David Aaronovitch |
Georgia Garrett of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Rachell Abalos |
Hannah VanVels Ausbury of Belcastro Agency
Tonya Abari |
Natalie Lakosil of Looking Glass Literary & Media
Marzieh Abbas |
Lynnette Novak of The Seymour Agency
Sparkle Abbey |
Christine Witthohn of Book Cents Literary Agency, LLC
Elizabeth Abbott |
Heide Lange of Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
Karen Abbott |
Anna Ghosh of Ghosh Literary
Kat Abbott |
Hilary Harwell of KT Literary
Megan Abbott |
Dan Conaway of Writers House
Rachel Abbott |
Lizzy Kremer of David Higham Associates Ltd
Victoria Abbott |
Kim Lionetti of BookEnds, LLC
Zoe Abbott |
Rosemary Stimola of Stimola Literary Studio
Soo Kim Abboud |
Michelle Brower of Trellis Literary Management
Annabel Abbs |
Rachel Mills of Rachel Mills Literary
Razan Abdin-Adnani |
Tricia Lawrence of Erin Murphy Literary Agency
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Chelsea Abdullah |
Jennifer Azantian of Jennifer Azantian Literary Agency
Tasneem Abdur-Rashid |
Abi Fellows of DHH Literary
Julie Abe |
Sarah Landis of Sterling Lord Literistic
Ryan Abe |
Tricia Skinner of Fuse Literary
Sally Abe |
Liza DeBlock of Mushens Entertainment
Shana Abé |
Annelise Robey of Jane Rotrosen Agency
Erica Abeel |
Gary Morris of David Black Literary Agency
Jenn Abelson |
Katherine Flynn of Calligraph
Barbara Abercrombie |
Lisa Erbach Vance of The Aaron M. Priest Literary Agency
Julie Abery |
Essie White of Storm Literary Agency
Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé |
Zoe Plant of The Bent Agency
Mark Abley |
Jackie Kaiser of Westwood Creative Artists
Leila Aboueila |
Stephanie Cabot of Susanna Lea Associates - New York
Carolyn Abraham |
Dean Cooke of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Daniel Abraham |
Shawna McCarthy of The McCarthy Agency, LLC
Atossa Araxia Abrahamian |
Melissa Flashman of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Susan Abram |
Lisa Abellera of Kimberley Cameron & Associates
J. J. Abrams |
Jay Mandel of William Morris Endeavor
Jenessa Abrams |
Jamie Carr of The Book Group
Pam Abrams |
Rosemary Stimola of Stimola Literary Studio
Simon Abrams |
Mark Falkin of Falkin Literary
Stacey Abrams |
Lisa Leshne of The Lisa Leshne Agency
Neil Abramson |
Jeff Kleinman of Folio Literary Management
Rii Abrego |
Molly O'Neill of Root Literary
Enid Abrhami |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
David Abulafia |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Paul Acampora |
Susan Hawk of Upstart Crow Literary
Jus Accardo |
Kevan Lyon of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Jus Accardo |
Nicole Resciniti of The Seymour Agency
Lauren Accardo |
Eva Scalzo of Speilburg Literary Agency
Cathy Ace |
Priya Doraswamy of Lotus Lane Literary
Chantel Acevedo |
Judith Weber of Sobel Weber Associates
Elizabeth Acevedo |
Alexandra Machinist of Creative Artists Agency
Kristy Acevedo |
Kathleen Rushall of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Kristy Acevedo |
Ali Herring of Spencerhill Associates
Aaron Aceves |
Aemilia Phillips of Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc.
Sandhya Acharya |
Kathleen Rushall of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Monica Acker |
Kaitlyn Sanchez of Bradford Literary Agency
J. R. Ackerley |
Georgia Glover of David Higham Associates Ltd
Brittany Ackerman |
Mark Falkin of Falkin Literary
Nance Ackerman |
Helen Heller of Helen Heller Agency
Sara Ackerman |
Elaine Spencer of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Peter Ackroyd |
Sonia Land of Sheil Land Associates Ltd
Linda Acredolo |
Betsy Amster of Betsy Amster Literary Enterprises
Helly Acton |
Hayley Steed of Janklow and Nesbit Ltd
Bill Adair |
Gary Morris of David Black Literary Agency
Diane Adair |
Marie Lamba of Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency
Claire Adam |
Zoe Waldie of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Jennifer Adam |
Sarah Landis of Sterling Lord Literistic
Leslie Adame |
Trinica Sampson-Vera of New Leaf Literary & Media
Alex Adams |
Alexandra Machinist of Creative Artists Agency
Craig Adams |
Andrew Gordon of David Higham Associates Ltd
Ellery Adams |
Jessica Faust of BookEnds, LLC
Fred C. Adams |
Lisa Adams of The Garamond Agency
Jenoyne Adams |
James Levine of Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency
John Joseph Adams |
Seth Fishman of The Gernert Company
Katharine J. Adams |
Ernie Chiara of Fuse Literary
Leisl Adams |
Adria Goetz of KT Literary
Lyssa Adams |
Tara Gelsomino of One Track Literary Agency
Poppy Adams |
Dean Cooke of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Poppy Adams |
Judith Murray of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Richard Adams |
Veronique Baxter of David Higham Associates Ltd
Ridley Adams |
Jas Perry of Looking Glass Literary & Media
Sarah Adams |
Kim Lionetti of BookEnds, LLC
Stacy Hawkins Adams |
Steve Laube of The Steve Laube Agency
Taylor Adams |
Lorella Belli of Lorella Belli Literary Agency
Tom Adams |
James Wills of Watson, Little Ltd
Gareth Adamson |
Mandy Little of Watson, Little Ltd
Jean Adamson |
Mandy Little of Watson, Little Ltd
Richard Adamson |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Angela Addams |
Jessica Alvarez of BookEnds, LLC
Shylah Addante |
Stacey Kondla of The Rights Factory
Caroline Adderson |
Jackie Kaiser of Westwood Creative Artists
Katherine Addison |
Cameron McClure of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Angelique Addo |
Anne Tibbets of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Sulaiman Addonia |
Isobel Dixon of Blake Friedmann Literary
Kim Addonizio |
Maria Massie of Massie & McQuilkin Literary Agents
Kim Addonizio |
Rob McQuilkin of Massie & McQuilkin Literary Agents
Kim Addonizio |
Will Lippincott of Aevitas Creative Management
Ayobami Adebayo |
Clare Alexander of Aitken Alexander Associates
Diran Adebayo |
Jonny Geller of Curtis Brown Group, Ltd.
