
Robert Guinsler of Sterling Lord Literistic
Marc Harshman |
Liza Pulitzer-Voges of Eden Street, LLC
Alice Hart |
Claudia Young of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Amber Hart |
Beth Miller of Writers House
David Bentley Hart |
Giles Anderson of The Anderson Literary Agency, Inc.
Erin Hart |
Sally Wofford-Girand of Union Literary
Jim Hart |
Kevin O'Connor of O'Connor Literary Agency
Joe Hart |
Laura Rennert of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Kate Hart |
Alexandra Levick of Writers House
Kit Hart |
Michelle Richter of Fuse Literary
Megan Hart |
Lynnette Novak of The Seymour Agency
Megan Hart |
Laura Bradford of Bradford Literary Agency
Melissa Joan Hart |
Alyssa Reuben of William Morris Endeavor
Rhiannon Hart |
Ginger Clark of Ginger Clark Literary
Rob Hart |
Joshua Getzler of HG Literary
Sandra M. Hart |
Joyce Hart of Hartline Literary Agency
Kauai Hart Hemmings |
David Forrer of InkWell Management
Kaui Hart Hemmings |
Kimberly Witherspoon of InkWell Management
Adam Hart-Davis |
James Wills of Watson, Little Ltd
Peter Hartcher |
Catherine Drayton of InkWell Management
Aidan Harte |
Sonia Land of Sheil Land Associates Ltd
Brent Hartinger |
Jennifer De Chiara of Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency
Brent Hartinger |
Stephen Fraser of Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency
Sonia Hartl |
Rebecca Podos of Rees Literary Agency
Jessie Hartland |
Brenda Bowen of The Book Group
A.J. Hartley |
Stacey Glick of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Erin Hartley |
Melissa Nasson of Rubin Pfeffer Content
Sarah Hartley |
Juliet Pickering of Blake Friedmann Literary
Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer |
Euan Thorneycroft of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Aubrey Hartman |
Molly O'Neill of Root Literary
Kent Hartman |
Helen Zimmermann of The Helen Zimmermann Literary Agency
Rachel Hartman |
Daniel Lazar of Writers House
Ruth Hartman |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Annie Hartnett |
Katie Grimm of Curtis Brown, Ltd.
Sarah Hartshorne |
Ayla Zuraw-Friedland of Frances Goldin Literary Agency
Heather Hartt-Sussman |
Michael Levine of Westwood Creative Artists
William Hartung |
Anna Ghosh of Ghosh Literary
Aaron Hartzler |
Michael Bourret of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Marc Hartzman |
Katherine Boyle of Veritas Literary Agency
Gini Hartzmark |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Kent Haruf |
Nancy Stauffer Cahoon of Nancy Stauffer Associates
Alyxandra Harvey |
Marlene Stringer of Stringer Literary Agency
Matthea Harvey |
Brenda Bowen of The Book Group
Harriet Harvey-Wood |
Caroline Michel of Peters Fraser & Dunlop
Robin Harvie |
Laetitia Rutherford of Watson, Little Ltd
Hilary Harwell |
Christa Heschke of McIntosh & Otis, Inc.
Clarissa Harwood |
Laura Crockett of Triada US Literary Agency
John Harwood |
Victoria Hobbs of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Jane Haseldine |
Priya Doraswamy of Lotus Lane Literary
Sara Hashem |
Jennifer Azantian of Jennifer Azantian Literary Agency
Ashlee Hashman |
Elisa Houot of The Seymour Agency
Caroline Haskell |
Dana Newman of Dana Newman Literary
Dave Haslam |
Jonny Geller of Curtis Brown Group, Ltd.
Lucy Haslam |
Laura Gruszka of Writers House
John Haslett |
Matt Wagner of Fresh Books Literary Agency
Michael F. Haspil |
Sara Megibow of Megibow Literary Agency
Abigail Hass |
Rebecca Friedman of Rebecca Friedman Literary Agency
John Edward Hasse |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Cate Haste |
Caroline Michel of Peters Fraser & Dunlop
Samantha Hastings |
Jen Nadol of The Unter Agency
Selina Hastings |
Zoe Waldie of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Meg Haston |
Rebecca Friedman of Rebecca Friedman Literary Agency
Amber Hatch |
Jane Graham Maw of Graham Maw Christie Literary Agents
Ben Hatch |
Philip Patterson of Marjacq Scripts
Leanne Hatch |
Janine Le of Janine Le Literary
Orrin Hatch |
Peter Cox of Redhammer Management Ltd
Orrin G. Hatch |
Peter Cox of Redhammer Management Ltd
Julie Anne Hatcher |
Erin Niumata of Folio Literary Management
Robin Lee Hatcher |
Natasha Kern of Natasha Kern Literary Agency
Jessica Hatchigan |
Pamela Harty of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Robin Hathaway |
Laura Langlie of Laura Langlie Agency
Owen Hatherley |
Nicola Barr of The Bent Agency
S. Hati |
Allegra Martschenko of BookEnds, LLC
Kate Hattemer |
Uwe Stender of Triada US Literary Agency
Alice Hattrick |
Harriet Moore of Aitken Alexander Associates
Karen Hattrup |
Steven Chudney of The Chudney Agency
Amy Hatvany |
Victoria Sanders of Victoria Sanders & Associates
Kika Hatzopoulou |
Michaela Whatnall of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Brian Haughton |
Lisa Hagan of Lisa Hagan Literary
John Haule |
Katherine Boyle of Veritas Literary Agency
Lyanda Lynn Haupt |
Elizabeth Wales of Wales Literary Agency
Jean Haus |
Jane Dystel of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Ethan Hauser |
Eleanor Jackson of Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency
Peter Hautman |
Jennifer Flannery of Flannery Literary
Esther Hautzig |
Julia Churchill of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Alison Havancik |
Paul Levine of Paul S. Levine Literary Agent
Candace Havens |
Elaine Spencer of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Allison Havey |
Nelle Andrew of Rachel Mills Literary
Heather Havrilesky |
Gary Morris of David Black Literary Agency
Lindsay Hawdon |
Susan Armstrong of C+W
Linda Hawes |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Louise Hawes |
Ginger Knowlton of Curtis Brown, Ltd.
Lydia Hawke |
Sara Megibow of Megibow Literary Agency
Sam Hawke |
Julie Crisp of Julie Crisp Literary Agency
Eleanor Hawken |
Gill McLay of Bath Literary Agency
Sam Hawken |
Oli Munson of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Lauren Hawkeye |
Deidre Knight of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Lauren Hawkeye |
J. L. Stermer of Next Level Lit, LLC
Alis Hawkins |
Francesca Riccardi of Kate Nash Literary Agency
Angela C. Hawkins |
Anjanette Barr of Dunham Literary, Inc.
