Madeleine L' Engle |
Edward Necarsulmer of Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency
Jeniffer L. Armentrout |
Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Thessaly La Force |
Jennifer Joel of Creative Artists Agency
Erin La Rosa |
Jessica Errera of Jane Rotrosen Agency
Ryan La Sala |
Peter Knapp of Park, Fine & Brower Literary Management
Carrie La Seur |
Michelle Brower of Trellis Literary Management
Dee La Shee |
James McGowan of BookEnds, LLC
Jennifer Laam |
Erin Harris of Folio Literary Management
Elizabeth Laban |
Uwe Stender of Triada US Literary Agency
Douglas Labier |
Christine Tomasino of The Tomasino Agency, Inc.
Pamela Labud |
Kim Lionetti of BookEnds, LLC
Brianna Labuskes |
Abby Saul of The Lark Group
Jorge Lacera |
John Cusick of Folio Literary Management
Megan Lacera |
John Cusick of Folio Literary Management
Catherine Lacey |
Jin Auh of The Wylie Agency
Helen Lacey |
Scott Eagan of Greyhaus Literary Agency
Patrick Lacey |
Sheyla Knigge of High Line Literary Collective
Rachel Lacey |
Sarah Younger of Nancy Yost Literary Agency
Robert Lacey |
Jonathan Pegg of Jonathan Pegg Literary Agency
Stephen Lacey |
Anthony Goff of David Higham Associates Ltd
M.D. Lachlan |
Judith Murray of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Mercedes Lackey |
Russell Galen of Scovil Galen Ghosh Literary Agency, Inc.
Lara Lacombe |
Jessica Alvarez of BookEnds, LLC
Nina Lacour |
Sara Crowe of Sara Crowe Literary
Leticia Lacy |
Sara Megibow of Megibow Literary Agency
Leticia Lacy |
Hilary Harwell of KT Literary
Diane Ladd |
John Talbot of Talbot Fortune Agency, LLC
Diane Ladd |
Gail Fortune of Talbot Fortune Agency, LLC
James Ladd |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Kylie Ladd |
Stephanie Abou of Massie McQuilkin & Altman Literary Agents
Ebony Ladelle |
Patrice Caldwell of The Caldwell Agency
Nina Laden |
Laura Rennert of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Azmeena Ladha |
Isobel Dixon of Blake Friedmann Literary
Scott Lafee |
Heather Jackson of Heather Jackson Literary Agency
R.L. Lafevers |
Erin Murphy of Aevitas Creative Management
Mur Lafferty |
Seth Fishman of The Gernert Company
Mur Lafferty |
Jennifer Udden of Laura Dail Literary Agency, Inc.
R.A. Lafferty |
Eddie Schneider of JABberwocky Literary Agency
Christine Laforet |
Essie White of Storm Literary Agency
Lucette Lagnado |
Wendy Sherman of Wendy Sherman Associates
Lucette Lagnado |
Tracy Brown of Tracy Brown Literary Agency
Jessica Lahey |
Laurie Abkemeier of DeFiore and Company
Jhumpa Lahiri |
Eric Simonoff of William Morris Endeavor
Sean Lahman |
Robert Wilson of Wilson Media
Larissa Lai |
Anne McDermid of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Remy Lai |
Jim McCarthy of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Thanhha Lai |
Rosemary Stimola of Stimola Literary Studio
Stuart Laidlaw |
Dean Cooke of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Tara Lain |
Saritza Hernandez of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Lillie Lainoff |
Jennifer Wills of The Seymour Agency
Martin Laird |
Elizabeth Wales of Wales Literary Agency
Sally Laity |
Joyce Hart of Hartline Literary Agency
Jay Lake |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Helen Lakelly Hunt |
Barney Karpfinger of Karpfinger Agency
Patricia Lakin |
Fiona Kenshole of Transatlantic Literary Agency
Padma Lakshmi |
Luke Janklow of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Mike Lala |
Jamie Carr of The Book Group
Mark Lam |
Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Michelle Lam |
Chelsea Eberly of Greenhouse Literary Agency
Vincent Lam |
Christy Fletcher of United Talent Agency
Vincent Lam |
Anne McDermid of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Dalai Lama |
Noah Lukeman of Lukeman Literary Management Ltd
Ross Lamanna |
Lisa Erbach Vance of The Aaron M. Priest Literary Agency
Luke Lamarca |
Teresa Kietlinski of Bookmark Literary
Charlotte Lamb |
Sonia Land of Sheil Land Associates Ltd
Wally Lamb |
Laurie Fox of Linda Chester Literary Agency
Dewey Lambdin |
Katherine Odom-Tomchin of Folio Literary Management
Anne Lambelet |
Stephanie Fretwell-Hill of Red Fox Literary
Amanda Lambert |
Gina Panettieri of Talcott Notch Literary Services
Brent Lambert |
Angeline Rodriguez of William Morris Endeavor
Charles Lambert |
Isobel Dixon of Blake Friedmann Literary
Paulette Lambert |
Carly Watters of P.S. Literary Agency
Shaena Lambert |
Anne McDermid of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Slim Lambright |
Victoria Sanders of Victoria Sanders & Associates
David Lammy |
Andrew Gordon of David Higham Associates Ltd
Bethany Rose Lamont |
Charlotte Seymour of Johnson & Alcock Ltd
Douglas Lamont |
Jeff Herman of The Jeff Herman Agency, LLC
Lily Lamotte |
Laura Rennert of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
April Lampert |
Mark Falkin of Falkin Literary
Elizabeth Lampman Davis |
Elana Roth Parker of Laura Dail Literary Agency, Inc.
Elizabeth Lampman Davis |
Jennifer March Soloway of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Vickie Lan |
Ali Herring of Spencerhill Associates
Jen Lancaster |
Erin Niumata of Folio Literary Management
Jen Lancaster |
Jill Marr of Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
Lynne Lancaster |
Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Neil Lancaster |
Robbie Guillory of The Underline Literary Agency
Jon Land |
Robert Diforio of D4EO Literary Agency
Allison Landa |
Miriam Altshuler of DeFiore and Company
William Landay |
Alice Martell of The Martell Agency
Christian Lander |
Erin Malone of William Morris Endeavor
David L. Lander |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Elizabeth Landers |
Michelle Brower of Trellis Literary Management
Melissa Landers |
Nicole Resciniti of The Seymour Agency
Miranda Landgraf |
Rachel Calder of The Sayle Literary Agency
Catherine Landis |
Cheryl Pientka of Nancy Yost Literary Agency
J. D. Landis |
Pamela Malpas of Jennifer Lyons Literary Agency, LLC
Keren Landman |
Seth Fishman of The Gernert Company
Michele Landsberg |
Dean Cooke of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Anne Landsman |
Maria Massie of Massie McQuilkin & Altman Literary Agents
Anne Landsman |
Rob McQuilkin of Massie McQuilkin & Altman Literary Agents
Anne Landsman |
Will Lippincott of Aevitas Creative Management
Derek Landy |
Michelle Kass of Michelle Kass Associates
Frederick Lane |
Jessica Faust of BookEnds, LLC
J.C. Lane |
Uwe Stender of Triada US Literary Agency
Jennifer Lane |
Katie Shea Boutillier of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Kasey Lane |
Cate Hart of Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Katie Lane |
Laura Bradford of Bradford Literary Agency
Nathan Lane |
Brenda Bowen of The Book Group
Neil Lane |
Rick Richter of Aevitas Creative Management
Nick Lane |
Caroline Dawnay of United Agents, Ltd
Patrick Lane |
Dean Cooke of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Soraya Lane |
Laura Bradford of Bradford Literary Agency
Heidi Lang |
Jennifer Azantian of Jennifer Azantian Literary Agency
Hillora Lang |
Kaitlyn Sanchez of Bradford Literary Agency
Kimberly Lang |
Beth Miller of Writers House
Maya Lang |
Miriam Altshuler of DeFiore and Company
Michele Lang |
Lucienne Diver of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Michele Lang |
Eleanor Wood of Spectrum Literary Agency
Rocky Lang |
Uwe Stender of Triada US Literary Agency
Ruth Emmie Lang |
Andrea Somberg of Harvey Klinger, Inc.