Yomi Adegoke |
Juliet Pickering of Blake Friedmann Literary
Tom Adelman |
Clare Coombes of The Liverpool Literary Agency
Tomi Adeyemi |
Alexandra Machinist of Creative Artists Agency
Tomi Adeyemi |
Hillary Jacobson of Creative Artists Agency
Jade Adia |
Jim McCarthy of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Shelley Adina |
Jennifer Jackson of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Shelley Adina |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Bisi Adjapon |
Sharon Bowers of Folio Literary Management
Sarah Adlakha |
Stephanie Rostan of Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency
Christine Adler |
Ann Leslie Tuttle of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Dahlia Adler |
Patricia Nelson of Looking Glass Literary & Media
Dahlia Adler |
DongWon Song of Howard Morhaim Literary Agency
Dennis Adler |
Peter Riva of International Transactions
Elizabeth Adler |
Anne Sibbald of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Rebecca Adler |
Kim Lionetti of BookEnds, LLC
Alexandra Adornetto |
Jill Grinberg of Jill Grinberg Literary Management
Alexandra Adornetto |
Pam Pho of Steven Literary
Bette Adriaanse |
Chris Wellbelove of Aitken Alexander Associates
Emily Adrian |
Susan Ginsburg of Writers House
Lara Adrian |
Karen Solem of Spencerhill Associates
Kerry Adrienne |
Marisa Corvisiero of Corvisiero Literary Agency
Kerry Adrienne |
Kelly Peterson of Rees Literary Agency
Denise Adusei |
Regina Brooks of Serendipity Literary Agency
Nekesa Afia |
Travis Pennington of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Sonya Afnan |
Esty Loveing-Downes of Arthouse Literary Agency
Isabel Agajanian |
Sheyla Knigge of High Line Literary Collective
Deepika Agarwal |
Carly Watters of P.S. Literary Agency
Arthur Agatston |
Richard Pine of InkWell Management
Ore Agbaje-Williams |
Nicola Chang of David Higham Associates Ltd
Jon Agee |
Holly McGhee of Pippin Properties, Inc.
Jen Agg |
Martha Webb of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Connie Agnew |
Angela Rinaldi of The Angela Rinaldi Literary Agency
Katie Agnew |
Lizzy Kremer of David Higham Associates Ltd
Marjorie Agosin |
Jennifer Lyons of Jennifer Lyons Literary Agency, LLC
Alliah L. Agostini |
Miranda Paul of Erin Murphy Literary Agency
Alliah L. Agostini |
Jemiscoe Chambers-Black of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Marcos Aguinis |
Jonah Straus of Straus Literary
Ann Aguirre |
Laura Bradford of Bradford Literary Agency
Renee Ahdieh |
Barbara Poelle of Word One Literary
Sarah Ahiers |
Mollie Glick of Creative Artists Agency
Vera Ahiyya |
Regina Brooks of Serendipity Literary Agency
Fataima Ahmad |
Soumeya Bendimerad Roberts of HG Literary
Arvin Ahmadi |
Jenny Bent of The Bent Agency
Katherine Ahmed |
Jennifer Rofe of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Nafeez Ahmed |
Jonathan Pegg of Jonathan Pegg Literary Agency
Saladin Ahmed |
Jennifer Jackson of Donald Maass Literary Agency
Samira Ahmed |
Joanna Volpe of New Leaf Literary & Media
Samira Ahmed |
Eric Smith of P.S. Literary Agency
Sara Ahmed |
Nicola Chang of David Higham Associates Ltd
Sufiya Ahmed |
Sophie Gorell Barnes of MBA Literary Agents Ltd
Angela Ahn |
Laurel Symonds of KT Literary
Flora Ahn |
Melissa Edwards of Stonesong
Marina Ahn |
Penny Moore of Aevitas Creative Management
Kathleen Ahrens |
Fiona Kenshole of Transatlantic Literary Agency
Shahnaz Ahsan |
Lucy Luck of C+W
Robert Aickman |
Leslie Gardner of Artellus Limited
Ginny Aiken |
Steve Laube of The Steve Laube Agency
Joan Aiken |
Julia Churchill of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Rennie Airth |
Caroline Dawnay of United Agents, Ltd
Iain Aitch |
Susan Smith of MBA Literary Agents Ltd
Elena Aitken |
Pamela Harty of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Margaret Aitken |
Kaitlyn Sanchez of Bradford Literary Agency
Marsha Aizumi |
Dana Newman of Dana Newman Literary
Nigel Akehurst |
Richard Pike of C+W
Sofia Akel |
Abi Fellows of DHH Literary
Don Aker |
Samantha Haywood of Transatlantic Literary Agency
Mary Akers |
Carly Watters of P.S. Literary Agency
Mary Akers |
Isobel Dixon of Blake Friedmann Literary
Ayad Akhtar |
Julie Barer of The Book Group
Shani Akilah |
Sian Ellis-Martin of Blake Friedmann Literary
Karen Akins |
Victoria Marini of High Line Literary Collective
Karla Akins |
Linda S. Glaz of The Linda S. Glaz Literary Agency
Paula Akpan |
Abi Fellows of DHH Literary
Omar Al-Khayatt |
Sarah Williams of Sophie Hicks Agency
Hanan Al-Shaykh |
Zoe Waldie of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Kamal Al-Solaylee |
John Pearce of Westwood Creative Artists
Carly Alaimo |
Esty Loveing-Downes of Arthouse Literary Agency
Rumaan Alam |
Julie Barer of The Book Group
Courtney Alameda |
John Cusick of Folio Literary Management
Rabih Alameddine |
Nicole Aragi of Aragi Agency
Layla Alammar |
Melissa Edwards of Stonesong
Jessica Alba |
Clare Coombes of The Liverpool Literary Agency
Laurie Albano |
Denise Barone of Barone Literary Agency
Sarah Albee |