Ed Hawkins |
Charlotte Atyeo of Greyhound Literary
Elizabeth Hawkins |
Julia Churchill of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Helen Hawkins |
Saskia Leach of Kate Nash Literary Agency
Jen Marie Hawkins |
Hilary Harwell of KT Literary
Paula Hawkins |
Lizzy Kremer of David Higham Associates Ltd
Rachel Hawkins |
Holly Root of Root Literary
Scott Hawkins |
Caitlin Blasdell of Liza Dawson Associates
Carleen Hawn |
Stephen Hanselman of LevelFiveMedia, LLC
Goldie Hawn |
Alan Nevins of Renaissance Literary & Talent
Barbara Haworth-Attard |
Scott Treimel of Scott Treimel New York Agency
Lara Hawthorne |
Alice Williams of Alice Williams Literary
Rachel Hawthorne |
Meredith Bernstein of Meredith Bernstein Literary Agency
Sarah Hawthorne |
Jessica Alvarez of BookEnds, LLC
Evie Hawtrey |
Michael Carr of Veritas Literary Agency
Lance Hawvermale |
Jonah Straus of Straus Literary
Ashley Hay |
Jenny Hewson of Lutyens & Rubinstein
Donna Hay |
Euan Thorneycroft of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Elizabeth Hay |
Jackie Kaiser of Westwood Creative Artists
Lucy Hay |
Hattie Grunewald of The Blair Partnership
Sam Hay |
Gemma Cooper of Gemma Cooper Literary
Suzanne Hay |
Denise Barone of Barone Literary Agency
Janeen Hayat |
Paula Weiman of ASH Literary
Chaunce Hayden |
Terrie Wolf of AKA Literary Management
Christian Hayden |
Jen Nadol of The Unter Agency
Laura Hayden |
Ethan Ellenberg of Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency
Elizabeth Haydon |
Richard Curtis of Harold Ober Associates
Corey Ann Haydu |
Victoria Marini of High Line Literary Collective
Bill Hayes |
Emily Forland of Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents, Inc.
Emery Hayes |
Anne Tibbets of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Erica Hayes |
Marlene Stringer of Stringer Literary Agency
Gwen Hayes |
Jessica Sinsheimer of Context Literary Agency
Hazel Hayes |
Sabrina Taitz of William Morris Endeavor
Nick Hayes |
Jessica Woollard of David Higham Associates Ltd
Samantha Hayes |
Oli Munson of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Tyler Hayes |
Lisa Abellera of Kimberley Cameron & Associates
Elizabeth Hayley |
Sarah Younger of Nancy Yost Literary Agency
James Hayman |
Annelise Robey of Jane Rotrosen Agency
Jennifer Haymore |
Barbara Poelle of Word One Literary
Priscilla B. Hayner |
Malaga Baldi of Malaga Baldi Literary Agency
Dana Haynes |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Jasmine Haynes |
Lucienne Diver of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Jasmine Haynes |
Eleanor Wood of Spectrum Literary Agency
Keeda Haynes |
Margaret Riley King of William Morris Endeavor
Anna Hays |
Daniel Lazar of Writers House
Charlotte Hays |
Deborah Grosvenor of Grosvenor Literary Agency
Katy Hays |
Sarah Phair of Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
Tony Hays |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Rhonda Hayter |
Anne McDermid of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Ann Hayton |
Laura Williams of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Steven Hayward |
Dean Cooke of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Vicky Hayward |
Charlotte Seymour of Johnson & Alcock Ltd
Chelsea Haywood |
Stephanie Abou of Massie & McQuilkin Literary Agents
Leah Hazard |
Hayley Steed of Janklow and Nesbit Ltd
Ali Hazelwood |
Thao Le of Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
Michelle Hazen |
Naomi Davis of BookEnds, LLC
Joan He |
John Cusick of Folio Literary Management
Julia Heaberlin |
Pamela Ahearn of The Ahearn Agency
Summer Heacock |
Uwe Stender of Triada US Literary Agency
Summer Heacock |
Brent Taylor of Triada US Literary Agency
Celeste Headlee |
Heather Jackson of Heather Jackson Literary Agency
Jane Healey |
Hayley Steed of Janklow and Nesbit Ltd
Jonathan Healey |
Charlotte Merritt of Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd
Judith Healey |
Marly Rusoff of Marly Rusoff & Associates
David Healy |
Beverley Slopen of Beverley Slopen Literary Agency
Dermot Healy |
Clare Conville of C+W
Luke Healy |
Desiree Wilson of Looking Glass Literary & Media
Harry Heape |
Gill McLay of Bath Literary Agency
Gerald Heard |
Georgia Glover of David Higham Associates Ltd
Wendy Heard |
Lauren Spieller of Folio Literary Management
Diane Hearn |
Liza Pulitzer-Voges of Eden Street, LLC
Lian Hearn |
Joe Regal of Regal Hoffmann & Associates
Miranda Hearn |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
John Heath-Stubbs |
Georgia Glover of David Higham Associates Ltd
Lisa Heathfield |
Veronique Baxter of David Higham Associates Ltd
Sophie Heawood |
Georgia Garrett of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Nicole Hebdon |
Laura Gruszka of Writers House
Brooke Hecker |
Elana Roth Parker of Laura Dail Literary Agency, Inc.
Thyra Heder |
Stephen Barr of Writers House
Julie Hedlund |
Erzsi Deak of Hen & Ink Literary Studio
Susan Heeger |
Angela Rinaldi of The Angela Rinaldi Literary Agency
Etienne van Heerden |
Isobel Dixon of Blake Friedmann Literary
Laura Heffernan |
Michelle Richter of Fuse Literary
Neil Hegarty |
Veronique Baxter of David Higham Associates Ltd
Neil Hegarty |
Robin Wade of Wade & Co Literary Agency
Swati Hegde |
Uwe Stender of Triada US Literary Agency
Swati Hegde |
Rachel Beck of Liza Dawson Associates
Bethany Hegedus |
Alexandra Penfold of Upstart Crow Literary
Amanda Heger |
Jessica Watterson of Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
Jean Hegland |
Elizabeth Wales of Wales Literary Agency
Eric Heiden |
Farley Chase of Chase Literary Agency
Steven Heighton |
Anne McDermid of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Robert Heilbrun |
Amy Rennert of The Amy Rennert Agency
Heidi Heilig |
Molly Ker Hawn of The Bent Agency
Leah Heilman Schanke |
Allison Remcheck Pernetti of Stimola Literary Studio
Joanne Heim |
William Jensen of William K Jensen Literary Agency
Toben Heim |
William Jensen of William K Jensen Literary Agency
Craig Heimbuch |
John Rudolph of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Adam Heine |
Tricia Lawrence of Erin Murphy Literary Agency
Robert A. Heinlein |
Lucienne Diver of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Robert A. Heinlein |
Eleanor Wood of Spectrum Literary Agency
Jane Heinrichs |
Essie White of Storm Literary Agency
Geoff Heinricks |
Anne McDermid of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Maggie Heinze |
Jordan Hamessley of JABberwocky Literary Agency
Heather Heistand |
Pam Pho of Steven Literary
Lenya Heitzig |
William Jensen of William K Jensen Literary Agency
Leslie Helakoski |
Rosemary Stimola of Stimola Literary Studio
Amanda Helander |
Laura Rennert of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Rachel Held Evans |
Rachelle Gardner of Gardner Literary Agency
Elizabeth Helen |
Susan Velazquez Colmant of JABberwocky Literary Agency
Gerard Helferich |
Deirdre Mullane of Mullane Literary
Gerry Helferich |
Deirdre Mullane of Mullane Literary
Kat Helgeson |
John Cusick of Folio Literary Management
Nicole Helget |
Faye Bender of The Book Group
Richard Hell |
Kirby Kim of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Caroline Heller |
Anna Ghosh of Ghosh Literary
Jane Heller |
Amy Schiffman of The Gersh Agency
Jason Heller |
Eddie Schneider of JABberwocky Literary Agency
Nancy Heller |
Jackie Meyer of Whimsy Literary Agency LLC
Steve Heller |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Steven Heller |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Zoe Heller |
Georgia Garrett of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Cat Hellisen |
Suzie Townsend of New Leaf Literary & Media
Tiffinie Helmer |
Christine Witthohn of Book Cents Literary Agency, LLC
Rhonda Helms |
Courtney Miller-Callihan of Handspun Literary Agency
Fiona Helmuth |
Mara Cobb of Martin Literary Management
Brett Helquist |
Steven Malk of Writers House
Ellen Heltzel |
Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
David Helvarg |
Kevan Lyon of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Edward Hemingway |
Paul Rodeen of Rodeen Literary Management
Aleksandar Hemon |
Nicole Aragi of Aragi Agency
Christine Hemp |
Gail Hochman of Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents, Inc.