John Langan |
Ginger Clark of Ginger Clark Literary
Sarah Langan |
Joe Veltre of The Gersh Agency
Julia Langdon |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Erin Jade Lange |
Jennifer Laughran of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Oliver Lange |
Elizabeth Trupin-Pulli of JET Literary Associates, Inc
Tom Lange |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Dana Langer |
Alexander Slater of Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
Ellen Langer |
Lisa Adams of The Garamond Agency
Sarah Langford |
Nelle Andrew of Rachel Mills Literary
Sydney Langford |
Laurel Symonds of KT Literary
Sydney Langford |
Emily Forney of BookEnds, LLC
Mark Edward Langley |
Richard Curtis of Harold Ober Associates
Jocelyn Li Langrand |
Jennifer March Soloway of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Leslie Langtry |
Kristin Nelson of Nelson Literary Agency, LLC
Cheryl Lanham |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Andrea Lankford |
Andrea Blatt of William Morris Endeavor
Andrei Lankov |
Andy Ross of Andy Ross Literary Agency
Judith Lansdowne |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Kate Lansing |
Pamela Harty of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Aaron Lansky |
Carol Mann of Carol Mann Agency
Frans Lanting |
Peter Beren of The Peter Beren Agency
Fabio Lanzoni |
Louise Fury of The Fury Agency
Shari Lapeña |
Samantha Haywood of Transatlantic Literary Agency
Shari Lapena |
Helen Heller of Helen Heller Agency
Dominique Lapierre |
Alan Nevins of Renaissance Literary & Talent
Warren Lapine |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Alice Laplante |
Victoria Skurnick of Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency
Jon-Erik Lappano |
Emily van Beek of Folio Literary Management
Anthony Lappé |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Anna Lappe |
Sam Stoloff of Frances Goldin Literary Agency
Justine Larbalestier |
Jill Grinberg of Jill Grinberg Literary Management
Mariely Lares |
Heather Cashman of Storm Literary Agency
Michael Largo |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Sarah Lariviere |
Susan Hawk of Upstart Crow Literary
Allie Larkin |
Rebecca Strauss of DeFiore and Company
Joan Larkin |
Sydelle Kramer of Susan Rabiner Literary Agency
L. A. Larkin |
Philip Patterson of Marjacq Scripts
A.K. Larkwood |
Kurestin Armada of Root Literary
Melissa Larner |
Rachel Calder of The Sayle Literary Agency
Eric Larocca |
Priya Doraswamy of Lotus Lane Literary
Rajani Larocca |
Brent Taylor of Triada US Literary Agency
Loretta Laroche |
Brian DeFiore of DeFiore and Company
Andrew Larsen |
Fiona Kenshole of Transatlantic Literary Agency
Don Larsen |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Melissa Larsen |
Jamie Carr of The Book Group
Mylisa Larsen |
Erin Murphy of Aevitas Creative Management
Reif Larsen |
Denise Shannon of Denise Shannon Literary Agency
Reif Larsen |
Judith Murray of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Sheri Larsen |
Paula Munier of Talcott Notch Literary Services
Abigail Larson |
Dawn Frederick of Red Sofa Literary
Jared Larson |
Michelle Witte of Mansion Street Literary Management
Jyothi Larson |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Kirby Larson |
Jill Grinberg of Jill Grinberg Literary Management
M. A. Larson |
Alexandra Machinist of Creative Artists Agency
Nicole Larson |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Sara B. Larson |
Josh Adams of Adams Literary
Kieran Larwood |
Neil Blair of The Blair Partnership
Alice Lascelles |
Zoe Waldie of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Melissa Lasher |
Leslie Zampetti of Open Book Literary
William Lashner |
Wendy Sherman of Wendy Sherman Associates
Devi Laskar |
Reiko Davis of DeFiore and Company
Jeanne Marie Laskas |
Andrew Blauner of Blauner Books Literary Agency
Marghanita Laski |
Georgia Glover of David Higham Associates Ltd
David Laskin |
Heide Lange of Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
Pamela Laskin |
Myrsini Stephanides of Arc Literary Management
Kathryn Lasky |
Brenda Bowen of The Book Group
Irene Latham |
Rosemary Stimola of Stimola Literary Studio
Martin Latham |
Sophie Lambert of C+W
Tad Lathrop |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
E. Latimer |
Silvia Molteni of Peters Fraser & Dunlop
Robert Latkany |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Mimi Latt |
Anne Sibbald of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Dutchess Lattimore |
Lane Heymont of The Tobias Literary Agency
Don Lattin |
Amy Rennert of The Amy Rennert Agency
Janine Latus |
Katherine Boyle of Veritas Literary Agency
Martin Latz |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Stephanie Lau |
Alexandra Levick of Writers House
Jennifer Lauck |
Heather Jackson of Heather Jackson Literary Agency
Silken Laumann |
Michael Levine of Westwood Creative Artists
Estelle Laure |
Emily van Beek of Folio Literary Management
C.S. Laurel |
Lucienne Diver of The Knight Agency, Inc.
C.S. Laurel |
Eleanor Wood of Spectrum Literary Agency
Christina Lauren |
Holly Root of Root Literary
Jillian Lauren |
Alexandra Machinist of Creative Artists Agency
Ruth Lauren |
Andrea Somberg of Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Andrea Laurence |
Jessica Alvarez of BookEnds, LLC
Hugh Laurie |
Anthony Goff of David Higham Associates Ltd
Victoria Laurie |
Jim McCarthy of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Amy Lavelle |
Amanda Preston of Luigi Bonomi Associates Ltd
Bee Lavender |
Susan Smith of MBA Literary Agents Ltd
Julie Lavender |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
David Lavery |
Uwe Stender of Triada US Literary Agency
Sage Lavine |
Wendy Sherman of Wendy Sherman Associates
Andrea Lavinthal |
Adam Chromy of Movable Type Management
Laura Lavoie |
James McGowan of BookEnds, LLC
Ingrid Law |
Daniel Lazar of Writers House
David Lawday |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Jane Lawes |
Julia Churchill of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Stephen Lawhead |
Matthew Bialer of Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
Ariel Lawhon |
Elisabeth Weed of The Book Group
Wendy Lawless |
Robert Guinsler of Sterling Lord Literistic
Ann Lawrence |
Georgia Glover of David Higham Associates Ltd
Carole Lawrence |
Paige Wheeler of Creative Media Agency
Colton Lawrence |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Dan Lawrence |
Mara Cobb of Martin Literary Management
Ej Lawrence |
Lesley Sabga of The Seymour Agency
Felicity Lawrence |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Iain Lawrence |
Danielle Egan-Miller of Browne & Miller Literary Associates
Jon Lawrence |
Andrew Gordon of David Higham Associates Ltd
K.t Lawrence |
Chelsea Hensley of Mad Woman Literary Agency
Louise Lawrence |
Julia Churchill of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Mark Lawrence |
Sonia Land of Sheil Land Associates Ltd
Mark Lawrence |
Ian Drury of Sheil Land Associates Ltd
Mike Lawrence |
Kelly Sonnack of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Lucy Lawrie |