Caryn Wiseman of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Lisa Albers |
Elizabeth Wales of Wales Literary Agency
Patricia Albers |
Laurie Fox of Linda Chester Literary Agency
Julie Albert |
Michael Levine of Westwood Creative Artists
Melissa Albert |
Faye Bender of The Book Group
Melissa Albert |
Uwe Stender of Triada US Literary Agency
Becky Albertalli |
Holly Root of Root Literary
Viv Albertine |
Georgia Garrett of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Diane Alberts |
Louise Fury of The Fury Agency
Gennifer Albin |
Mollie Glick of Creative Artists Agency
Mitch Albom |
David Black of David Black Literary Agency
Emily Albright |
Jessica Watterson of Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
Kate Albus |
Kathryn Green of Kathryn Green Literary Agency
Melissa Alcantara |
Heather Jackson of Heather Jackson Literary Agency
Kathleen Alcott |
Victoria Marini of High Line Literary Collective
Anika Aldamuy Denise |
Emily van Beek of Folio Literary Management
Jami Alden |
Kimberly Whalen of The Whalen Agency
Ken Alder |
Christy Fletcher of United Talent Agency
Mark Alder |
Judith Murray of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Naomi Alderman |
Veronique Baxter of David Higham Associates Ltd
Pj Alderman |
Kevan Lyon of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Maggie Alderson |
Christy Fletcher of United Talent Agency
Dolly Alderton |
Clare Conville of C+W
Brian Aldiss |
Robin Straus of Robin Straus Agency, Inc.
Daniel Aleman |
Peter Knapp of Park, Fine & Brower Literary Management
Christine Alemshah |
Vicky Weber of Creative Media Agency
Katie Alender |
Matthew Elblonk of DeFiore and Company
Catherine Alene |
Patricia Nelson of Looking Glass Literary & Media
Alisa Alering |
James Mustelier of The Bent Agency
Colin Alevras |
Jonah Straus of Straus Literary
Camille Alexa |
Jennifer Weltz of Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency
Alma Alexander |
Jill Grinberg of Jill Grinberg Literary Management
Ash Alexander |
Madelyn Burt of Stonesong
Caitlin Alexander |
Cathie Hedrick-Armstrong of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Ellie Alexander |
John Talbot of Talbot Fortune Agency, LLC
Jill S. Alexander |
Michael Bourret of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Johnnie Alexander |
Tamela Hancock Murray of The Steve Laube Agency
K.C. Alexander |
Lisa Rodgers of JABberwocky Literary Agency
Keir Alexander |
Susan Armstrong of C+W
Lloyd Alexander |
Julia Churchill of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Lori Alexander |
Kathleen Rushall of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Maria Alexander |
Alexander Slater of Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
Meena Alexander |
Priya Doraswamy of Lotus Lane Literary
Michelle Alexander |
Mollie Glick of Creative Artists Agency
Phoenix Alexander |
Angeline Rodriguez of William Morris Endeavor
Piers Alexander |
Lucy Luck of C+W
Prioleau Alexander |
Keith Korman of Raines & Raines
Rilla Alexander |
Stephen Barr of Writers House
Sally Alexander |
Kendra Marcus of Bookstop Literary Agency
Sara Alexander |
Jeff Ourvan of Jennifer Lyons Literary Agency, LLC
Sarah Alexander |
Stefanie Lieberman of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Tasha Alexander |
Moses Cardona of John Hawkins & Associates, Inc.
Tasha Alexander |
Anne Hawkins of John Hawkins & Associates, Inc.
Victoria Alexander |
Meg Ruley of Jane Rotrosen Agency
Sherman Alexie |
Clare Coombes of The Liverpool Literary Agency
Sherman Alexie |
Nancy Stauffer Cahoon of Nancy Stauffer Associates
Andre Alexis |
Anne McDermid of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Alice Alfonsi |
John Talbot of Talbot Fortune Agency, LLC
Alice Alfonsi |
Gail Fortune of Talbot Fortune Agency, LLC
Cristina Alger |
Pilar Queen of United Talent Agency
Cristina Alger |
Alexandra Machinist of Creative Artists Agency
Omar Ali |
Michele Mortimer of Darhansoff & Verrill Literary Agents
S.K. Ali |
John Cusick of Folio Literary Management
Sameem Ali |
Robin Wade of Wade & Co Literary Agency
Tiffany Aliche |
Heather Jackson of Heather Jackson Literary Agency
Salima Alikhan |
Jacqueline Lipton of The Tobias Literary Agency
Frederick Alimonti |
Jennifer De Chiara of Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency
Dana Alison |
Marietta Zacker of Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency
Kris Alison |
Erica Christensen of Metamorphosis Literary Agency
Hanna Alkaf |
Victoria Marini of High Line Literary Collective
Nicholas Allan |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Patricia Allderidge |
Rachel Calder of The Sayle Literary Agency
Tiffany Allee |
Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Mike Allegra |
Natalie Lakosil of Looking Glass Literary & Media
Benedict Allen |
Sonia Land of Sheil Land Associates Ltd
Bruce Ware Allen |
John Rudolph of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Charles Allen |
Sonia Land of Sheil Land Associates Ltd
Conrad Allen |
Stuart Krichevsky of Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc.