Amy Hempel |
Rachel Calder of The Sayle Literary Agency
Jc Hemphill |
Travis Pennington of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Stephanie Hemphill |
Steven Malk of Writers House
Patrick Hemstreet |
Emma Parry of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Alexis Henderson |
Jenny Bent of The Bent Agency
Artis Henderson |
Anna Stein of Creative Artists Agency
Austin Henderson |
Susan Hawk of Upstart Crow Literary
Danielle Henderson |
Christopher Schelling of Selectric Artists
Danielle Henderson |
Nicola Barr of The Bent Agency
Dee Henderson |
Danielle Egan-Miller of Browne & Miller Literary Associates
Eleanor Henderson |
Jim Rutman of Sterling Lord Literistic
Emily Henderson |
Margaret Riley King of William Morris Endeavor
Emma Henderson |
Veronique Baxter of David Higham Associates Ltd
Joyce Henderson |
Marlene Stringer of Stringer Literary Agency
Lee Henderson |
Anne McDermid of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Randy Henderson |
Cameron McClure of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Smith Henderson |
Nicole Aragi of Aragi Agency
Susan Henderson |
Dan Conaway of Writers House
Greer Hendricks |
Margaret Riley King of William Morris Endeavor
Jaime Lynn Hendricks |
Anne Tibbets of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Susan Hendricks |
Katherine Odom-Tomchin of Folio Literary Management
Grady Hendrix |
Joshua Bilmes of JABberwocky Literary Agency
Harville Hendrix |
Barney Karpfinger of Karpfinger Agency
Michael Hendrix |
Rick Richter of Aevitas Creative Management
Hannah Hendy |
Francesca Riccardi of Kate Nash Literary Agency
Donna Henes |
Deirdre Mullane of Mullane Literary
Jeff Henigson |
Daniel Lazar of Writers House
Alyssa Henkin |
Elizabeth Harding of Curtis Brown, Ltd.
Lisa Hennessy |
Adria Goetz of KT Literary
Jane Hennigan |
Liza DeBlock of Mushens Entertainment
Sarah Henning |
Whitney Ross of High Line Literary Collective
Sarah Henning |
Rachel Ekstrom Courage of Courage Literary
Michelle Henrie |
Heather Cashman of Storm Literary Agency
Stacy Henrie |
Jessica Alvarez of BookEnds, LLC
Anders Henriksson |
James Levine of Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency
Cristina Henriquez |
Julie Barer of The Book Group
Jessica Henriquez |
Margaret Riley King of William Morris Endeavor
Emily Henry |
Taylor Haggerty of Root Literary
John G. Henry |
Joshua Bilmes of JABberwocky Literary Agency
Lindsay Henry |
Masha Gunic of Jennifer Azantian Literary Agency
Mark Henry |
Jim McCarthy of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Noelle Henry |
Beth Miller of Writers House
Sara J. Henry |
Barney Karpfinger of Karpfinger Agency
Sophia Henry |
Jessica Watterson of Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
Todd Henry |
Melissa White of Folio Literary Management
Veronica G. Henry |
Mary C. Moore of Aevitas Creative Management
Judith Henry Wall |
Philippa Brophy of Sterling Lord Literistic
Gijs van Hensbergen |
Euan Thorneycroft of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Liz Hensel |
Bethany Jett of CYLE
Philip Hensher |
Georgia Garrett of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Kristin Henson |
Alison Fargis of Stonesong
Kenda Henthorn |
Allison Remcheck Pernetti of Stimola Literary Studio
Bridget Heos |
Kelly Sonnack of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Judy Hepburn |
Abi Fellows of DHH Literary
Mike Heppner |
Claudia Cross of Folio Literary Management
Geoff Herbach |
Jim McCarthy of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Debbie Herbert |
Ann Leslie Tuttle of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
James Herbert |
Anthony Goff of David Higham Associates Ltd
Cheryl Renee Herbsman |
Leigh Feldman of Leigh Feldman Literary
Mark Herder |
Sandra Bond of Bond Literary Agency
Stuart Heritage |
Antony Topping of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Charlotte Herman |
Alyssa Henkin of Birch Path Literary
Christine Lynn Herman |
Kelly Sonnack of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Seth Herman |
Brittany Carter of The Booker Albert Literary Agency
Stan Herman |
Jackie Meyer of Whimsy Literary Agency LLC
Marie Hermansson |
Caryn Wiseman of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Roger Hermiston |
Andrew Gordon of David Higham Associates Ltd
Jess Hernandez |
Rena Rossner of The Deborah Harris Agency
Leeza Hernandez |
Rachel Orr of Prospect Agency
Leo Hernandez |
Kim Lindman of Stonesong
Michele Hernandez |
Robin Straus of Robin Straus Agency, Inc.
Michele A. Hernandez |
Robin Straus of Robin Straus Agency, Inc.
Juan Hernaz |
Essie White of Storm Literary Agency
Lily Herne |
Oli Munson of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Marcus Herniman |
Susan Smith of MBA Literary Agents Ltd
Farah Heron |
Rachel Brooks of BookEnds, LLC
Zoe Heron |
Victoria Hobbs of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Juan Felipe Herrera |
Kendra Marcus of Bookstop Literary Agency
Olga Herrera |
Natalie Lakosil of Looking Glass Literary & Media
Marjorie Herrera Lewis |
Andrea Somberg of Harvey Klinger, Inc.
James Herriot |
Georgia Glover of David Higham Associates Ltd
Carolivia Herron |
Marie Brown of Marie Brown Associates
Carolivia Herron |
Sterling Lord of Sterling Lord Literistic
Rita Herron |
Jenny Bent of The Bent Agency
Layla Hersch |
Emily Forney of BookEnds, LLC
Mary Hershey |
Erin Murphy of Erin Murphy Literary Agency
Lori Herter |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Linda Hervieux |
Rachel Sussman of Chalberg & Sussman
Annie Herzig |
Charlotte Wenger of Prospect Agency
Danielle Herzog |
Erin Niumata of Folio Literary Management
Charlie Hess |
William Clark of Wm Clark Associates
Lisa Lawmaster Hess |
Diana Flegal of Hartline Literary Agency
Karen Hesse |
Brenda Bowen of The Book Group
Monica Hesse |
Ginger Clark of Ginger Clark Literary
Joyce Hesselberth |
Erica Rand Silverman of Stimola Literary Studio
Sheila Heti |
Jim Rutman of Sterling Lord Literistic
Sheila Heti |
Anne McDermid of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
James A. Hetley |
Eleanor Wood of Spectrum Literary Agency
Michael Hetzer |
Victoria Sanders of Victoria Sanders & Associates
Lindsey Hewett |
Alyssa Henkin of Birch Path Literary
Ben Hewitt |
Joanna Volpe of New Leaf Literary & Media
Deborah Hewitt |
Jemima Forrester of David Higham Associates Ltd
JM Hewitt |
Laetitia Rutherford of Watson, Little Ltd
Molly Hewitt |
Coleen O'Shea of Allen O'Shea Literary Agency LLC
David Hewson |
Camilla Bolton of Darley Anderson Literary
Heather Heyford |
Sarah Younger of Nancy Yost Literary Agency
Arlene Heyman |
Victoria Hobbs of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Michiel Heyns |
Isobel Dixon of Blake Friedmann Literary
Dani Heywood-Lonsdale |
Olivia Maidment of The Madeleine Milburn Literary Agency
Nir Hezroni |
Rena Rossner of The Deborah Harris Agency
C. Michael Hiam |
Albert LaFarge of Albert LaFarge Literary Agency
Brenda Hiatt |
Jennifer Jackson of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Brenda Hiatt |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Jessamy Hibberd |
Jane Graham Maw of Graham Maw Christie Literary Agents
Christopher Hibbert |
Georgia Glover of David Higham Associates Ltd
Talia Hibbert |
Courtney Miller-Callihan of Handspun Literary Agency
Janet Hibbs |
Jennifer Weis of The Weis Agency
Homer Hickam |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Caroline Hickey |
Rebecca Sherman of Writers House
Laura Hickman |
Matthew Bialer of Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
Martha W. Hickman |
Harvey Klinger of Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Tracy Hickman |
Matthew Bialer of Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
Tracy Hickman |
Christi Cardenas of The Plains Agency, Inc.