Joanna Swainson of Hardman & Swainson Literary Agency
Peter Laws |
Joanna Swainson of Hardman & Swainson Literary Agency
Jenny Lawson |
Neeti Madan of Sterling Lord Literistic
Liz Lawson |
Andrea Morrison of Writers House
Shandy Lawson |
John Rudolph of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Twiggy Lawson |
Caroline Michel of Peters Fraser & Dunlop
John Lawton |
Clare Alexander of Aitken Alexander Associates
Meredith Laxton |
Adria Goetz of KT Literary
Joe Layden |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Kiese Laymon |
PJ Mark of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Emily Layne |
Sandra Bond of Bond Literary Agency
Jamaica Layne |
Lori Perkins of L. Perkins Agency
Lauren Layne |
Nicole Resciniti of The Seymour Agency
Emily Layne (feustel) |
Becky LeJeune of Bond Literary Agency
David Layton |
Sam Hiyate of The Rights Factory
Debra Lynn Lazar |
Michelle Richter of Fuse Literary
Tara Lazar |
Ammi-Joan Paquette of Aevitas Creative Management
Henriette Lazaridis |
Kent Wolf of Neon Literary
Sarah Lazarovic |
Martha Webb of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Adam Lazarus |
John Rudolph of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Margaret Lazarus Dean |
Julie Barer of The Book Group
Claire Lazebnik |
Alexis Hurley of InkWell Management
Roland Lazenby |
Matthew Carnicelli of Carnicelli Literary Management
Anna Lazowski |
Moe Ferrara of Triada US Literary Agency
Iggy Ldn |
Holly Faulks of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Carolyn Lê |
Laurel Symonds of KT Literary
Minh Le |
Stephen Barbara of InkWell Management
Vanessa Le |
Ramona Pina of BookEnds, LLC
Karen Le Billon |
Martha Webb of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Marie Le Conte |
Imogen Pelham of Marjacq Scripts
Ursula K. Le Guin |
Ginger Clark of Ginger Clark Literary
Ursula K. Le Guin |
Susan Smith of MBA Literary Agents Ltd
Dale Le Vack |
Robert Dudley of Robert Dudley Agency
Amy Lea |
Kim Lionetti of BookEnds, LLC
Caroline Lea |
Nelle Andrew of Rachel Mills Literary
Martha Lea |
Jenny Hewson of Lutyens & Rubinstein
David Leach |
Sam Hiyate of The Rights Factory
Clifton Leaf |
Tracy Brown of Tracy Brown Literary Agency
Clifton Leaf |
Michelle Brower of Trellis Literary Management
Elisabeth Leake |
Andrew Gordon of David Higham Associates Ltd
Jessica Leake |
Brianne Johnson of HG Literary
Sarah Lean |
Julia Churchill of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Ann Leary |
Dorian Karchmar of William Morris Endeavor
Ann Leary |
Maria Massie of Massie McQuilkin & Altman Literary Agents
Connie Leas |
Rita Rosenkranz of Rita Rosenkranz Literary Agency
John Leavit |
Seth Fishman of The Gernert Company
Caroline Leavitt |
Gail Hochman of Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents, Inc.
Lindsey Leavitt |
Jennifer Laughran of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Loralee Leavitt |
Myrsini Stephanides of Arc Literary Management
Jane Lebak |
Roseanne Wells of Lucinda Literary
Tim Lebbon |
Steve Calcutt of Anubis Literary Agency
Hailey Leblanc |
Suzie Townsend of New Leaf Literary & Media
Norman Lebrecht |
Jonny Geller of Curtis Brown Group, Ltd.
Norman Lebrecht |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Ann Leckie |
Seth Fishman of The Gernert Company
Pam Lecky |
Therese Coen of Susanna Lea Associates - London
Anne Leclaire |
Jonny Geller of Curtis Brown Group, Ltd.
William Ledbetter |
David Hale Smith of InkWell Management
Lucy Ledger |
Moe Ferrara of Triada US Literary Agency
Angela Lee |
Sandra Sawicka of Marjacq Scripts
Ariel Lee |
Annalise Errico of Ladderbird Literary Agency
Chan Lee |
Penny Moore of Aevitas Creative Management
Christine Lee |
Ayesha Pande of Ayesha Pande Literary
Colin Lee |
Anne McDermid of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Cyndi Lee |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Don Lee |
Maria Massie of Massie McQuilkin & Altman Literary Agents
Don Lee |
Rob McQuilkin of Massie McQuilkin & Altman Literary Agents
Don Lee |
Will Lippincott of Aevitas Creative Management
Donna Lee |
Paul Levine of Paul S. Levine Literary Agent
Ed Jae-Suk Lee |
Laura Strachan of Strachan Literary Agency
Emery Lee |
Claire Draper of Jennifer Azantian Literary Agency
Fonda Lee |
Jim McCarthy of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Helen Lee |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Jen Sookfong Lee |
Carolyn Swayze of Carolyn Swayze Literary Agency Ltd.
Jenny Lee |
Rob McQuilkin of Massie McQuilkin & Altman Literary Agents
Jeremy Lee |
Lizzy Kremer of David Higham Associates Ltd
Jin Pyn Lee |
Kelly Sonnack of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Jing-Jing Lee |
Nelle Andrew of Rachel Mills Literary
Julia Lee |
Liza Dawson of Liza Dawson Associates
Julianne Lee |
Ginger Clark of Ginger Clark Literary
Karmen Lee |
Taj McCoy of Laura Dail Literary Agency, Inc.
Kate Lee |
Julia Churchill of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Kimberly Lee |
Emily Forney of BookEnds, LLC
Kristen R. Lee |
Molly O'Neill of Root Literary
Krys Lee |
Susan Golomb of Writers House
Laura G. Lee |
Lori Kilkelly of LK Literary Agency
Lori M. Lee |
Suzie Townsend of New Leaf Literary & Media
Lyla Lee |
Penny Moore of Aevitas Creative Management
Mackenzi Lee |
Rebecca Podos of Neighborhood Literary
Margaret Lee |
Ayla Zuraw-Friedland of Frances Goldin Literary Agency
Michelle Lee |
William Clark of Wm Clark Associates
Michelle Lee |
Rosemary Stimola of Stimola Literary Studio
Min Jin Lee |
Suzanne Gluck of William Morris Endeavor
Mira T. Lee |
Susan Golomb of Writers House
Nadia Lee |
Diana Fox of Fox Literary
Nancy Lee |
Anne McDermid of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
P.H. Lee |
Lauren Bajek of Liza Dawson Associates
Patrick Lee |
Peter Rubie of FinePrint Literary Management
Rebecca Lee |
Douglas Stewart of Sterling Lord Literistic
Sharon Lee |
Jennifer Jackson of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Sharon Lee |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Sher Lee |
Jessica Regel of Helm Literary
Sherry J Lee |
James McGowan of BookEnds, LLC
Sophia N. Lee |
Wendi Gu of HG Literary
Stacey Lee |
Kristin Nelson of Nelson Literary Agency, LLC
Suyoun C. Lee |
Janine Le of Janine Le Literary
Victoria Lee |
Holly Root of Root Literary
Victoria Lee |
Taylor Haggerty of Root Literary
Janice Lee Smith |
Liza Pulitzer-Voges of Eden Street, LLC
Brydie Lee-Kennedy |
Imogen Pelham of Marjacq Scripts
Jenna Lee-Yun |
Emily Forney of BookEnds, LLC
Regina Leeds |
Coleen O'Shea of Allen O'Shea Literary Agency LLC
Thomas Leeds |
Abi Fellows of DHH Literary
Jennifer Leeper |
Mara Cobb of Martin Literary Management
Korrie Leer |
Samantha Wekstein of Thompson Literary Agency
Amanda Lees |
Peter Cox of Redhammer Management Ltd
John Lees |
James Wills of Watson, Little Ltd
Cole Nicole Lefavour |
Leslie Meredith of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Carol Lefevre |
Isobel Dixon of Blake Friedmann Literary
Liana Lefey |
Lane Heymont of The Tobias Literary Agency
Karen Lefrak |
Fredrica Friedman of Fredrica S. Friedman & Co.