Crystal Allen |
Jennifer Rofe of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Henry Allen |
Deborah Grosvenor of Grosvenor Literary Agency
Jeffrey Renard Allen |
Cynthia Cannell of Cynthia Cannell Literary Agency
John Allen |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Jon Allen |
Bridget Wagner Matzie of Aevitas Creative Management
Jonathan Allen |
Bridget Wagner Matzie of Aevitas Creative Management
Judy Allen |
Helen Heller of Helen Heller Agency
Lawrence Allen |
Katherine Boyle of Veritas Literary Agency
Rachael Allen |
Susan Hawk of Upstart Crow Literary
Rachael Allen |
Harriet Moore of Aitken Alexander Associates
Roger Macbride Allen |
Lucienne Diver of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Roger Macbride Allen |
Eleanor Wood of Spectrum Literary Agency
Roger Macbride Allen |
Justin Bell of Spectrum Literary Agency
Sarah Addison Allen |
Andrea Cirillo of Jane Rotrosen Agency
Susan Allen |
Cristina Concepcion of Don Congdon Associates, Inc.
Kate Allen Fox |
Mary Cummings of Great River Literary
Ami Allen-Vath |
Victoria Cappello of The Bent Agency
Andrew Allentuck |
Beverley Slopen of Beverley Slopen Literary Agency
R.W. Alley |
Emily van Beek of Folio Literary Management
Catherine Allgor |
Christy Fletcher of United Talent Agency
Will Allison |
Julie Barer of The Book Group
Peter Alliss |
Scott Waxman of Waxman Literary Agency
Peter Alliss |
Farley Chase of Chase Literary Agency
Robert John Allman |
Kevin O'Connor of O'Connor Literary Agency
Don Allmon |
Sara Megibow of Megibow Literary Agency
Judith Allnatt |
Veronique Baxter of David Higham Associates Ltd
Susan Allott |
Nicola Barr of The Bent Agency
Kit Alloway |
Rachel Orr of Prospect Agency
Alan Allport |
Andrew Gordon of David Higham Associates Ltd
Oscar Allueva |
Sam Hiyate of The Rights Factory
Barbara Almond |
Gillian MacKenzie of The Gillian MacKenzie Agency
Ali Almossawi |
Seth Fishman of The Gernert Company
Steven Alper |
Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Karen Alpert |
Rachel Sussman of Chalberg & Sussman
Mark Alpert |
Daniel Lazar of Writers House
Rachele Alpine |
Natalie Lakosil of Looking Glass Literary & Media
Rachele Alpine |
John Rudolph of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Sasha Alsberg |
Joanna Volpe of New Leaf Literary & Media
B. B. Alston |
Gemma Cooper of Gemma Cooper Literary
Ej Altbacker |
Alec Shane of Writers House
Anna Alter |
Rebecca Sherman of Writers House
Cathy Alter |
Wendy Sherman of Wendy Sherman Associates
Steve Altes |
Jeff Herman of The Jeff Herman Agency, LLC
Jill Althouse-Wood |
Katie Kotchman of Don Congdon Associates, Inc.
Elissa Altman |
Heather Jackson of Heather Jackson Literary Agency
Mark Altman |
Laurie Fox of Linda Chester Literary Agency
Laura Marie Altom |
Michelle Grajkowski of 3 Seas Literary Agency
Kathryn Alton |
Laura Williams of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Steve Alton |
Robin Wade of Wade & Co Literary Agency
Aldo Alvarez |
Anna Ghosh of Ghosh Literary
Jennifer Lynn Alvarez |
Elizabeth Bewley of Sterling Lord Literistic
Lawrence Alvarez |
John Pearce of Westwood Creative Artists
Abhi Alwar |
Brianne Johnson of HG Literary
Abhi Alwar |
Alexandra Levick of Writers House
Hala Alyan |
Michelle Tessler of The Tessler Literary Agency
Rosanna Amaka |
Nicola Chang of David Higham Associates Ltd
Skylaar Amann |
Jessica Watterson of Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
Brittany Amara |
Monica Rodriguez of Context Literary Agency
Jennifer Amaris |
James McGowan of BookEnds, LLC
Max Amato |
Wendi Gu of HG Literary
Josh Amatore Hughes |
Erin Hosier of Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency
Elizabeth Amber |
Jessica Faust of BookEnds, LLC
Laurel Amberdine |
Eric Smith of P.S. Literary Agency
Claudia Ambose |
Jana Hanson of D4EO Literary Agency
June Ambrose |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Starr Ambrose |
Kevan Lyon of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Shastri Amelia |
Chris Clemans of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Daniel Amen |
Greg Johnson of WordServe Literary Agency
Tana Amen |
Greg Johnson of WordServe Literary Agency
Maya Ameyaw |
Lesley Sabga of The Seymour Agency
Stephen Amidon |
Rachel Calder of The Sayle Literary Agency
Martin Amis |
Andrew Wylie of The Wylie Agency
Suzy Amis Cameron |
Heather Jackson of Heather Jackson Literary Agency
Pam Ammondsen |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Olivia Amoah |
Paige Terlip of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Gemma Amor |
Mark Falkin of Falkin Literary
Martin Amor |
James Wills of Watson, Little Ltd
Alex Amouyel |
Jennifer Weis of The Weis Agency
Lisa Amowitz |
Shannon Hassan of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Megan Amram |
Claudia Ballard of William Morris Endeavor
Lisa Amstutz |
Victoria Selvaggio of Storm Literary Agency
Jess Anastasi |
Nicole Resciniti of The Seymour Agency
Jess Anastasi |
Paula Munier of Talcott Notch Literary Services
George Anastasia |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Heather Anastasiu |
Charlie Olsen of InkWell Management
Giselle Anatol |
Alexandra Levick of Writers House
Anthony Anaxagorou |
Claudia Young of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Kayla Ancrum |
Eric Smith of P.S. Literary Agency
Charlie Jane Anders |
Russell Galen of Scovil Galen Ghosh Literary Agency, Inc.