Brian Hicks |
Tracy Brown of Tracy Brown Literary Agency
Brian Hicks |
Michelle Brower of Trellis Literary Management
Faith Erin Hicks |
Bernadette Baker-Baughman of Victoria Sanders & Associates
Robert Hicks |
Jeff Kleinman of Folio Literary Management
Leanna Renee Hieber |
Sara Megibow of Megibow Literary Agency
Leanna Renee Hieber |
Chelsea Hensley of Mad Woman Literary Agency
Ryan Higa |
Joanna Volpe of New Leaf Literary & Media
Keigo Higashino |
Anna Stein of Creative Artists Agency
Alexandra Higgins |
Kiana Nguyen of Donald Maass Literary Agency
David Higgins |
Charlie Campbell of Greyhound Literary
E. Tory Higgins |
Giles Anderson of The Anderson Literary Agency, Inc.
George V. Higgins |
Albert LaFarge of Albert LaFarge Literary Agency
Jack Higgins |
Sophie Hicks of Sophie Hicks Agency
Kristan Higgins |
Maria Carvainis of Maria Carvainis Agency, Inc.
Marissa Higgins |
Katie Grimm of Curtis Brown, Ltd.
Peter Higgins |
Nelle Andrew of Rachel Mills Literary
Ryan T. Higgins |
Paul Rodeen of Rodeen Literary Management
Robert Higgs |
Jonah Straus of Straus Literary
Julie Highmore |
Dorie Simmonds of Dorie Simmonds Agency Ltd.
Donna Barba Higuera |
Allison Remcheck Pernetti of Stimola Literary Studio
Oscar Hijuelos |
Jennifer Lyons of Jennifer Lyons Literary Agency, LLC
Robert Hilburn |
Luke Janklow of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Julie Hilden |
Harvey Klinger of Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Elin Hilderbrand |
Michael Carlisle of InkWell Management
Elin Hilderbrand |
David Forrer of InkWell Management
Lidija Hilje |
Abby Walters of Creative Artists Agency
Amanda Hill |
Elizabeth Harding of Curtis Brown, Ltd.
Brad Hill |
Diana Flegal of Hartline Literary Agency
C.J. Hill |
Erica Rand Silverman of Stimola Literary Studio
Christopher Hill |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Christopher William Hill |
Sophie Gorell Barnes of MBA Literary Agents Ltd
Declan Hill |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Donna Hill |
Pattie Steele-Perkins of Steele-Perkins Literary Agency
Ernest Hill |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Joe Hill |
Amy Williams of The Williams Company
Katherine Hill |
Jim Rutman of Sterling Lord Literistic
Kevin P. Hill |
Dana Newman of Dana Newman Literary
Maisie Hill |
Julia Silk of Greyhound Literary
Melanie Heuiser Hill |
Carrie Hannigan of HG Literary
Miranda Hill |
Samantha Haywood of Transatlantic Literary Agency
Rick Hill |
Scott Waxman of Waxman Literary Agency
Sandra Hill |
Jenny Bent of The Bent Agency
Susan Hill |
Sonia Land of Sheil Land Associates Ltd
Tobias Hill |
Victoria Hobbs of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Tomoe Hill |
Imogen Pelham of Marjacq Scripts
Will Hill |
Charlie Campbell of Greyhound Literary
Yannick Hill |
Sarah Williams of Sophie Hicks Agency
Richard Hillary |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Laura Hillenbrand |
Tina Bennett of Bennett Literary
Will Hillenbrand |
Brenda Bowen of The Book Group
Robert Hilles |
Dean Cooke of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
M.E. Hilliard |
Julie Gwinn of The Seymour Agency
Jennifer Hillier |
Victoria Skurnick of Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency
Rick Hillier |
John Pearce of Westwood Creative Artists
Bill Hillmann |
Mark Falkin of Falkin Literary
Lexa Hillyer |
Stephen Barbara of InkWell Management
Tim Hiltabiddle |
Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Lisa Hilton |
Michael Alcock of Johnson & Alcock Ltd
Lisa Hilton |
Toby Mundy of Aevitas Creative Management
Nicky Hilton |
Kirsten Neuhaus of Ultra Literary
Sharon Hinck |
Steve Laube of The Steve Laube Agency
Patrick Hinds |
Lisa Hagan of Lisa Hagan Literary
Emma Hine |
Julia Eagleton of Janklow and Nesbit Ltd
Lewis Hine |
Sophie Hicks of Sophie Hicks Agency
Lewis Hine |
Sarah Williams of Sophie Hicks Agency
Olivia Hinebaugh |
Uwe Stender of Triada US Literary Agency
Jim Hines |
Marisa Corvisiero of Corvisiero Literary Agency
Jim C. Hines |
Joshua Bilmes of JABberwocky Literary Agency
Kevin Hines |
Dana Newman of Dana Newman Literary
Michael Hingson |
Chip MacGregor of MacGregor & Luedeke Literary
Michael Hingston |
Stacey Kondla of The Rights Factory
Joyce Hinnefeld |
Olivia Blumer of The Blumer Literary Agency
Vicki Hinze |
Chip MacGregor of MacGregor & Luedeke Literary
Carol Hipperson |
Marlene Stringer of Stringer Literary Agency
Peter Hipson |
Matt Wagner of Fresh Books Literary Agency
Veera Hiranandani |
Sara Crowe of Sara Crowe Literary
Jeff Hirsch |
Sara Crowe of Sara Crowe Literary
Paul Hirsch |
Kevin O'Connor of O'Connor Literary Agency
Robin Hirsch |
Julia Lord of Julia Lord Literary Management
Corson Hirschfeld |
Lucienne Diver of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Neal Hirschfeld |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Michael Hirsh |
Matthew Bialer of Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
Denis Hirson |
Isobel Dixon of Blake Friedmann Literary
Chris Hirst |
Andrew Gordon of David Higham Associates Ltd
Rowan Hisayo Buchanan |
Lucy Luck of C+W
Iris Hiskey Arno |
Liza Pulitzer-Voges of Eden Street, LLC
Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock |
Molly Ker Hawn of The Bent Agency
Mark Hitchcock |
William Jensen of William K Jensen Literary Agency
Mark Hix |
Jonny Geller of Curtis Brown Group, Ltd.