Hillary Leftwich |
Natalie Kimber of The Rights Factory
Marianne J. Legato |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Hadley Leggett |
Serene Hakim of Ayesha Pande Literary
Vanessa Leggett |
Suzanne Gluck of William Morris Endeavor
Philippe Legrain |
Jonny Geller of Curtis Brown Group, Ltd.
Claire Legrand |
Diana Fox of Fox Literary
Claire Legrand |
Victoria Marini of High Line Literary Collective
Dennis Lehane |
Ann Rittenberg of Ann Rittenberg Literary Agency
Chris Lehmann |
Melissa Flashman of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Jenna Lehne |
Kathleen Rushall of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Christine Lehnen |
Therese Coen of Susanna Lea Associates - London
Leslie Lehr |
Lisa Leshne of The Lisa Leshne Agency
Leslie Lehr |
Jennifer Weltz of Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency
Jim Lehrer |
Jesseca Salky of Salky Literary Management
Warren Lehrer |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Stina Leicht |
Hannah Bowman of Liza Dawson Associates
Hilary Leichter |
Monika Woods of Triangle House
Brandi Leifso |
Amy Moore-Benson of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Camden Leigh |
Jessica Sinsheimer of Context Literary Agency
Danny Leigh |
Jonny Geller of Curtis Brown Group, Ltd.
Eva Leigh |
Deidre Knight of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Kyra Leigh |
Stephen Fraser of Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency
Melinda Leigh |
Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Rowley Leigh |
Grainne Fox of United Talent Agency
Tara Leigh |
Jessica Alvarez of BookEnds, LLC
M. Leighton |
Kimberly Whalen of The Whalen Agency
Margaret Leitch |
James Wills of Watson, Little Ltd
Sam Leith |
Georgia Garrett of Rogers, Coleridge & White
William Leith |
Antony Topping of Greene & Heaton Ltd
William Leith |
Dean Cooke of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Greg Leitich |
Ginger Knowlton of Curtis Brown, Ltd.
Cynthia Leitich Smith |
Ginger Knowlton of Curtis Brown, Ltd.
John Lekich |
Carolyn Swayze of Carolyn Swayze Literary Agency Ltd.
John Leland |
Paul Bresnick of Bresnick Weil Literary Agency
Eric Lemay |
Melissa Flashman of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Kristin Lemay |
Melissa Flashman of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Terra Lemay |
Seth Fishman of The Gernert Company
Rose Lemberg |
Connor Goldsmith of Fuse Literary
Jeff Lemire |
Charlie Olsen of InkWell Management
Huw Lemmey |
Nicola Chang of David Higham Associates Ltd
Chris Lemmon |
Mitchell Waters of Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents, Inc.
Jessica Lemmon |
Nicole Resciniti of The Seymour Agency
Sarah Nicole Lemon |
Barbara Poelle of Word One Literary
Vanessa Len |
Christabel McKinley of David Higham Associates Ltd
Heather Lende |
Elizabeth Wales of Wales Literary Agency
Ian Lendler |
Tanya McKinnon of McKinnon Literary
Melissa Lenhardt |
Alice Speilburg of Speilburg Literary Agency
Dea Lenihan |
Elisa Houot of The Seymour Agency
Erika Lenkert |
Noah Lukeman of Lukeman Literary Management Ltd
Maria Lennon |
Victoria Sanders of Victoria Sanders & Associates
Nasheema Lennon |
Francesca Riccardi of Kate Nash Literary Agency
Patrick Lennon |
Clare Wallace of Darley Anderson Literary
Judith Lennox |
Robin Straus of Robin Straus Agency, Inc.
Mary Lennox |
Scott Eagan of Greyhaus Literary Agency
Katrina Leno |
Wendy Schmalz of Wendy Schmalz Agency
Sidney Lens |
Lucienne Diver of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Sidney Lens |
Eleanor Wood of Spectrum Literary Agency
Kristin Lenz |
Carrie Pestritto of Laura Dail Literary Agency, Inc.
Nina Leon |
Nina Leon of Perez Literary & Entertainment
Sarah Leonard |
Melissa Flashman of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Tina Leonard |
Michelle Grajkowski of 3 Seas Literary Agency
Susanna Leonard Hill |
Liza Pulitzer-Voges of Eden Street, LLC
Cory Leonardo |
Rena Rossner of The Deborah Harris Agency
Amye Leong |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Dan Lepard |
Antony Topping of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Gabriella Lepore |
Whitney Ross of High Line Literary Collective
Edan Lepucki |
Erin Hosier of Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency
Julie Lerczak |
Mary Cummings of Great River Literary
Alexander Lerman |
Jonah Straus of Straus Literary
Lindsay Lerman |
Abby Walters of Creative Artists Agency
Ben Lerner |
Anna Stein of Creative Artists Agency
Ben Lerner |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Edward M. Lerner |
Lucienne Diver of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Edward M. Lerner |
Eleanor Wood of Spectrum Literary Agency
George Lerner |
Miriam Altshuler of DeFiore and Company
Jarrett Lerner |
Myrsini Stephanides of Arc Literary Management
Jimmy Lerner |
Brian DeFiore of DeFiore and Company
Rose Lerner |
Courtney Miller-Callihan of Handspun Literary Agency
Sheri Lerner |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
John Lescroart |
Barney Karpfinger of Karpfinger Agency
Ron Leshem |
Rebecca Friedman of Rebecca Friedman Literary Agency
Isa Leshko |
Elizabeth Kaplan of The Elizabeth Kaplan Literary Agency
Amy Leskowski |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Amy Leskowski |
Keely Boeving of WordServe Literary Agency
Barbra Leslie |
Sam Hiyate of The Rights Factory
Diane Leslie |
Laurie Fox of Linda Chester Literary Agency
Jay Leslie |
Wendi Gu of HG Literary
Marc Lesser |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Jem Lester |
Laura Williams of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Joan Lester |
Liza Fleissig of Liza Royce Agency, LLC
Natasha Lester |
Jacinta di Mase of Jacinta di Mase Management
Ann Lethbridge |
Scott Eagan of Greyhaus Literary Agency
Robert Lettrick |
Lauren MacLeod of Aevitas Creative Management
Elizabeth Letts |
Jeff Kleinman of Folio Literary Management
Brian Leung |
PJ Mark of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Bryce Leung |
Andrea Somberg of Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Julie Leung |
Wendi Gu of HG Literary
Elizabeth Lev |
Stephen Hanselman of LevelFiveMedia, LLC
Ezra Levant |
Michael Levine of Westwood Creative Artists
Tom Leveen |
Tricia Skinner of Fuse Literary
Jeanette Levellie |
Diana Flegal of Hartline Literary Agency
Rebecca Levene |
James Wills of Watson, Little Ltd
Tricia Levenseller |
Rachel Brooks of BookEnds, LLC
Thomas Levenson |
Theresa Park of Park, Fine & Brower Literary Management
Ellen Leventhal |
Mary Cummings of Great River Literary
Melba Levick |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
David Levien |
Matthew Bialer of Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
Marissa Levien |
Sarah Bedingfield of Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency
Ira Levin |
Georgia Glover of David Higham Associates Ltd
Jenifer Levin |
Harvey Klinger of Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Laura Levin |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Laurence Levin |
Kent Wolf of Neon Literary
Anna Levine |
Rosemary Stimola of Stimola Literary Studio
Anna Levine |
Allison Remcheck Pernetti of Stimola Literary Studio
Barry Levine |
Lisa Leshne of The Lisa Leshne Agency
Daniel Levine |
Erin Harris of Folio Literary Management
Ed Levine |
Vicky Bijur of Vicky Bijur Literary Agency
James A. Levine |
Natanya Wheeler of Nancy Yost Literary Agency
Jenna Levine |
Gaia Banks of Sheil Land Associates Ltd
Judith Levine |
Euan Thorneycroft of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Kristin Levine |
Kathryn Green of Kathryn Green Literary Agency
Mark Levine |
Stuart Krichevsky of Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc.