Donna Anders |
Sheree Bykofsky of Sheree Bykofsky Associates, Inc.
Natasha Anders |
Kimberly Whalen of The Whalen Agency
Kurt Andersen |
Suzanne Gluck of William Morris Endeavor
Laura Andersen |
Tamar Rydzinski of Context Literary Agency
Ann Anderson |
Jessica Sinsheimer of Context Literary Agency
Barth Anderson |
Kristopher O'Higgins of Scribe Agency
Beth Anderson |
Stephanie Fretwell-Hill of Red Fox Literary
Brian Anderson |
Rosemary Stimola of Stimola Literary Studio
Bryan Anderson |
Deidre Knight of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Catherine Anderson |
Steven Axelrod of The Axelrod Agency
Cory Anderson |
Lindsay Davis Auld of Writers House
David Anderson |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Dianna Anderson |
Hannah Bowman of Liza Dawson Associates
E.M. Anderson |
Keir Alekseii of Jennifer Azantian Literary Agency
Fred Anderson |
Lisa Adams of The Garamond Agency
G.V. Anderson |
Alexander Cochran of Greyhound Literary
Jessica Lee Anderson |
Andrea Cascardi of Transatlantic Literary Agency
Joan Anderson |
Olivia Blumer of The Blumer Literary Agency
KELSEY D.M. Anderson |
Sherri Wilson Johnson of Gardner Literary Agency
Kent Anderson |
Lukas Ortiz of Philip G. Spitzer Literary Agency
Lars Anderson |
Scott Waxman of Waxman Literary Agency
Lily Anderson |
Laura Zats of Headwater Literary Management
Natalie C. Anderson |
Faye Bender of The Book Group
R. J. Anderson |
Caroline Walsh of David Higham Associates Ltd
R.J. Anderson |
Josh Adams of Adams Literary
Robert Anderson |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Ros Anderson |
Sian Ellis-Martin of Blake Friedmann Literary
Shannon Anderson |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Sophie Anderson |
Gemma Cooper of Gemma Cooper Literary
Tony Anderson |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Tre’vell Anderson |
Patrice Caldwell of The Caldwell Agency
Virginia Anderson |
Elizabeth Trupin-Pulli of JET Literary Associates, Inc
Wendy Anderson |
Alyssa Henkin of Birch Path Literary
Wendy Anderson Halperin |
Alyssa Henkin of Birch Path Literary
Gail Anderson-Dargatz |
Jackie Kaiser of Westwood Creative Artists
Stephen Anderton |
Carol Heaton of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Bella Andre |
Jessica Faust of BookEnds, LLC
Sarah Andre |
Maura Kye-Casella of Don Congdon Associates, Inc.
Christopher Andrew |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Jamie Andrew |
Euan Thorneycroft of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Kerry Andrew |
Jessica Woollard of David Higham Associates Ltd
Sally Andrew |
Isobel Dixon of Blake Friedmann Literary
Abi Andrews |
Harriet Moore of Aitken Alexander Associates
Aries Andrews |
Jonathan Cobb of HG Literary
Brian Andrews |
Gina Panettieri of Talcott Notch Literary Services
Claire M. Andrews |
Cate Hart of Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Coleman Andrews |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Donna Andrews |
Ellen Geiger of Frances Goldin Literary Agency
Illona Andrews |
Jack Byrne of Sternig & Byrne
Ilona Andrews |
Nancy Yost of Nancy Yost Literary Agency
Jan Andrews |
Samantha Haywood of Transatlantic Literary Agency
Jessica Andrews |
Chris Wellbelove of Aitken Alexander Associates
Julie Andrews |
Janine Kamouh of William Morris Endeavor
Julie K Andrews |
Olga Filina of 5 Otter Literary
Kell Andrews |
Kathleen Rushall of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Mary Kay Andrews |
Stuart Krichevsky of Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc.
Mesu Andrews |
Tamela Hancock Murray of The Steve Laube Agency
Renee Andrews |
Tamela Hancock Murray of The Steve Laube Agency
Ryan Andrews |
Jen Linnan of Linnan Literary Management LLC
Scott K Andrews |
Oli Munson of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Toni Andrews |
Miriam Kriss of Codex Literary Agency
Camille Andros |
Lori Kilkelly of LK Literary Agency
David Andrusia |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Melissa Anelli |
Rebecca Sherman of Writers House
Joy Ang |
Kelly Sonnack of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Jodi Angel |
Danielle Svetcov of Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency
Janella Angeles |
Thao Le of Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
Josephine Angelini |
Mollie Glick of Creative Artists Agency
Michelle Angello |
Wendy Sherman of Wendy Sherman Associates
Denis Angelov |
Susan Hawk of Upstart Crow Literary
Natalie Angier |
Anne Sibbald of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Tom Angleberger |
Caryn Wiseman of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Yasmin Angoe |
Melissa Edwards of Stonesong
Antonia Angress |
Marya Spence of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Cheryl Angst |
Chris Kepner of The Kepner Agency
Chloe Angyal |
Rebecca Friedman of Rebecca Friedman Literary Agency
Ivie Ani |
Connor Goldsmith of Fuse Literary
Elia Anie |
Michelle Brower of Trellis Literary Management
Mariah Ankenman |
Eva Scalzo of Speilburg Literary Agency
Susan Tate Ankeny |
Jennifer Weis of The Weis Agency
Jennifer Ann Mann |
Kerry Sparks of Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency
David Annand |
Imogen Pelham of Marjacq Scripts
Lili Anolik |
Jennifer Joel of Creative Artists Agency
A. Manette Ansay |
Deborah Schneider of Gelfman Schneider
Manette Ansay |
Jonny Geller of Curtis Brown Group, Ltd.