Jean Chen Ho |
Serene Hakim of Ayesha Pande Literary
Joan Chen Ho |
Serene Hakim of Ayesha Pande Literary
Joanna Ho |
Caryn Wiseman of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Lauren Ho |
Katelyn Detweiler of Jill Grinberg Literary Management
Richard Ho |
Emily Mitchell of Wernick & Pratt Agency
Polly Ho-Yen |
Clare Wallace of Darley Anderson Literary
Tami Hoag |
Andrea Cirillo of Jane Rotrosen Agency
Helen Hoang |
Kim Lionetti of BookEnds, LLC
Van Hoang |
Mary C. Moore of Aevitas Creative Management
Philip Hoare |
Lisa Baker of Aitken Alexander Associates
Helena Hoayun |
Uwe Stender of Triada US Literary Agency
Julia Hoban |
Erin Malone of William Morris Endeavor
Russell Hoban |
Wendy Schmalz of Wendy Schmalz Agency
Russell Hoban |
Andrew Gordon of David Higham Associates Ltd
Robin Hobb |
Chris Lotts of The Lotts Agency
Peter Hobbs |
Zoe Waldie of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Valerie Hobbs |
Eric Myers of Myers Literary Management
Mary Ann Hoberman |
Gina Maccoby of Gina Maccoby Literary Agency
Eric Hobsbawm |
Andrew Gordon of David Higham Associates Ltd
Brandon Hobson |
Caroline Eisenmann of Frances Goldin Literary Agency
Charlotte Hobson |
Georgia Garrett of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Lindsey Hobson |
Fiona Kenshole of Transatlantic Literary Agency
M. K. Hobson |
Ginger Clark of Ginger Clark Literary
Rob Hobson |
Dorie Simmonds of Dorie Simmonds Agency Ltd.
Hermione Hoby |
Marya Spence of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
J. M. Hochstetler |
Joyce Hart of Hartline Literary Agency
Marquita Hockaday |
Sara Megibow of Megibow Literary Agency
Marquita Hockaday |
Jennie Goloboy of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Steve Hockensmith |
Elyse Cheney of The Cheney Agency
Karla Hocker |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Janice Hocker Rushing |
Sally Van Haitsma of Van Haitsma Literary
Amanda Hocking |
Steven Axelrod of The Axelrod Agency
Deborah Hocking |
Lori Kilkelly of LK Literary Agency
Bridget Hodder |
Eric Myers of Myers Literary Management
Mark Hodder |
Eddie Schneider of JABberwocky Literary Agency
Ben Hodge |
Sara Megibow of Megibow Literary Agency
Katrina Hodge |
Laetitia Rutherford of Watson, Little Ltd
Rebecca Hodge |
Ali Herring of Spencerhill Associates
Rosamund Hodge |
Hannah Bowman of Liza Dawson Associates
P.C. Hodgell |
Jennifer Jackson of Donald Maass Literary Agency
P.C. Hodgell |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Kate Hodges |
Juliet Pickering of Blake Friedmann Literary
Michael Hodges |
Clare Conville of C+W
Jack Hodgins |
John Pearce of Westwood Creative Artists
Leigh Hodgkinson |
Caroline Walsh of David Higham Associates Ltd
George Hodgman |
Henry Dunow of Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency
George Hodgman |
Amy Hughes of Amy Hughes Agency
Antonia Hodgson |
Clare Conville of C+W
George Hodgson |
Betsy Lerner of Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency
Jesse Hodgson |
Caroline Walsh of David Higham Associates Ltd
Lara Hodgson |
Lisa Leshne of The Lisa Leshne Agency
Katrina Hodiak-Lunore |
Ken Sherman of Ken Sherman & Associates
Michelle Hodkin |
Faye Bender of The Book Group
Michelle Hodkin |
Barry Goldblatt of Barry Goldblatt Literary Agency, Inc.
Michelle Hodkin |
Diana Fox of Fox Literary
Chelsea Hodson |
Monika Woods of Triangle House
Marcia Hoehne |
Peter Knapp of Park, Fine & Brower Literary Management
Stacy Hoff |
Eva Scalzo of Speilburg Literary Agency
Peter Hoffer |
Scott Waxman of Waxman Literary Agency
Melanie Hoffert |
Wendy Sherman of Wendy Sherman Associates
Jennifer Hoffine |
Suzie Townsend of New Leaf Literary & Media
Alexandra Hoffman |
Vicky Weber of Creative Media Agency
Beth Hoffman |
Catherine Drayton of InkWell Management
Bryce Hoffman |
Stuart Krichevsky of Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc.
Cara Hoffman |
Rebecca Friedman of Rebecca Friedman Literary Agency
Carl Hoffman |
Joe Regal of Regal Hoffmann & Associates
Eric Hoffman |
Rachel Orr of Prospect Agency
Jeff Hoffman |
Wendy Levinson of Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Jilliane Hoffman |
Luke Janklow of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Judy Hoffman |
Linda Pratt of Wernick & Pratt Agency
Mark Hoffman |
Jennifer Laughran of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Mary Hoffman |
Claire Wilson of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Mm Hoffman |
Tricia Skinner of Fuse Literary
Paul Hoffman |
Anthony Goff of David Higham Associates Ltd
Roy Hoffman |
Joelle Delbourgo of Joelle Delbourgo Associates
Ada Hoffmann |
Hannah Bowman of Liza Dawson Associates
Kerry Cohen Hoffmann |
Ethan Ellenberg of Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency
Robert Hofler |
Eric Myers of Myers Literary Management
Dianne Hofmeyr |
Caroline Walsh of David Higham Associates Ltd
Rachel Hofstetter |
Kari Stuart of Creative Artists Agency
Chuck Hogan |
Clare Coombes of The Liverpool Literary Agency
Edward Hogan |
Veronique Baxter of David Higham Associates Ltd
Emma Hogan |
Jessica Woollard of David Higham Associates Ltd
Emma Hogan |
Caroline Walsh of David Higham Associates Ltd
James P. Hogan |
Lucienne Diver of The Knight Agency, Inc.
James P. Hogan |
Eleanor Wood of Spectrum Literary Agency
Linda Hogan |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Linda Hogan |
Jessica Sinsheimer of Context Literary Agency
Mary Hogan |
Laura Langlie of Laura Langlie Agency
Mary Hogan |
Annette Green of Annette Green Authors' Agency
Michael Hogan |
Adam Chromy of Movable Type Management
Phil Hogan |
Veronique Baxter of David Higham Associates Ltd
Skylar Hogan |
Christa Heschke of McIntosh & Otis, Inc.
Ainslie Hogarth |
Ali McDonald of 5 Otter Literary
Ainslie Hogarth |
Rachel Crawford of Wolf Literary Services
Paul Hogarth |
Rachel Calder of The Sayle Literary Agency
Peter Hogenkamp |
Elizabeth Kracht of Kimberley Cameron & Associates
Amy Hoggart |
Donald Winchester of Watson, Little Ltd
Anna Hoghton |
Caroline Walsh of David Higham Associates Ltd
Sarah Hogle |
Taylor Haggerty of Root Literary
Rebecca Hogue Wojahn |
Paul Rodeen of Rodeen Literary Management
Hannah Holborn |
Carolyn Swayze of Carolyn Swayze Literary Agency Ltd.
Stark Holborn |
Ed Wilson of Johnson & Alcock Ltd
Elizabeth Holcombe |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Tracy Holczer |
Rosemary Stimola of Stimola Literary Studio
Blair Holden |
Alexander Slater of Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
Elizabeth Holden |
Allison Hellegers of Stimola Literary Studio
Elizabeth Holden |
Emily Forney of BookEnds, LLC
Triona Holden |
Donald Winchester of Watson, Little Ltd
Wendy Holden |
Anna Ghosh of Ghosh Literary
Wendy Holden |
Alan Nevins of Renaissance Literary & Talent
Brian Holden Reid |
Robert Dudley of Robert Dudley Agency
David Holder |
Greg Johnson of WordServe Literary Agency
Karen Holder |
Greg Johnson of WordServe Literary Agency
Ian Holding |
Veronique Baxter of David Higham Associates Ltd
Deborah Holdstein |
Barbara Collins Rosenberg of The Rosenberg Group
Linda Holeman |
Helen Heller of Helen Heller Agency
Paul Holes |
Meredith Miller of United Talent Agency
Kalie Holford |
Alex Rice of Creative Artists Agency
Paul Holinger |
Regina Ryan of Regina Ryan Publishing Enterprises
Kristi Holl |
Alyssa Henkin of Birch Path Literary
Thomas Holladay |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Evangeline Holland |
Kevan Lyon of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Joe Holland |
Jonah Straus of Straus Literary
John H. Holland |
John Brockman of Brockman, Inc.