Rachel Levine |
Chris Kepner of The Kepner Agency
Sara Levine |
Emily Forland of Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents, Inc.
Sara Levine |
Ammi-Joan Paquette of Aevitas Creative Management
Sarah Levine |
Kim Lionetti of BookEnds, LLC
Suzanne Braun Levine |
Janis Donnaud of Janis A. Donnaud and Associates
Steve Levingston |
Daniel Lazar of Writers House
Cynthia Levinson |
Erin Murphy of Aevitas Creative Management
David Samuel Levinson |
Mitchell Waters of Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents, Inc.
Marilyn Levinson |
Liza Pulitzer-Voges of Eden Street, LLC
Alexandra Levit |
Michelle Wolfson of Wolfson Literary Agency
John Levitt |
Caitlin Blasdell of Liza Dawson Associates
Lawrence Levitt |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Buddy Levy |
Scott Waxman of Waxman Literary Agency
Debbie Levy |
Caryn Wiseman of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Elizabeth Levy |
Jodi Reamer of Writers House
Joanne Levy |
Michelle Humphrey of Martha Kaplan Agency
Joel Levy |
James Wills of Watson, Little Ltd
Joshua S. Levy |
Elana Roth Parker of Laura Dail Literary Agency, Inc.
Miranda Levy |
Charlotte Seymour of Johnson & Alcock Ltd
Robert Levy |
Luke Janklow of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Craig Lew |
Zoe Sandler of Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
Julie Lew |
Vicky Weber of Creative Media Agency
Gary Lewandowski, Jr. |
Heather Jackson of Heather Jackson Literary Agency
Hugh Lewin |
Isobel Dixon of Blake Friedmann Literary
Beth Lewis |
Euan Thorneycroft of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Britney S. Lewis |
Katelyn Detweiler of Jill Grinberg Literary Management
Chris D. Lewis |
Michael Levine of Westwood Creative Artists
Cliff Lewis |
Jen Nadol of The Unter Agency
Harry Lewis |
Albert LaFarge of Albert LaFarge Literary Agency
Helen Lewis |
Andrew Gordon of David Higham Associates Ltd
J. Patrick Lewis |
Ginger Knowlton of Curtis Brown, Ltd.
J.F. Lewis |
Shawna McCarthy of The McCarthy Agency, LLC
Jennifer Lewis |
Deborah Grosvenor of Grosvenor Literary Agency
Jerry Lewis |
Jonny Geller of Curtis Brown Group, Ltd.
Jessica Lewis |
Holly Root of Root Literary
Joseph Lewis |
Stacey Donaghy of Donaghy Literary Group
Joseph Max Lewis |
Diana Flegal of Hartline Literary Agency
K.E. Lewis |
Lori Steel of SteelWorks Literary
Kayvion Lewis |
Chelsea Eberly of Greenhouse Literary Agency
L.D. Lewis |
Jennifer Azantian of Jennifer Azantian Literary Agency
Lindsay Lewis |
Jen Nadol of The Unter Agency
Marc Lewis |
Michael Levine of Westwood Creative Artists
Maria Lewis |
Alex Adsett of Alex Adsett Literary
Matt Lewis |
Alison Fargis of Stonesong
Phillip Lewis |
Chris Clemans of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Rc Lewis |
Jennifer Laughran of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Robert Lewis |
Antony Topping of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Robert K. Lewis |
Barbara Poelle of Word One Literary
Robin Lewis |
Rebecca Strauss of DeFiore and Company
Roger Lewis |
Leslie Gardner of Artellus Limited
Rosie Lewis |
Laetitia Rutherford of Watson, Little Ltd
Stewart Lewis |
Mitchell Waters of Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents, Inc.
Sylvia Lewis |
Katherine Boyle of Veritas Literary Agency
Ted Lewis |
Georgia Glover of David Higham Associates Ltd
Marina Lewycka |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Paula Leyden |
Sophie Hicks of Sophie Hicks Agency
Mark Leyner |
Jud Laghi of Jud Laghi Agency
Elliott Leyton |
Beverley Slopen of Beverley Slopen Literary Agency
Katya Lezin |
Kate Testerman of KT Literary
Glenda Leznoff |
Ali McDonald of 5 Otter Literary
Ann Clare Lezotte |
Leslie Zampetti of Open Book Literary
Christina Li |
Jessica Regel of Helm Literary
Ann Liang |
Kathleen Rushall of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Holan Liang |
Laetitia Rutherford of Watson, Little Ltd
Jardine Libaire |
Sally Wofford-Girand of Union Literary
Jardine Libaire |
Judith Murray of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Noah Liberman |
Scott Waxman of Waxman Literary Agency
Noah Liberman |
Farley Chase of Chase Literary Agency
Daniel Libeskind |
Scott Andrew Mendel of Mendel Media Group, LLC
Ronna Lichtenberg |
Brian DeFiore of DeFiore and Company
Charles Lichtman |
Tom Miller of Liza Dawson Associates
Elie Lichtschein |
Natalie Lakosil of Looking Glass Literary & Media
Lisa J. Lickel |
Linda S. Glaz of The Linda S. Glaz Literary Agency
Thomas Lickona |
Robin Straus of Robin Straus Agency, Inc.
B. H. Liddell Hart |
Georgia Glover of David Higham Associates Ltd
Eric Lide |
Tori Sharp of Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency
Alex Lidell |
Leigh Feldman of Leigh Feldman Literary
Jane Lidz |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Ali Liebegott |
Elise Capron of Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
David J. Lieberman |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Erika Lieberman |
Lisa Hagan of Lisa Hagan Literary
Shari Lieberman |
Anna Ghosh of Ghosh Literary
Emily Liebert |
Alyssa Reuben of William Morris Endeavor
A.J. Liebling |
Jesseca Salky of Salky Literary Management
Samantha Lierens |
Therese Coen of Susanna Lea Associates - London
Brian Lies |
Erin Murphy of Aevitas Creative Management
Chloe Liese |
Samantha Fabien of Root Literary
Aliza A. Lifshitz |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Kimberly Liggett |
Josh Adams of Adams Literary
Kate Light |
Stephen Hanselman of LevelFiveMedia, LLC
Ron Lightburn |
Andrea Cascardi of Transatlantic Literary Agency
Rose Lihou |
Rachel Petty of The Blair Partnership
Caitlin Like |
Laurel Symonds of KT Literary
Kevin Liles |
Carol Mann of Carol Mann Agency
Amy Lillard |
Nicole Resciniti of The Seymour Agency
Vanessa Lillie |
Victoria Sanders of Victoria Sanders & Associates
Elizabeth Lilly |
Elena Giovinazzo of Heirloom Literary
A. K. Lim |
Emily Forney of BookEnds, LLC
Celeste Lim |
Rosemary Stimola of Stimola Literary Studio
Elizabeth Lim |
Gina Maccoby of Gina Maccoby Literary Agency
Eugene Lim |
Marya Spence of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Hope Lim |
Tanusri Prasanna of DeFiore and Company
Roselle Lim |
Jenny Bent of The Bent Agency
Sarah Limardo |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Sue Limb |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Martin Limon |
Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Francie Lin |
Jin Auh of The Wylie Agency
Grace Lin |
Rebecca Sherman of Writers House
Jeannie Lin |
Gail Fortune of Talbot Fortune Agency, LLC
Jiemei Lin |
Jennifer Rofe of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Judy Lin |
Rachel Brooks of BookEnds, LLC
Rosalie Lin |
Kurestin Armada of Root Literary
Tao Lin |
Bill Clegg of The Clegg Agency
Karin Lin-Greenberg |
Jessica Errera of Jane Rotrosen Agency
Jen Lin-Liu |
Chris Calhoun of Chris Calhoun Agency
Karen Linamen |
Steve Laube of The Steve Laube Agency
Chris Lincoln |
Daniel Lazar of Writers House
Christopher Lincoln |
Allison Remcheck Pernetti of Stimola Literary Studio
Liz Lincoln |
Jessica Alvarez of BookEnds, LLC
Judith Lind |
Diana Flegal of Hartline Literary Agency
Anna Lind Thomas |
Erin Niumata of Folio Literary Management
Reeve Lindbergh |
Jennie Dunham of Dunham Literary, Inc.