Roderick Anscombe |
Rachel Calder of The Sayle Literary Agency
Dominique Ansel |
Seth Fishman of The Gernert Company
Neil Ansell |
Jessica Woollard of David Higham Associates Ltd
Carol Anshaw |
Joy Harris of The Joy Harris Literary Agency
Pascal Anson |
Chris Wellbelove of Aitken Alexander Associates
Ashlyn Anstee |
Kelly Sonnack of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Eleanor Anstruther |
Jenny Savill of Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd
Ella Anstruther |
Rachel Calder of The Sayle Literary Agency
Robin Antalek |
Julie Barer of The Book Group
Emily Anthes |
Abigail Koons of Park, Fine & Brower Literary Management
Evelyn Anthony |
Victoria Hobbs of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Joelle Anthony |
Michael Bourret of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Lawrence Anthony |
Lisa Hagan of Lisa Hagan Literary
Michael Anthony |
Matthew Carnicelli of Carnicelli Literary Management
Susanne Antonetta |
Jill Grinberg of Jill Grinberg Literary Management
Sinan Antoon |
Elizabeth Wales of Wales Literary Agency
Raymond Antrobus |
Nicola Chang of David Higham Associates Ltd
Steven Apfelbaum |
Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Ollie Aplin |
Richard Pike of C+W
Carlos Aponte |
John Rudolph of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Gina Apostol |
Kirby Kim of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Marianne Apostolides |
Samantha Haywood of Transatlantic Literary Agency
M. Apostolina |
Jennifer De Chiara of Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency
John Appel |
Hannah Bowman of Liza Dawson Associates
Marty Appel |
Robert Wilson of Wilson Media
Kathi Appelt |
Holly McGhee of Pippin Properties, Inc.
Kathi Appelt |
Elena Giovinazzo of Heirloom Literary
Anne Appert |
Charlotte Wenger of Prospect Agency
Noga Applebaum |
Sophie Gorell Barnes of MBA Literary Agents Ltd
Danny Appleby |
Carly Watters of P.S. Literary Agency
Katherine Applegate |
Marcia Wernick of Wernick & Pratt Agency
Katherine Applegate |
Elena Giovinazzo of Heirloom Literary
Dark Appretince |
Peter Buckman of The Ampersand Agency
Elizabeth April |
Marisa Corvisiero of Corvisiero Literary Agency
Ana Aranda |
Adriana Dominguez of Aevitas Creative Management
Jorge Arangure |
Deirdre Mullane of Mullane Literary
Jules Arbeaux |
Maddy Belton of The Madeleine Milburn Literary Agency
Faye Arcand |
Stacey Kondla of The Rights Factory
Julissa Arce |
Lisa Leshne of The Lisa Leshne Agency
Michael Arceneaux |
Jim McCarthy of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Dosh Archer |
Sophie Hicks of Sophie Hicks Agency
Gretchen Archer |
Stephany Evans of Ayesha Pande Literary
Kira Archer |
Melissa Jeglinski of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Kira Archer |
Cole Lanahan of The Seymour Agency
Lily Archer |
Melissa Flashman of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Ron Archer |
Greg Johnson of WordServe Literary Agency
Shirley Archer |
Coleen O'Shea of Allen O'Shea Literary Agency LLC
Zoe Archer |
Kevan Lyon of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Dreama Archibald |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Carrie Arcos |
Kerry Sparks of Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency
Katherine Arden |
Paul Lucas of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Edward Ardizzone |
Georgia Glover of David Higham Associates Ltd
Sandra Ardoin |
Diana Flegal of Hartline Literary Agency
Ridha Arem |
Angela Rinaldi of The Angela Rinaldi Literary Agency
Christine Arena |
Lisa Hagan of Lisa Hagan Literary
Karla Arenas Valenti |
Ammi-Joan Paquette of Erin Murphy Literary Agency
Daniel Arenson |
Michael Carr of Veritas Literary Agency
Anne Argula |
Vicky Bijur of Vicky Bijur Literary Agency
Amir Ahmadi Arian |
Jessica Craig of Craig Literary
Chloe Aridjis |
Anna Stein of Creative Artists Agency
Frieda Arkin |
Katherine Boyle of Veritas Literary Agency
Nydia Armendia-Sanchez |
Lori Steel of SteelWorks Literary
Jennifer Armentrout |
Kevan Lyon of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Kevan Lyon of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Jennifer Armintrout |
Miriam Kriss of Codex Literary Agency
Addison Armstrong |
Melissa Danaczko of Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc.