Nancy Holland |
Scott Eagan of Greyhaus Literary Agency
Tom Holland |
Patrick Walsh of PEW Literary
David Hollander |
Jonah Straus of Straus Literary
Jenny Hollander |
Claire Friedman of InkWell Management
Kurt Hollander |
Jonah Straus of Straus Literary
Xaviera Hollander |
Sorche Fairbank of Fairbank Literary Representation
Santi Elijah Holley |
Kerry Sparks of Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency
Alesia Holliday |
Steven Axelrod of The Axelrod Agency
Laurel Holliday |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
S. J. I. Holliday |
Philip Patterson of Marjacq Scripts
Greg Hollingshead |
Anne McDermid of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Rachel Hollis |
Kevan Lyon of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Shannon Hollis |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Cheryl Hollon |
James McGowan of BookEnds, LLC
Sarah Hollowell |
Thao Le of Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
Michael Hollows |
Robbie Guillory of The Underline Literary Agency
Joyce Hollyday |
John Talbot of Talbot Fortune Agency, LLC
Joyce Hollyday |
Gail Fortune of Talbot Fortune Agency, LLC
Jennifer Holm |
Jill Grinberg of Jill Grinberg Literary Management
Rebecca Holman |
Bryony Woods of Diamond Kahn and Woods Literary Agency Ltd.
Charlie Holmberg |
Marlene Stringer of Stringer Literary Agency
Andrew Holmes |
Antony Topping of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Hannah Holmes |
Michelle Tessler of The Tessler Literary Agency
Kathryn Holmes |
Alyssa Henkin of Birch Path Literary
Linda Holmes |
Sarah Burnes of The Gernert Company
Richard Holmes |
Sonia Land of Sheil Land Associates Ltd
Rupert Holmes |
Jennifer Joel of Creative Artists Agency
Stanley Holmes |
Stephen Hanselman of LevelFiveMedia, LLC
Steena Holmes |
Pamela Harty of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Cate Holohan |
Gina Panettieri of Talcott Notch Literary Services
Bob Holt |
Rachel Orr of Prospect Agency
Gwen Holt |
Lori Kilkelly of LK Literary Agency
Hannah Holt |
Jennifer March Soloway of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Jeremy Holt |
Jennifer Laughran of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Kim Holt |
Lori Nowicki of Painted Words
Nathalia Holt |
Laurie Abkemeier of DeFiore and Company
Susan Holt Simpson |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Peter Holwitz |
Jodi Reamer of Writers House
Ken Hom |
Juliet Pickering of Blake Friedmann Literary
Ava Homa |
Chris Kepner of The Kepner Agency
William Innes Homer |
Regina Ryan of Regina Ryan Publishing Enterprises
A.M. Homes |
Sarah Chalfant of The Wylie Agency
Hillary Homzie |
Sean McCarthy of Sean McCarthy Literary Agency
Hillary Homzie |
Victoria Wells Arms of HG Literary
Jennifer Honeybourn |
Sara Megibow of Megibow Literary Agency
Gail Honeyman |
Madeleine Milburn of The Madeleine Milburn Literary Agency
Euny Hong |
Lizzy Kremer of David Higham Associates Ltd
Alex Honnold |
Stuart Krichevsky of Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc.
Abby Honold |
Cathie Hedrick-Armstrong of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Daniel Hood |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Jamie Hood |
Ayla Zuraw-Friedland of Frances Goldin Literary Agency
Joshua Hood |
Robert Diforio of D4EO Literary Agency
Richard Hood |
Jane Graham Maw of Graham Maw Christie Literary Agents
Susan Hood |
Brenda Bowen of The Book Group
Peter Hook |
Lesley Thorne of Aitken Alexander Associates
Robert Hooks |
Albert Longden of Albert T. Longden Associates
Anne Hooper |
Rachel Calder of The Sayle Literary Agency
John Hooper |
Lucy Luck of C+W
Kim Hooper |
Andrea Somberg of Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Meredith Hooper |
Caroline Walsh of David Higham Associates Ltd
Phillip Hoose |
Jennie Dunham of Dunham Literary, Inc.
Ramsey Hootman |
Jim McCarthy of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Caroline Hooton |
Catherine Pellegrino of Marjacq Scripts
Helen Hooven Santmyer |
Danielle Egan-Miller of Browne & Miller Literary Associates
Colleen Hoover |
Jane Dystel of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
P. J. Hoover |
Tricia Lawrence of Erin Murphy Literary Agency
P.J. Hoover |
Jacqueline Lipton of The Tobias Literary Agency
Anastasia Hopcus |
Meredith Kaffel Simonoff of The Gernert Company
Amity Hope |
Jessica Alvarez of BookEnds, LLC
Catherine Hope |
Sandra Bond of Bond Literary Agency
Edith Hope Bishop |
Lisa Abellera of Kimberley Cameron & Associates
Amanda Hopkins |
Ann Leslie Tuttle of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Ellen Hopkins |
Laura Rennert of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Kyle Hopkins |
Mollie Glick of Creative Artists Agency
Deborah Hopkinson |
Steven Malk of Writers House
Nalo Hopkinson |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Simon Hopkinson |
Anthony Goff of David Higham Associates Ltd
Paul Hoppe |
Charlotte Sheedy of Charlotte Sheedy Literary Agency
David Hopson |
Kate Garrick of Salky Literary Management
Reenita Hora |
Julie Gwinn of The Seymour Agency
Molly Horan |
Uwe Stender of Triada US Literary Agency
Henry Horenstein |
Carrie Hannigan of HG Literary
Frances Horibe |
Helen Heller of Helen Heller Agency
Ariel Horn |
Alyssa Henkin of Birch Path Literary
Ariel Horn |
Mary Cummings of Great River Literary
Sarah Horn |
Wendy Lawton of Books & Such Literary Agency
Marya Hornbacher |
Sydelle Kramer of Susan Rabiner Literary Agency
Allen Hornblum |
Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Nick Hornby |
Caroline Dawnay of United Agents, Ltd
Nick Hornby |
Georgia Garrett of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Eileen Horne |
Sophie Lambert of C+W
James Hornfischer |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Kim Hornsby |
Marisa Corvisiero of Corvisiero Literary Agency
Kim Hornsby |
Tessa Shaffer of Corvisiero Literary Agency
Sarah Hornsley |
Juliet Mushens of Mushens Entertainment
Paul Hornung |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Ruth Horowitz |
Linda Epstein of Emerald City Literary Agency
Edward Horrell |
Elizabeth Trupin-Pulli of JET Literary Associates, Inc
Bonnie Horrigan |
Jennifer Weltz of Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency
Caitlin Horrocks |
Jim Rutman of Sterling Lord Literistic
Kate Horsley |
Oli Munson of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Aimee Horton |
Julia Silk of Greyhound Literary
Polly Horvath |
Andrea Cascardi of Transatlantic Literary Agency
Sarah Jean Horwitz |
Victoria Marini of High Line Literary Collective
Donna Hosie |
Beth Phelan of Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency
Andrew Hosken |
Charlie Campbell of Greyhound Literary
Hayley Hoskins |
Megan Carroll of Watson, Little Ltd
Tansy Hoskins |
Andrew Gordon of David Higham Associates Ltd
Sara Hoskinson Frommer |
Stuart Krichevsky of Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc.