K.A. Linde |
Kimberly Brower of Park, Fine & Brower Literary Management
D.W. Linden |
Gary Heidt of Signature Literary Agency
Gael Lindenfield |
Jane Graham Maw of Graham Maw Christie Literary Agents
Kerstin Lindquist |
Sherri Wilson Johnson of Gardner Literary Agency
Elizabeth (liz) Lindsay |
Julia Churchill of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Jack Lindsay |
Georgia Glover of David Higham Associates Ltd
Janice Lindsay |
Samantha Haywood of Transatlantic Literary Agency
Michael Lindsay-Hogg |
Judith Ehrlich of Judith Ehrlich Literary Management
Beckie Lindsey |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
David Lindsey |
Aaron Priest of The Aaron M. Priest Literary Agency
Erin Lindsey |
Lisa Rodgers of JABberwocky Literary Agency
Julie Ann Lindsey |
Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Julie Anne Lindsey |
Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Karen Lindsey |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Mary Lindsey |
Kevan Lyon of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Mary Lindsey |
Ammi-Joan Paquette of Aevitas Creative Management
Ruthie Lindsey |
Margaret Riley King of William Morris Endeavor
Carole Lindstrom |
Kathleen Rushall of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Leslea Linebarger |
Diana Flegal of Hartline Literary Agency
Peter Liney |
Dorie Simmonds of Dorie Simmonds Agency Ltd.
Yong Ling Kang |
James McGowan of BookEnds, LLC
Joan Lingard |
Georgia Glover of David Higham Associates Ltd
Marissa Lingen |
Kurestin Armada of Root Literary
Kelly Link |
Renee Zuckerbrot of Massie McQuilkin & Altman Literary Agents
William Link |
Wendy Strothman of Aevitas Creative Management
David Linley |
Caroline Michel of Peters Fraser & Dunlop
Laurent Linn |
Brenda Bowen of The Book Group
Howard Linskey |
Philip Patterson of Marjacq Scripts
Amanda Linsmeier |
Juliana McBride of Rebecca Friedman Literary Agency
Sylvia Linsteadt |
Jessica Woollard of David Higham Associates Ltd
Jodi Linton |
Sharon Belcastro of Belcastro Agency
Zachary Tyler Linville |
T.S. Ferguson of Jennifer Azantian Literary Agency
Maureen Lipinski |
Holly Root of Root Literary
Ina Lipkowitz |
Farley Chase of Chase Literary Agency
Elinor Lipman |
Suzanne Gluck of William Morris Endeavor
Richard Lipman |
Pam Pho of Steven Literary
Kathi Lipp |
Rachelle Gardner of Gardner Literary Agency
Liz Lipperman |
Christine Witthohn of Book Cents Literary Agency, LLC
Lizbeth Lipperman |
Christine Witthohn of Book Cents Literary Agency, LLC
Kristen Lippert-Martin |
John Cusick of Folio Literary Management
Rosina Lippi |
Jill Grinberg of Jill Grinberg Literary Management
Laura Lippman |
Vicky Bijur of Vicky Bijur Literary Agency
David Lipsky |
Andrew Blauner of Blauner Books Literary Agency
John Liptak |
Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Lauren Lipton |
Laura Langlie of Laura Langlie Agency
Jan Lis |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Paul Lisicky |
Matt McGowan of Frances Goldin Literary Agency
Holly Lisle |
Robin Rue of Writers House
Janet Taylor Lisle |
Gina Maccoby of Gina Maccoby Literary Agency
Laurie Lisle |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
David Liss |
Liz Darhansoff of Darhansoff & Verrill Literary Agents
David Liss |
Rachel Calder of The Sayle Literary Agency
Caren Lissner |
Cheryl Pientka of Nancy Yost Literary Agency
S. E. Lister |
Bryony Woods of Diamond Kahn and Woods Literary Agency Ltd.
Brad Listi |
Erin Hosier of Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency
Jenny Litster |
Ali Herring of Spencerhill Associates
Bentley Little |
Dominick Abel of Dominick Abel Literary Agency
Brian Little |
Harvey Klinger of Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Elizabeth Little |
Kate Garrick of Salky Literary Management
Jody J. Little |
Ted Malawer of Upstart Crow Literary
Linda Little |
Dean Cooke of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Melanie Little |
Dean Cooke of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Darcie Little Badger |
Michael Curry of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Steph Littlebird |
Kathleen Rushall of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Sophie Littlefield |
Barbara Poelle of Word One Literary
Emily Littlejohn |
Pamela Ahearn of The Ahearn Agency
Richard Littler |
Juliet Pickering of Blake Friedmann Literary
Alison Littlewood |
Oli Munson of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Clayton Littlewood |
Juliet Pickering of Blake Friedmann Literary
Daniel Litvin |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Emanuel Litvinoff |
Georgia Glover of David Higham Associates Ltd
Laurie Litwin |
Renee Nyen of KT Literary
Cixin Liu |
Seth Fishman of The Gernert Company
Corey Liu |
Amy Moore-Benson of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Dane Liu |
Wendi Gu of HG Literary
Hong Liu |
Jen Nadol of The Unter Agency
Jennie Liu |
Shannon Hassan of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Ken Liu |
Russell Galen of Scovil Galen Ghosh Literary Agency, Inc.
Linda Liu |
Thao Le of Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
Marjorie Liu |
Abigail Koons of Park, Fine & Brower Literary Management
Marjorie M. Liu |
Lucienne Diver of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Marjorie M. Liu |
Eleanor Wood of Spectrum Literary Agency
Sylvia Liu |
Jennifer March Soloway of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Tiffany Liu |
Laura Bradford of Bradford Literary Agency
Wenli Liu |
Essie White of Storm Literary Agency
Xiaojie Liu |
Anjanette Barr of Dunham Literary, Inc.
Yvonne Liu |
Jen Nadol of The Unter Agency
Penelope Lively |
Lizzy Kremer of David Higham Associates Ltd
Christian Livermore |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Paulette Livers |
Michelle Brower of Trellis Literary Management
Jack Livings |
Anna Stein of Creative Artists Agency
Alex Livingston |
Sandra Bond of Bond Literary Agency
Alex Livingston |
Becky LeJeune of Bond Literary Agency
Lesley Livingston |
Jessica Regel of Helm Literary
Natalie Livingstone |
Caroline Michel of Peters Fraser & Dunlop
Tasha Livingstone |
Arianna Siddiqui of FinePrint Literary Management
Caryn Lix |
Caitie Flum of Liza Dawson Associates
Daisy Llewellyn |
Lisa Leshne of The Lisa Leshne Agency
Julia Llewellyn-Smith |
William Clark of Wm Clark Associates
Alvaro Vargas Llosa |
Jonah Straus of Straus Literary
Ellery Lloyd |
Hillary Jacobson of Creative Artists Agency
Lydia Lloyd |
Kathryn Green of Kathryn Green Literary Agency
Natalie Lloyd |
Suzie Townsend of New Leaf Literary & Media
Peter Lloyd |
Jane Graham Maw of Graham Maw Christie Literary Agents
Saci Lloyd |
Veronique Baxter of David Higham Associates Ltd
Tom Lloyd |
Susan Smith of MBA Literary Agents Ltd
Emily Lloyd-Jones |
Sarah Landis of Sterling Lord Literistic
Sue Lloyd-Roberts |
Caroline Michel of Peters Fraser & Dunlop
Catherine Lo |
Mackenzie Brady Watson of Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc.