C.H. Armstrong |
Tina Schwartz of The Purcell Agency, LLC
Heather Armstrong |
Betsy Lerner of Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency
Jon Armstrong |
Ginger Clark of Ginger Clark Literary
Kate J. Armstrong |
Christabel McKinley of David Higham Associates Ltd
Kelley Armstrong |
Helen Heller of Helen Heller Agency
Kelley Armstrong |
Sarah Heller of Helen Heller Agency
Ken Armstrong |
Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC
Ken Armstrong |
Mollie Glick of Creative Artists Agency
Kevin Armstrong |
Denise Bukowski of The Bukowski Agency
Paul Armstrong |
Charlotte Atyeo of Greyhound Literary
Robb Armstrong |
Victoria Sanders of Victoria Sanders & Associates
Sue Armstrong |
Donald Winchester of Watson, Little Ltd
Tibby Armstrong |
Deidre Knight of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Angela E. Arndt |
Joyce Hart of Hartline Literary Agency
Jess Arndt |
Marya Spence of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Skyla Arndt |
Claire Friedman of InkWell Management
Mindee Arnett |
Suzie Townsend of New Leaf Literary & Media
Alison Arngrim |
Kent Wolf of Neon Literary
David Arnold |
Daniel Lazar of Writers House
Elana K Arnold |
Rubin Pfeffer of Rubin Pfeffer Content
Jeanne Arnold |
Sharon Belcastro of Belcastro Agency
Jason Arnopp |
Oli Munson of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Jake Arnott |
Jonny Geller of Curtis Brown Group, Ltd.
Larry Arnstein |
Paul Levine of Paul S. Levine Literary Agent
Zack Arnstein |
Paul Levine of Paul S. Levine Literary Agent
Steven Arntson |
Sally Wofford-Girand of Union Literary
Katelyn Aronson |
Christa Heschke of McIntosh & Otis, Inc.
Priya Arora |
Connor Goldsmith of Fuse Literary
Guillermo Arriaga |
Laura Dail of Laura Dail Literary Agency, Inc.
Marie-Claire Arrieta |
John Pearce of Westwood Creative Artists
Mary Arrigan |
Sophie Hicks of Sophie Hicks Agency
Aminta Arrington |
Alexis Hurley of InkWell Management
Nick Arrojo |
Lauren Galit of LKG Agency
Meg Arroll |
Antony Topping of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Emily Arsenault |
Laura Langlie of Laura Langlie Agency
Neesha Arter |
Jeff Ourvan of Jennifer Lyons Literary Agency, LLC
Steve Arterburn |
Greg Johnson of WordServe Literary Agency
A.C. Arthur |
Christine Witthohn of Book Cents Literary Agency, LLC
Anthony Arthur |
Deborah Grosvenor of Grosvenor Literary Agency
Artist Arthur |
Christine Witthohn of Book Cents Literary Agency, LLC
Brandon Arthur |
Hillary Fazzari of Bradford Literary Agency
Karen Arthur |
Abi Fellows of DHH Literary
Keri Arthur |
Miriam Kriss of Codex Literary Agency
Stephen Aryan |
Juliet Mushens of Mushens Entertainment
Daniel Asa Rose |
Jennifer Joel of Creative Artists Agency
Diana Asaad |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Catherine Asaro |
Ethan Ellenberg of Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency
Vincent Asaro |
Stephen Barbara of InkWell Management
Robin Asbell |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Thomas Asbridge |
Andrew Gordon of David Higham Associates Ltd
Aurora Ascher |
Brent Taylor of Triada US Literary Agency
Asd Asd |
Peter Knapp of Park, Fine & Brower Literary Management
Olivia Aserr |
Jennifer March Soloway of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
John Ash |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Sarah Ash |
Merrilee Heifetz of Writers House
Sarah Ash |
Susan Smith of MBA Literary Agents Ltd
William Ash |
Scott Waxman of Waxman Literary Agency
Amanda Ashby |
Jenny Bent of The Bent Agency
Katharine Ashe |
Kimberly Whalen of The Whalen Agency
Jay Asher |
Laura Rennert of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Neal Asher |
Simon Kavanagh of Mic Cheetham Literary Agency
Rebecca Asher |
Zoe Waldie of Rogers, Coleridge & White
Sandy Asher |
Wendy Schmalz of Wendy Schmalz Agency
Mary Lee Ashford |
Christine Witthohn of Book Cents Literary Agency, LLC
Claire Ashgrove |
Natalie Lakosil of Looking Glass Literary & Media
Allison Ashley |
Kim Lionetti of BookEnds, LLC
Amanda Ashley |
Ethan Ellenberg of Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency
Kate Ashley |
Megan Carroll of Watson, Little Ltd
Kurek Ashley |
Stephen Hanselman of LevelFiveMedia, LLC
Phillipa Ashley |
Robin Wade of Wade & Co Literary Agency
Mika Ashley-Hollinger |
Catherine Drayton of InkWell Management
Susan Ashline |
Lane Heymont of The Tobias Literary Agency
K.M. Ashman |
James Wills of Watson, Little Ltd
Linda Ashman |
Jennifer Mattson of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Brodi Ashton |
Michael Bourret of Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
Edward Ashton |
Paul Lucas of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Robert Ashton |
Robert Dudley of Robert Dudley Agency
Rosemary Ashton |
Victoria Hobbs of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Adele Ashworth |
Maura Kye-Casella of Don Congdon Associates, Inc.