Barney Hoskyns |
Jonny Geller of Curtis Brown Group, Ltd.
Sylvie Hossack |
Liza Pulitzer-Voges of Eden Street, LLC
Khaled Hosseini |
Samantha Haywood of Transatlantic Literary Agency
L.T. Host |
Sara Megibow of Megibow Literary Agency
Edward Hotaling |
Harvey Klinger of Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Jon Hotten |
Lucy Luck of C+W
Colleen Houck |
Alex Glass of Glass Literary Management
Lee Houck |
Jim McCarthy of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Jason M. Hough |
Sara Megibow of Megibow Literary Agency
Richard Hough |
Georgia Glover of David Higham Associates Ltd
Robert Hough |
Jackie Kaiser of Westwood Creative Artists
John Hough, Jr. |
BJ Robbins of BJ Robbins Literary Agency
Eleanor Houghton |
Liza DeBlock of Mushens Entertainment
Lucy Hounsom |
Veronique Baxter of David Higham Associates Ltd
Emily Hourican |
Ivan Mulcahy of MMB Creative
Alex Hourston |
Antony Topping of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Geoffrey Household |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Ivelisse Housman |
Victoria Marini of High Line Literary Collective
Adrian Houston |
Charlotte Merritt of Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd
Gabriela Houston |
John Baker of Bell Lomax Moreton Agency
James D. Houston |
BJ Robbins of BJ Robbins Literary Agency
Julian Houston |
Wendy Strothman of Aevitas Creative Management
Keith Houston |
Laurie Abkemeier of DeFiore and Company
Pam Houston |
Rachel Calder of The Sayle Literary Agency
Sarah Rebecca Hovorka |
Kaitlyn Sanchez of Bradford Literary Agency
A.G. Howard |
Jenny Bent of The Bent Agency
Amalie Howard |
Thao Le of Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
Amalie Howard |
Liza Fleissig of Liza Royce Agency, LLC
Blanche Howard |
Beverley Slopen of Beverley Slopen Literary Agency
Chris Howard |
Laura Rennert of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Clark Howard |
Laurie Liss of Sterling Lord Literistic
Elizabeth F. Howard |
Kendra Marcus of Bookstop Literary Agency
Ginnah Howard |
Alice Tasman of Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency
Hanna C. Howard |
Jenny Bent of The Bent Agency
Hannah Howard |
Andrea Somberg of Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Jamie Howard |
Jessica Watterson of Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
Kat Howard |
Alexandra Levick of Writers House
Kat Howard |
Brianne Johnson of HG Literary
Linda Howard |
Lisa Hagan of Lisa Hagan Literary
Mel Howard |
Hillary Jacobson of Creative Artists Agency
Philip K. Howard |
Andrew Wylie of The Wylie Agency
Rosie Howard |
Julia Silk of Greyhound Literary
Sally Howard |
Imogen Pelham of Marjacq Scripts
Scott Alexander Howard |
Roz Foster of Frances Goldin Literary Agency
Michael Howarth |
Anne Tibbets of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Paul Howarth |
Lucy Luck of C+W
Jenny Howe |
Katelyn Detweiler of Jill Grinberg Literary Management
Katherine Howe |
Suzanne Gluck of William Morris Endeavor
Marvine Howe |
Deirdre Mullane of Mullane Literary
Rebecca Howe |
Adria Goetz of KT Literary
Carol Howell |
Diana Flegal of Hartline Literary Agency
Hannah Howell |
Evan Marshall of Evan Marshall Agency
Morgan Howell |
Richard Curtis of Harold Ober Associates
Troy Howell |
Natalie Lakosil of Looking Glass Literary & Media
Kristen Howerton |
Margaret Riley King of William Morris Endeavor
Katey Howes |
Essie White of Storm Literary Agency
Michelle Howes |
Gill McLay of Bath Literary Agency
Hugh Howey |
Kristin Nelson of Nelson Literary Agency, LLC
Del Howison |
Eddie Schneider of JABberwocky Literary Agency
Kerry Howley |
Edward Orloff of McCormick Literary
Imogen Howson |
Mandy Hubbard of Emerald City Literary Agency
Robert Hoxie |
Denise Barone of Barone Literary Agency
Sarah A. Hoyt |
Lucienne Diver of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Sarah A. Hoyt |
Eleanor Wood of Spectrum Literary Agency
Dale Hrabi |
Matt McGowan of Frances Goldin Literary Agency
Greg Hrbek |
Maria Massie of Massie & McQuilkin Literary Agents
Greg Hrbek |
Rob McQuilkin of Massie & McQuilkin Literary Agents
Greg Hrbek |
Will Lippincott of Aevitas Creative Management
C.J. Hribal |
Nat Sobel of Sobel Weber Associates
Christine Hronec |
Heather Jackson of Heather Jackson Literary Agency
Rachel Hruza |
Lisa Abellera of Kimberley Cameron & Associates
Nadia Hsieh |
Christy Ewers of The CAT Agency, Inc.
Feng-Hsiung Hsu |
William Clark of Wm Clark Associates
Mabel Hsu |
Andrea Morrison of Writers House
Vanessa Hua |
Margaret Sutherland Brown of Folio Literary Management
Ana Huang |
Kimberly Brower of Park, Fine & Brower Literary Management
Jackie Huang |
Paige Terlip of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Quanyu Huang |
Bridget Wagner Matzie of Aevitas Creative Management
Rebecca Huang |
Rachel Orr of Prospect Agency
Sl Huang |
Russell Galen of Scovil Galen Ghosh Literary Agency, Inc.
Yinfan Huang |
Sean McCarthy of Sean McCarthy Literary Agency
Kate Hubbard |
Georgia Garrett of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Kirsten Hubbard |
Jordan Hamessley of JABberwocky Literary Agency
Rita Lorraine Hubbard |
Tracy Marchini of BookEnds, LLC
Suzanna Hubbard |
Caroline Walsh of David Higham Associates Ltd
Tamara Hubbard |
Jennifer Chen Tran of Glass Literary Management
Brenda Huber |
Jessica Alvarez of BookEnds, LLC
Robin Huber |
Joanna MacKenzie of Nelson Literary Agency, LLC
Marsha Hubler |
Diana Flegal of Hartline Literary Agency
Libby Hubscher |
Sharon Pelletier of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Judy Huddleston |
Katie Shea Boutillier of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Ad Hudler |
Michelle Brower of Trellis Literary Management
Amy Hudock |
Laura Gross of Laura Gross Literary Agency
Kerry Hudson |
Juliet Pickering of Blake Friedmann Literary
Michael Hudson |
Melissa Flashman of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Neesha Hudson |
Rebecca Sherman of Writers House
Tara Hudson |
Catherine Drayton of InkWell Management
Linda Hudson-Smith |
Paul Levine of Paul S. Levine Literary Agent
Cindy Huff |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Tanya Huff |
Joshua Bilmes of JABberwocky Literary Agency
Rosanna Huffman |
Linda S. Glaz of The Linda S. Glaz Literary Agency
Anita Hughes |
Melissa Flashman of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Carlton Hughes |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Carolyn T. Hughes |
Caroline Michel of Peters Fraser & Dunlop
Emily Hughes |
Stephen Barr of Writers House
James Hughes |
Ted Weinstein of Ted Weinstein Literary Management
Jane Hughes |
Marcy Posner of Folio Literary Management
Jill Elaine Hughes |
Lori Perkins of L. Perkins Agency
Kathryn Hughes |
Rachel Calder of The Sayle Literary Agency
Kiku Hughes |
Linda Camacho of Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency
Langston Hughes |
Georgia Glover of David Higham Associates Ltd
Lorena Hughes |
Rachel Brooks of BookEnds, LLC
Lorena Hughes |
Liza Fleissig of Liza Royce Agency, LLC
Mary Ellen Hughes |
Kim Lionetti of BookEnds, LLC
Mary Ellen Hughes |
James McGowan of BookEnds, LLC
Michael Hughes |
Chris Wellbelove of Aitken Alexander Associates
Naomi Hughes |
Louise Fury of The Fury Agency
Pat Hughes |
Scott Treimel of Scott Treimel New York Agency
Rian Hughes |
James Wills of Watson, Little Ltd
Richard Hughes |
Georgia Glover of David Higham Associates Ltd
Sali Hughes |
Georgia Garrett of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Sean Hughes |
Jonny Geller of Curtis Brown Group, Ltd.