Danica Lo |
Melissa Flashman of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Malinda Lo |
Michael Bourret of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Malinda Lo |
Laura Langlie of Laura Langlie Agency
Meryn Lobb |
Claire Friedman of InkWell Management
Kirsten Lobe |
Elisabeth Weed of The Book Group
Ishaa Lobo |
Jennifer Rofe of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Lisa Locascio |
Marya Spence of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Angela Locke |
Catherine Pellegrino of Marjacq Scripts
Attica Locke |
Clare Coombes of The Liverpool Literary Agency
Christopher Locke |
David Miller of The Garamond Agency
Don Locke |
Jill Grosjean of Jill Grosjean Literary Agency
Katherine Locke |
Louise Fury of The Fury Agency
Katherine Locke |
Lara Perkins of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
E. Lockhart |
Elizabeth Kaplan of The Elizabeth Kaplan Literary Agency
Cara Lockwood |
Deidre Knight of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Jane Lockwood |
Lucienne Diver of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Jane Lockwood |
Eleanor Wood of Spectrum Literary Agency
Patricia Lockwood |
Mollie Glick of Creative Artists Agency
Victor Lodato |
Bill Clegg of The Clegg Agency
David Lodge |
Jonathan Pegg of Jonathan Pegg Literary Agency
Jo Lodge |
Caroline Walsh of David Higham Associates Ltd
Carol Loeb Shloss |
Tina Bennett of Bennett Literary
Bill Loehfelm |
Barney Karpfinger of Karpfinger Agency
Jim Loehr |
Alice Martell of The Martell Agency
Mike Lofgren |
Bridget Wagner Matzie of Aevitas Creative Management
Lee Lofland |
Scott Hoffman of Folio Literary Management
Nikki Loftin |
Suzie Townsend of New Leaf Literary & Media
Carrie Lofty |
Kevan Lyon of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Bob Logan |
Jennifer Unter of The Unter Agency
Kirsty Logan |
Cathryn Summerhayes of Curtis Brown Group, Ltd.
Sam Logan |
Rebecca Friedman of Rebecca Friedman Literary Agency
Kerrie Logan Hollihan |
Jeff Ourvan of Jennifer Lyons Literary Agency, LLC
Matthew Logelin |
Rachel Sussman of Chalberg & Sussman
Bill Loguidice |
Matt Wagner of Fresh Books Literary Agency
Vyvyane Loh |
Brettne Bloom of The Book Group
Sarah Lohman |
Wendy Sherman of Wendy Sherman Associates
William Loizeaux |
Jesseca Salky of Salky Literary Management
Robert Lomas |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
David Lomax |
Katie Grimm of Curtis Brown, Ltd.
Claire Lombardo |
Stacy Testa of Writers House
Alex London |
Robert Guinsler of Sterling Lord Literistic
Joan London |
Zoe Waldie of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Julia London |
Jenny Bent of The Bent Agency
Stacy London |
Lauren Galit of LKG Agency
Andrea Loney |
Andrea Cascardi of Transatlantic Literary Agency
Camilla Long |
Victoria Hobbs of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Ethan Long |
Paul Rodeen of Rodeen Literary Management
James Long |
Victoria Hobbs of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Julie Anne Long |
Steven Axelrod of The Axelrod Agency
Kieran Long |
Antony Topping of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Kim Long |
Natascha Morris of The Tobias Literary Agency
Melinda Long |
Steven Malk of Writers House
Michael G. Long |
John Rudolph of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Ruth Long |
Suzie Townsend of New Leaf Literary & Media
Ruth Frances Long |
Suzie Townsend of New Leaf Literary & Media
Eva Longoria |
Jennifer Gates of Aevitas Creative Management
Katherine Longshore |
Catherine Drayton of InkWell Management
Abie Longstaff |
Eve White of Eve White Literary Agency
Roxanne Longstreet |
Lucienne Diver of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Roxanne Longstreet |
Eleanor Wood of Spectrum Literary Agency
Philip Longworth |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Kerry Lonsdale |
Gordon Warnock of Fuse Literary
Ilima Loomis |
Kelly Sonnack of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Jonathan Lopes |
Susan Hawk of Upstart Crow Literary
Andres Lopez |
Jonah Straus of Straus Literary
Kristen Lopez |
Mark Falkin of Falkin Literary
Meagan Adele Lopez |
Jessica Craig of Craig Literary
Ralph Lopez |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Cynthia Lord |
Tracey Adams of Adams Literary
Emery Lord |
Taylor Martindale Kean of Full Circle Literary, LLC
Emma Lord |
Kristy Hunter of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Nancy Lord |
Elizabeth Wales of Wales Literary Agency
Petra Lord |
Stuti Telidevara of Park, Fine & Brower Literary Management
Claire Lordon |
Sean McCarthy of Sean McCarthy Literary Agency
Roni Loren |
Sara Megibow of Megibow Literary Agency
John Lorinc |
Dean Cooke of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Vivienne Lorret |
Stefanie Lieberman of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Katherine Losse |
Melissa Flashman of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Marina Lostetter |
DongWon Song of Howard Morhaim Literary Agency
Mo Lotman |
Albert LaFarge of Albert LaFarge Literary Agency
Alan Lotvin |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Sarah Lotz |
Oli Munson of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Saoirse Lou |
Nicole Tugeau of Tugeau 2, Inc.
Jessica Loudis |
Melissa Flashman of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Gina Loudon |
Diana Flegal of Hartline Literary Agency
Karin Louise |
Wendy Sherman of Wendy Sherman Associates
Regina Louise |
Arielle Eckstut of Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency
Heather Lounsbury |
Kathleen Rushall of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Elizabeth Loupas |
Diana Fox of Fox Literary
Estrela Lourenco |
James McGowan of BookEnds, LLC
Matt Loux |
Seth Fishman of The Gernert Company
Jessica Love |
Meredith Kaffel Simonoff of The Gernert Company
Roger Love |
BJ Robbins of BJ Robbins Literary Agency
Jean Love Cush |
Scott Eagan of Greyhaus Literary Agency
Esther Lovejoy |
Diana Flegal of Hartline Literary Agency
Realm Lovejoy |
Joanna Volpe of New Leaf Literary & Media
Amanda Lovelace |
Lauren Spieller of Folio Literary Management
Sharla Lovelace |
Jessica Faust of BookEnds, LLC
Julia Lovell |
Jessica Woollard of David Higham Associates Ltd
Katey Lovell |
Julia Silk of Greyhound Literary
Lutishia Lovely |
Natasha Kern of Natasha Kern Literary Agency
Jane Lovering |
Kate Nash of Kate Nash Literary Agency
Courtney Lovett |
Jemiscoe Chambers-Black of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Michelle Lovric |
Victoria Hobbs of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Gennita Low |
Elizabeth Trupin-Pulli of JET Literary Associates, Inc
Hannah Lowe |
Isobel Dixon of Blake Friedmann Literary
Hayley Lowe |
Essie White of Storm Literary Agency
T. I. Lowe |
Danielle Egan-Miller of Browne & Miller Literary Associates
Jim Lowell |
Michelle Brower of Trellis Literary Management
Verity Lowell |
Jessica Alvarez of BookEnds, LLC
Roger Lowenstein |
Melanie Jackson of Melanie Jackson Agency
Michael Lowenthal |
Mitchell Waters of Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents, Inc.
Adam Lowry |
Melissa Flashman of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Elizabeth Lowry |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Erin Lowry |
Eric Myers of Myers Literary Management
Jonathan Lowy |
Deborah Grosvenor of Grosvenor Literary Agency
Joe Loya |
Katherine Boyle of Veritas Literary Agency
Ines Lozano |
Taj McCoy of Laura Dail Literary Agency, Inc.