Jenn Ashworth |
Anthony Goff of David Higham Associates Ltd
Michael Asimow |
Angela Rinaldi of The Angela Rinaldi Literary Agency
Heather Askinose |
Wendy Sherman of Wendy Sherman Associates
Rick Askins |
Sarah Jane Freymann of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
Reza Aslan |
Elyse Cheney of The Cheney Agency
Tony Aspler |
Dean Cooke of Cooke McDermid Literary Agency
Richard Asplin |
Philip Patterson of Marjacq Scripts
Lesley Asquith |
Steve Calcutt of Anubis Literary Agency
Nassim Assefi |
Charlotte Sheedy of Charlotte Sheedy Literary Agency
Kris Asselin |
Kathleen Rushall of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Alex Aster |
Katelyn Detweiler of Jill Grinberg Literary Management
Avery Aster |
Marisa Corvisiero of Corvisiero Literary Agency
Avery Aster |
Kelly Peterson of Rees Literary Agency
Sean Astin |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Dianna Aston |
Rosemary Stimola of Stimola Literary Studio
Rachel Astor |
Alyssa Henkin of Birch Path Literary
Elham Ataeiazar |
Rachel Orr of Prospect Agency
Tanya Atapattu |
Diana Beaumont of DHH Literary
Dallas Athent |
Natalie Kimber of The Rights Factory
Dani Atkins |
Kate Burke of Blake Friedmann Literary
Dawn Atkins |
Ethan Ellenberg of Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency
Guy Atkins |
Susan Smith of MBA Literary Agents Ltd
Jennie Atkins |
Sarah Joy Freese of WordServe Literary Agency
Jennifer Atkins |
Harriet Moore of Aitken Alexander Associates
Lucy Atkins |
Judith Murray of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Marcie F Atkins |
Roseanne Wells of Lucinda Literary
Robert Atkins |
Albert Longden of Albert T. Longden Associates
Hazel Atkinson |
Jenny Savill of Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd
Joyce Atkinson |
Jenny Bent of The Bent Agency
Kristine Atkinson |
Jenny Bent of The Bent Agency
Louise Atkinson |
Antony Topping of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Max Atkinson |
Bill Hamilton of A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd
Ros Atkinson |
Claudia Young of Greene & Heaton Ltd
William Atkinson |
Robert Mackwood of Seventh Avenue Literary Agency
Amelia Atlas |
Amelia Atlas of Creative Artists Agency
Teddy Atlas |
Scott Waxman of Waxman Literary Agency
Alison Atlee |
Emmanuelle Morgen of Stonesong
Vincent Atomico |
Tori Sharp of Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency
Kevan Atteberry |
Scott Treimel of Scott Treimel New York Agency
Jami Attenberg |
Douglas Stewart of Sterling Lord Literistic
Nadia Attia |
John Baker of Bell Lomax Moreton Agency
Helena Attlee |
Antony Topping of Greene & Heaton Ltd
Olivia Atwater |
Christabel McKinley of David Higham Associates Ltd
Roger Atwood |
Gary Morris of David Black Literary Agency
Henry T. Aubin |
Beverley Slopen of Beverley Slopen Literary Agency
Ashley Audrain |
Madeleine Milburn of The Madeleine Milburn Literary Agency
Jean Auel |
Jennifer Weltz of Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency
Kimberlee Auerbach |
Elisabeth Weed of The Book Group
John August |
Jodi Reamer of Writers House
Norman R. Augustine |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Bronte Aurell |
Jane Graham Maw of Graham Maw Christie Literary Agents
Andrew Auseon |
Erica Bauman of Aevitas Creative Management
Kaylie Austen |
Victoria Cappello of The Bent Agency
Paul Auster |
Carol Mann of Carol Mann Agency
Saul Austerlitz |
Laurie Abkemeier of DeFiore and Company
Finola Austin |
Danielle Egan-Miller of Browne & Miller Literary Associates
Lynnette Austin |
Nicole Resciniti of The Seymour Agency
Raymond Austin |
Cori Deyoe of 3 Seas Literary Agency
Winter Austin |
Marisa Corvisiero of Corvisiero Literary Agency
Julian Austwick |
Susan Smith of MBA Literary Agents Ltd
Tracy Austwick |
Susan Smith of MBA Literary Agents Ltd
Ramona Ausubel |
PJ Mark of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Aashna Avachat |
Laurel Symonds of KT Literary
Swati Avasthi |
Rosemary Stimola of Stimola Literary Studio
Caris Avendaño Cruz |
Melanie Figueroa of Root Literary
Sheila M. Averbuch |
Jennifer Laughran of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Mary Averling |
Kelly Sonnack of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Joy Avery |
Elaine Spencer of The Knight Agency, Inc.
Louise Avery |
Jane Graham Maw of Graham Maw Christie Literary Agents
Victoria Aveyard |
Suzie Townsend of New Leaf Literary & Media
Tom Avitable |
Donald Maass of Donald Maass Literary Agency
John P. Avlon |
Frank Weimann of Folio Literary Management
Barry Avrich |
Michael Levine of Westwood Creative Artists
Mona Awad |
Bill Clegg of The Clegg Agency
Jashar Awan |
Erica Rand Silverman of Stimola Literary Studio
Aysha Awwad |
Emily Talbot of United Agents, Ltd
David Axe |
Bernadette Baker-Baughman of Victoria Sanders & Associates
Steven Axelrod |
Steven Axelrod of The Axelrod Agency
Carina Axelsson |
Jenny Savill of Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd
Heidi Ayarbe |
Stephen Barbara of InkWell Management
Mimi Aye |
Juliet Pickering of Blake Friedmann Literary
Starr Ayers |
Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency
Laurel Aylesworth |
Essie White of Storm Literary Agency
E.A. Aymar |
Michelle Richter of Fuse Literary
Katherine Ayres |
Kendra Marcus of Bookstop Literary Agency
Pam Ayres |
Sonia Land of Sheil Land Associates Ltd
Lucy Ayrton |
Laetitia Rutherford of Watson, Little Ltd
Nafiza Azad |
Katelyn Detweiler of Jill Grinberg Literary Management
Susannah Aziz |
Adria Goetz of KT Literary
Abdul Raman Azzam |
Isobel Dixon of Blake Friedmann Literary
Trezza Azzopardi |
Juliet Pickering of Blake Friedmann Literary