Solomon Hughes |
Robert Dudley of Robert Dudley Agency
Tristan Hughes |
Veronique Baxter of David Higham Associates Ltd
Angela Hui |
Nicola Chang of David Higham Associates Ltd
Lizzy Huitson |
Imogen Pelham of Marjacq Scripts
Scott Huler |
Michelle Tessler of The Tessler Literary Agency
Christopher Hull |
Kevin O'Connor of O'Connor Literary Agency
Nancy L. Hull |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Suzie Hull |
Saskia Leach of Kate Nash Literary Agency
Tessa Hulls |
Anjali Singh of Anjali Singh Agency
Caroline Hulse |
Caroline Hardman of Hardman & Swainson Literary Agency
Lynn Marie Hulsman |
Stephany Evans of Ayesha Pande Literary
Lara van Hulzen |
Diana Flegal of Hartline Literary Agency
M. K. Hume |
Dorie Simmonds of Dorie Simmonds Agency Ltd.
Anna Humphrey |
Rebecca Friedman of Rebecca Friedman Literary Agency
Claire Humphrey |
Connor Goldsmith of Fuse Literary
Adrian Humphreys |
Michael Levine of Westwood Creative Artists
Alastair Humphreys |
Jessica Woollard of David Higham Associates Ltd
James Humphreys |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Harry Hunsicker |
Clare Coombes of The Liverpool Literary Agency
Emma Hunsinger |
Molly O'Neill of Root Literary
Ali Hunt |
Lindsay Leggett of The Rights Factory
Angela Hunt |
Danielle Egan-Miller of Browne & Miller Literary Associates
Leo Hunt |
Jenny Savill of Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd
Nick Hunt |
Jessica Woollard of David Higham Associates Ltd
Taran Hunt |
Hannah Bowman of Liza Dawson Associates
Tom Hunt |
Michelle Brower of Trellis Literary Management
Walter Hunt |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Will Hunt |
Stuart Krichevsky of Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc.
Aislinn Hunter |
Carolyn Swayze of Carolyn Swayze Literary Agency Ltd.
C.C. Hunter |
Kim Lionetti of BookEnds, LLC
Cass Hunter |
Caroline Hardman of Hardman & Swainson Literary Agency
Douglas Hunter |
Dean Cooke of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Elizabeth Hunter |
Jane Dystel of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Faith Hunter |
Lucienne Diver of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Faith Hunter |
Eleanor Wood of Spectrum Literary Agency
Jack D. Hunter |
Lucienne Diver of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Jack D. Hunter |
Eleanor Wood of Spectrum Literary Agency
Janet Hunter |
Francesca Riccardi of Kate Nash Literary Agency
Linzie Hunter |
Lindsay Davis Auld of Writers House
Maddy Hunter |
Irene Goodman of Irene Goodman Literary Agency
Madeline Hunter |
Pamela Hopkins of Hopkins Literary Associates
Mollie Hunter |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Robert D. Hunter |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Thom Hunter |
Joyce Hart of Hartline Literary Agency
Geoffrey Huntington |
Malaga Baldi of Malaga Baldi Literary Agency
Alex Huntley |
Sam Hiyate of The Rights Factory
Caroline Huntoon |
Jessica Mileo of InkWell Management
Larry Huntsberger |
Joyce Hart of Hartline Literary Agency
Mj Huntsgood |
Morgan Wilson of Belcastro Agency
June Hur |
Amy Bishop-Wycisk of Trellis Literary Management
Joseph Hurka |
Maria Massie of Massie & McQuilkin Literary Agents
Joseph Hurka |
Rob McQuilkin of Massie & McQuilkin Literary Agents
Joseph Hurka |
Will Lippincott of Aevitas Creative Management
Andrew Michael Hurley |
Lucy Luck of C+W
Graham Hurley |
Oli Munson of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Jorey Hurley |
Laurie Abkemeier of DeFiore and Company
Kamalani Hurley |
James McGowan of BookEnds, LLC
Kameron Hurley |
Hannah Bowman of Liza Dawson Associates
Fred Hurr |
Sarah Joy Freese of WordServe Literary Agency
Tim Hurson |
Stephen Hanselman of LevelFiveMedia, LLC
Melissa E. Hurst |
Suzie Townsend of New Leaf Literary & Media
Lucy Hurston |
Victoria Sanders of Victoria Sanders & Associates
Zora Neale Hurston |
Victoria Sanders of Victoria Sanders & Associates
Gregg Hurwitz |
Aaron Priest of The Aaron M. Priest Literary Agency
Gregg Hurwitz |
Lisa Erbach Vance of The Aaron M. Priest Literary Agency
Marion Husband |
Robin Wade of Wade & Co Literary Agency
J.A. Huss |
Rebecca Friedman of Rebecca Friedman Literary Agency
William Hussey |
Veronique Baxter of David Higham Associates Ltd
Virginia E Hust |
Lucy Cleland of Calligraph
Megan Hustad |
Melissa Flashman of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
James Huston |
David Gernert of The Gernert Company
James Huston |
Paul Bresnick of Bresnick Weil Literary Agency
Kelly Elizabeth Huston |
Rebecca Strauss of DeFiore and Company
Scott Hutchins |
Bill Clegg of The Clegg Agency
Alex Hutchinson |
Jemima Forrester of David Higham Associates Ltd
Dave Hutchinson |
Alexander Cochran of Greyhound Literary
Shaun Hutchinson |
Katie Shea Boutillier of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Dot Hutchison |
Sandy Lu of Book Wyrm Literary Agency
Angela Huth |
Caroline Michel of Peters Fraser & Dunlop
Matthew Hutson |
Melissa Flashman of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
June Hutton |
John Pearce of Westwood Creative Artists
Keely Hutton |
Soumeya Bendimerad Roberts of HG Literary
Clint Hutzulak |
Anne McDermid of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Aldrous Huxley |
Kimberley Cameron of Kimberley Cameron & Associates
Lizzie Huxley-Jones |
Abi Fellows of DHH Literary
Mara Hvistendahl |
Gillian MacKenzie of The Gillian MacKenzie Agency
Lesley Hyatt |
Jen Nadol of The Unter Agency
Catherine Ryan Hyde |
Laura Rennert of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Katherine Bolger Hyde |
Diana Flegal of Hartline Literary Agency
Liz Hyder |
Allison Hellegers of Stimola Literary Studio
Pauline Hylton |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Fracaswell Hyman |
Kevin O'Connor of O'Connor Literary Agency
Aimee Hyndman |
Laura Zats of Headwater Literary Management
Jamie Hyneman |
Coleen O'Shea of Allen O'Shea Literary Agency LLC
Leah Hyslop |
Juliet Pickering of Blake Friedmann Literary
Kim Hyun Sook |
Janine Kamouh of William Morris Endeavor