Marie Lu |
Kristin Nelson of Nelson Literary Agency, LLC
Marie Lu |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Sandy Lu |
Sandy Lu of Book Wyrm Literary Agency
S. Ruth Lubka |
Ronnie Ann Herman of Herman Agency
Susan Lubner |
Linda Epstein of Emerald City Literary Agency
Brittany Luby |
Jackie Kaiser of Westwood Creative Artists
Angie Lucas |
Allison Hellegers of Stimola Literary Studio
Anneke Lucas |
Sam Hiyate of The Rights Factory
Caroline Lucas |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Dale Lucas |
Emily Keyes of Keyes Agency
Edward Lucas |
Zoe Waldie of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Fiona Lucas |
Amanda Preston of Luigi Bonomi Associates Ltd
Geralyn Lucas |
Joelle Delbourgo of Joelle Delbourgo Associates
Armando Lucas Correa |
Alexandra Machinist of Creative Artists Agency
James Luceno |
Lucienne Diver of The Knight Agency, Inc.
James Luceno |
Eleanor Wood of Spectrum Literary Agency
STEPHANIE V.W. Lucianovic |
Jordan Hamessley of JABberwocky Literary Agency
Aimee Lucido |
Kathleen Rushall of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Sophie Lucido Johnson |
Mackenzie Brady Watson of Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc.
Erica Lucke Dean |
Cathie Hedrick-Armstrong of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Michael Luckman |
Lisa Hagan of Lisa Hagan Literary
Max Ludington |
Peter Steinberg of United Talent Agency
Benjamin Ludwig |
Jeff Kleinman of Folio Literary Management
Sidura Ludwig |
Jacqueline Lipton of The Tobias Literary Agency
Tara Luebbe |
Tracy Marchini of BookEnds, LLC
Lisa Lueddecke |
Silvia Molteni of Peters Fraser & Dunlop
Dawn Luedecke |
Cole Lanahan of The Seymour Agency
Lisa Luedeke |
Linda Pratt of Wernick & Pratt Agency
Robin Luftig |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Bonnie Lui |
Nicole Tugeau of Tugeau 2, Inc.
Elaine Lui |
Amy Moore-Benson of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Ashley Lukashevsky |
Wendi Gu of HG Literary
Johanna Lukate |
Eli Keren of The Curious Minds Agency
Amy Lukavics |
James Wills of Watson, Little Ltd
Amy Lukavics |
Joanna Volpe of New Leaf Literary & Media
Erin Luken |
Sarah N. Fisk of The Tobias Literary Agency
F.T. Lukens |
Eva Scalzo of Speilburg Literary Agency
Lydia Lukidis |
Miranda Paul of Aevitas Creative Management
Sergei Lukyanenko |
Richard Florest of Rob Weisbach Creative Management
Joanna Lumley |
Anthony Goff of David Higham Associates Ltd
Sam Lumley |
Kimberly Fernando of Olswanger Literary
Katie Lumsden |
Louise Buckley of Hannah Sheppard Literary Agency
Richard Lumsden |
Jemima Forrester of David Higham Associates Ltd
Louisa Luna |
Mark Falkin of Falkin Literary
James Lund |
William Jensen of William K Jensen Literary Agency
Joanna Lund |
Coleen O'Shea of Allen O'Shea Literary Agency LLC
Natalie Lund |
Kristin Ostby of Greenhouse Literary Agency
Tara Lundmark |
Cathie Hedrick-Armstrong of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Jenny Lundquist |
Adria Goetz of KT Literary
Jenny Torres Lundquist |
Kerry Sparks of Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency
Derek Lundy |
Anne McDermid of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Trish Lundy |
Stephen Barbara of InkWell Management
Trish Lundy |
Kristin van Ogtrop of InkWell Management
Demitria Lunetta |
Katherine Boyle of Veritas Literary Agency
Eric Luper |
Linda Pratt of Wernick & Pratt Agency
Kesia Lupo |
Veronique Baxter of David Higham Associates Ltd
Alison Lurie |
Melanie Jackson of Melanie Jackson Agency
Victoria Lustbader |
Laurie Liss of Sterling Lord Literistic
Abrahm Lustgarten |
PJ Mark of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Renee B. Lute |
Samantha Wekstein of Thompson Literary Agency
Sharron Luttrell |
Sorche Fairbank of Fairbank Literary Representation
John Lutz |
Seth Fishman of The Gernert Company
Lisa Lutz |
Stephanie Rostan of Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency
William Luvaas |
Chris Kepner of The Kepner Agency
Amy Luwis |
Myrsini Stephanides of Arc Literary Management
Irene Luxbacher |
Emily van Beek of Folio Literary Management
Steve Luxenberg |
Gail Ross of William Morris Endeavor
Crystal Luxmore |
Olga Filina of 5 Otter Literary
Corinna Luyken |
Steven Malk of Writers House
Elba Luz |
Emily Forney of BookEnds, LLC
Casey Lyall |
Molly Ker Hawn of The Bent Agency
Anne Lyle |
John Berlyne of Zeno Literary Agency
D.P. Lyle |
Kimberley Cameron of Kimberley Cameron & Associates
Whitney Lyles |
Elise Capron of Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
Beth Lynch |
Jessica Woollard of David Higham Associates Ltd
Carissa Ann Lynch |
Katie Shea Boutillier of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Chris Lynch |
Amy Berkower of Writers House
Courtney Lynch |
Lorin Rees of Rees Literary Agency
Fredrick Lynch |
Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Jim Lynch |
Kimberly Witherspoon of InkWell Management
Kane Lynch |
Alexandra Weiss of Jennifer Azantian Literary Agency
Michael Lynch |
Joyce Hart of Hartline Literary Agency
P J Lynch |
Clare Conville of C+W
P.K. Lynch |
Donald Winchester of Watson, Little Ltd
Paul Lynch |
Dorian Karchmar of William Morris Endeavor
Scott Lynch |
DongWon Song of Howard Morhaim Literary Agency
Zack Lynch |
Deirdre Mullane of Mullane Literary
Carol Lynch Williams |
Stephen Fraser of Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency
Robert Lyndon |
Anthony Goff of David Higham Associates Ltd
Gayle Lynds |
Aaron Priest of The Aaron M. Priest Literary Agency
Gayle Lynds |
Lisa Erbach Vance of The Aaron M. Priest Literary Agency
Dame Vera Lynn |
Andrew Gordon of David Higham Associates Ltd
Denise Lynn |
Melissa Flashman of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Kc Lynn |
Jessica Watterson of Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
Matthew Lynn |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Sandi Lynn |
Danielle Egan-Miller of Browne & Miller Literary Associates
Laurie Lynne |
Kara Grajkowski of 3 Seas Literary Agency
Dorian Lynskey |
Antony Topping of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Andrea Lyon |
Regina Ryan of Regina Ryan Publishing Enterprises
Annabel Lyon |
Jackie Kaiser of Westwood Creative Artists
Banning Lyon |
Meg Thompson of Thompson Literary Agency
George Ella Lyon |
Brenda Bowen of The Book Group
J.V. Lyon |
Jessica Alvarez of BookEnds, LLC
Cj Lyons |
Barbara Poelle of Word One Literary
Heather Lyons |
Jane Graham Maw of Graham Maw Christie Literary Agents
Jenn Lyons |
Chris Lotts of The Lotts Agency
Susan Lyons |
Emily Sylvan Kim of Prospect Agency
Cecilia Lyra |
Sam Hiyate of The Rights Factory
Cecilia Lyra |
Rebecca Ritchie of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Matthew Lysiak |
Elaine Spencer of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Benjamin Lytal |
Edward Orloff of McCormick Literary
Celia Lyttelton |
Clare Conville of C+W
Sarah Lyu |
Kerry Sparks of Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency